
Awakening (1)

Glowing dark red eyes with three black tomoe pattern around the small black pupil resembling a wheel.

Eyes that looked as if they were the embodiment of hatred and grief itself born from the strong emotions of heart regarding the people considered as precious.

The eye that reflects the heart.

Sharingan (Copy/Mirror Wheel Eye).

"How...how did you possess that eye?"

There's no way Haruto did not recognize such a famous eye. In fact, most of the people on his peerage back in his old world would definitely know about this.

Those who read or watched the series Naruto would surely recognize it as an exclusive ability belonged to the Uchiha clan.

Even the male friends on Haruto's school time to time would imagine themselves possessing such eyes whether openly during middle school or secretly once they've graduated from their 'sickness'. One of them included Haruto himself.

That was a black history he shut deep inside his mind.

And now that very eyes a lot of boys dreamed of was right in front of him, possessed by an unknown man.

"....Kid, you know about my eye?"

The masked man sounded like he was shocked knowing his opponent calling out the name of his eyes. The Sharingan shown from the mask was wide opened, showing his surprise.

'So it's indeed like that...' Haruto sighed in his heart.

"...What I know of was that those eyes should not be possessed by someone like you."


The masked man response confirmed Haruto's thought so he smiled bitterly while making a retort to his enemy.

Of course he did. It because there's no way an Uchiha would be in this world, at least they shouldn't be.

Then there's one possibility remaining.

"Are you an otherworlder?"

"...Indeed, I am. But you too are the same aren't you kid? I can see with my eyes that your body was not normal, it was far more special than I am. Even I did not have a change of constitution due to my "Awakening" of this power."

The masked man narrowed his red eyes and examined his opponent's body. He could see how exceptional the body constitution was.

From muscles, bones, cells, organs, blood, right to the composition of the energy flow in his body, they were all exquisite and extraordinary, far different than other people he knew of.

His entire body was like a raging beast. Violent and ferocious, ready to devour and strike against anyone to satiate its bloodlust.

It seemed like a mighty gigantic ape. Such silhouette appeared on the masked man's eyes.

Actually, he could also faintly saw a silhouette of a dragon but he's not sure about that because it was very faint.

Haruto also secretly contemplating what his enemy just said.

It seemed the man was indeed an awakened otherworlder just like Rikka and Asami. But to think he was from the Uchiha clan.

And now regarding of what the man did so far, it was finally made sense to him.

The power to manipulate space-time dimensional. There's one character from the series he knew of possessing the Sharingan with such ability.

Uchiha Obito!

Just as Haruto declared that on his heart, the masked man eyes changed their patterns.

Now their shapes resembled a pinwheel with three stretched triangles evenly spaced around the pupil that each curve at the top around the eye to form a circle.

Now, there's no doubt, it was the design of Obito's Mangekyou Sharingan.

"I don't know how you managed to identify my ability kid, maybe we knew each other on our previous life but unfortunately that still wouldn't help you."

"What did you say?"



A small void vortex suddenly formed on Haruto's chest trying to devour his body like a black hole.



He immediately put his fingers on his forehead and performed Instant Transmission to escape from the swirling void.



The masked man was astonished seeing his opponent disappeared from the place and went to his back in an instant.

Haruto launched a flying drop kick, kicking the masked man right on his side and sent him crashing to the ground.

His surprise attack succeed to land a hit on the opponent. Haruto knew that even though Kamui was very hard to counter without utilizing similar ability, it was not impossible to fight by catching his opponent off guard.

*Swirl* *Swirl*



A similar swirling vortex appeared on Haruto's side and he reflexively raised his arm and blocked the attack coming from the figure appearing out of the void.

Still, his right arm was grazed by the kunai the masked man used to attack him just now. It was letting out blood from the deep cut.

"I never thought you could use a teleportation technique, you really got me there. Could it be that we have a similar ability, kid?"

"Who knows? Why don't you guess?" Haruto sneered at the man while holding his damaged right arm. But deep down he was sweating profusely because thanks to receiving the attack, now he could measure the enemy's true capability.

The conclusion he got was that this masked man had already reached the peak of humanity. A Semi-Transcendent.

There's a small realm before a being entered the realm of Transcendent and it was the Semi-Transcendent or also known as half-step Transcendent. Even though he still haven't completely entered the realm of gods, but that's still far above normal people. The emperor Zelrigth also belonged to this realm.

With Haruto's current power, there's zero possibility to win against him. Until now, he was lucky that the man did not fight seriously or else he would be killed in an instant.

What should he do? He was racking his brain to try finding a way against the situation.

Still, with the opponent's power and abilities he possessed it was all hopeless. Haruto's strength was simply far from enough. It was highly known that Semi-Transcendents' power did not too far off from true Transcendents, beings with ungodly power.

The enemy possessed absolute strength and he did not, it was as simple as that. If he fought him some time later after he grew a lot more then perhaps it would be a different story but alas, the current him was still not strong enough to stand against such adversary.

Even ten thousands Ifrits together wouldn't compare to someone like the masked man. That's just how strong he is.

"Hmm, you're getting more and more interesting in my eyes. I really like to know how much more can you do but...."

The masked man did not seem to notice Haruto's thought and touched his chin while opening his mouth.

"It looks like there are better opponents for you than me."


*Rumble* *Rumble*

A sound of rumbling echoed from the large rock structure where the masked man's base was located.

"About time...."

The masked man smirked behind the mask while observing the place his 'lab' was.

He proceeded to perform Kamui there and opened a large dimensional gate leading the inside to the outside world.

"What are those things...?"

Several monstrous figures began to appear from the portal the masked man opened.

They were all humanoid with hulky body reaching about 5 meters tall. Their muscles swelled thick haphazardly with fiendish arms and legs, full black and dark red in color.

The head part was very disgusting, it was just like a rotten lump of flesh while they were letting out ominous red mist all over their body.

That red mist was just like the black minotaurs he encountered back then in the dungeon. And also a small portion of it founded inside the shadow monsters from Tartarus.

Haruto still didn't know at this time that those hulk monsters were actually the people kidnapped by the masked man.