
A Man's Mistake

As what Rayne said there's a cooldown being placed on the teleporation function to explore Tartarus the moment he came back.

There's a timer showing 69:52:32 on the exploration section of the card. Every second the right most number decreased by one so it's going to be three days until he could enter the tower again.

And so for the two days Haruto planned to register both Asami and Rikka as adventurers while having his other companions to do quests to improve their ranks.

He managed to buy a low leveled storage ring for three thousands quartz on the Middle District marketplace. With this their luggages would be significantly reduced. Maybe in the future he'll bought the more expensive one but for now this is already enough.

The second day the registration for his sister and lover went successfully while Fia also managed to rank up into blue rank, gaining access to Tartarus just like Haruto. Kaori already in yellow rank a few days ago and right now she was making her way to green rank.

It's not a big deal for her to take care of 4 to 5 quests in a single run so she ranked up very fast. The adventurers started calling her as 'Princess of Massacre' due to the fact she always returned back to the guild after killing more than a hundred monsters, she's also a beautiful girl so the title princess also fittable for her.

Though the problem was that the one she massacre was not only monsters but also men who's trying to get on her good side only to be 'slaughtered' pitifully.

Haruto instead of feeling concern for Kaori he was more feeling pity for the men who went after her. After all if she used Disintegration on their 'good son'.....

Just thinking about it made Haruto chills.

Anyway now that all his members were now registered on the guild it was time for him to prepare for a departure.

A month from now the qualifications for the Tenkaichi Budokai will began in the beastman country and Haruto needed to start his journey there soon.

The beastman country was located on the eastern continent so it was very far away from their location. All in all it would need around three weeks to reach the capital of beastman country.

And so today they were all going shopping for the supplies on their trip. Rikka was quite excited because she always loved trips ever since she made friends back in school. Haruto thought she's really cute like that and she sulked when Haruto laughed at her.

Though seeing them like that made the others' face as if they just swallowed a bucket of sugar. It's all because they just look like flirting in their eyes.

Asami already learned their relationships with each other so she's not surprise seeing thrm acting intimate time to time. And yet for some reason she wanted to smack that brother's head of hers.

Well things aside, their preparation went smoothly and there's still excess on their budget from the Tartarus exploration and Kaori's quest frenzy. The rewards and the spoils she sold earned quite a lot.

Haruto also did not idle and went out doing a few quests himself. As a red rank his quests already involved slaying High rank monsters or escorting someone with status. Though he didn't accept those with a long destination.

By now he already felt a sense of fullness within him maybe it wouldn't be long before he had his next [Growth].

That didn't mean he's all happy about that because he still recalled all that troubles he himself brought during that state that he wish to forget and yet couldn't.

One of the most important thing about that was the accident he committed on Lena the female knight whom until now never contacted him or Selianna.

He thought before departing two days later he should paid a visit tomorrow at her place. Somehow when he thought about it more clearly, there's something wrong about all that happenings between him and her.

She told him that they both did not go too far and yet his instinct was warning him there's more to the story. Could it be she's hiding something?

What if something DID happen?


Haruto could not help but sweating hard from the thought if its true then he truly did something awful to her.

No no no, it's too early to reach conclusions. And still should he tell Selianna and the others about this? For some reason he had a strong urge not to but since they all girls maybe they knew what Lena was thinking if they're in her position.

Thus he decided to ask the others. And after he finished talking he was barraged by a series of incredulous gazes.

"I don't know what to say Milord....." Selianna rubbed her temples.

"Haruto-nii do you really believe nothing had happened?" Fia was amazed.

"There's a limit to being a blockhead Nii-sama...." Even Elsie sighed deeply.

"H-H-H-Haruto-kun is actually....." Kaori was flustered.

"I never known you actually did something like that before Haru-kun....." Rikka was dumbfounded.

"Haru....." Asami looked at him as if he's trash.


Haruto was now already bathing in cold sweat this was very difficult to endure especially the sad look on Rikka's face and Asami's absolute zero glare. Both of them already learnt about [Growth] but they still taken aback hearing his antics.

I can't help it okay!? I'm not being myself at that time!!

The boy shouted on his mind.

"*Sigh* Milord, you have to study more regarding a girl's heart."

"S-S-So, she's lying after all?" Haruto asked while stuttering.

"Think about it, you suddenly fell unconscious in the middle of the act? What kind of reasoning was that? And how could you passing out while being fully energetic? That's obviously a make up lie."

....Right, that's also the thing weighing on his mind that's why he felt something's off

This is bad, this is really bad.

Let's say that it did happened but that's still not the most worrying subject. It was the other problem, and it was regarding whether he used a contraception or not.

He really couldn't remember about it and what if he didn't? What if she turned out to be pregnant...?


Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit what to do what to do what to do what to do!?



Just when his mind was in chaos and he's panicking not knowing what to do a hand grabbed his shoulder from behind. He turned his head and saw a demon there.


Asami was smiling with a ve~ry dark expression. There's an illusion of black miasma coming out from her body.

"Go to her place. Now." She pointed to the door with her thumb and said with a monotone voice.

"Yes ma'am...."

And so rather than tomorrow he decided to visit her right away....