
The Lazy Sixth Hokage, Nara Yoshio

Mc died after saving a future scientist and got change to get reincarnated in Naruto world with two wishes. He gets born in Nara clan as Shikamaru's older brother by two years. With his extra large chakra pool and perfect chakra control, he was natural genius but cannot let go of his special trait which is being lazy..

Gursimran_Singh_8817 · Tranh châm biếm
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Well my baby life both sucked and rocked. It sucked because I could not control my body and naturally the time to relieve my business ( toilet ). Otherise my life could not be better as I had all the time in the world to act lazy.

When I became 2 days old , I accidentally discovered that I had an amazing power which should be Chakra sense. I wanted to mediate at night and feel my chakra so I just gave it a try to see whether my parents were asleep or not and it really worked. Maybe it's because my soul is originally not from this world or due to some other reason , anyway my range of chakra sense was very large if I say so myself.

After closing my eyes and concentrating , I could see everything in black and white inside 10 meters sphere around myself even underground. Naturally my baby brain got tired easily so I could only activate it for at most one minute before feeling headache.

Chakra was really amazing thing. I could feel my chakra inside my body near in stomach area easily on my first day. I had nothing else to do so when I was alone during night time , I tried to manipulate my chakra inside my body and had to say that it was too easy. I concluded that this must be because I had perfect chakra control.

Still my mental power was very low even though my mind is that of an adult because my body was too small. So I could only circulate my chakra for a full cycle inside my body two times before feeling tired and falling asleep. I also discovered that my chakra amount grew daily after every cycle and the growth was not small either. I could not tell the exact amount because I had no idea about the chakra reserves of others at that time.

Things changed overtime as I could feel my body becoming stronger at fast pace after every night and my chakra amount becoming larger. At first it was size of a small room but in just one year , it increased to size of a dam. I knew that this was abnormal for my age so the first thought was to hide my real chakra signature from others.

I felt this urgency because on my first birthday damn Hyuga came to attend the celebration and in huge numbers on top of that. Well I was first son of Nara clan head so it was to expected though. Fortunately I discovered that I could disguise my real chakra signature easily with my perfect chakra control so even byakugan users could not find anything wrong with it short period of time.

My dad was very busy person as I could barely see him once in a month after few days of my birth. From conversations around me , I understood the reason though. The third ninja war was on going so my dad being an elite jonin and advisor of Hokage , was busy with either missions or meetings all the time. I seriously felt bad for him because I could see from the first small interaction with him that we both liked to be lazy. Such workload must be no different than torture for him.

My mom was a very beautiful and kind lady. She was a retired special jonin and took care of household matters plus Nara clan's business of medicine herbs. We were rich actually and I was looking forward to use money freely in future. Mom told me many stories about different famous ninja every night like Hashirama , Tobirama and even Minato. I guessed that Minato must already be very famous ninja even though he had no gotten his famous nickname yet.

Well I did not have to wait as in few days after I became a year old , we got news at the village that Yellow Flash of Konoha had slain thousand Rock enemies alone in a swift battle causing the almighty Rock village to sign peace treaty with Konoha. My mind felt tensed instead of much joy because I knew that Obito was already in the hands of Madara and Zetsu. From the conversations , I confirmed that everything went like the story as Obito was announced dead and Kakashi got his eye while becoming depressed. It was easy to get information for me because my Nara clan people were intelligent and liked to discuss many things even at home with each other.

I shrugged the depressing stuff off though because I was too lazy to care about future stuff yet. To make my mom happy, I started creating in open when I became one year old and said my first word " Mom" when I became 1 year 8 months old. I deliberately did things late because I did not want to get unnecessary attention from others from small age.

The war was basically over when I became one year old as only Cloud village was persistent one and Minato became Fourth Hokage. I met him and Kushina many times because both my mom and Kushina were pregnant. When I became 2 years and 3 months old , my little brother Shikamaru was born. I seriously loved him because he was very cute and chubby little thing. I played with his cheeks all the time and even told him stories at night time. He resembled dad a lot because he was quiet one while I spent most of my time in library reading scrolls and notes.

One day when I was playing with Shikamaru who was about three weeks old in the courtyard of our residence when huge roar sounded and I felt malicious and thick chakra signature from the direction of market area. I sighed because I could not do anything to prevent this tragedy from happening in the end. I shook my head and immediately calmed little Shikamaru down before enhancing my body roughly with my chakra and dashing towards the direction of emergency shelter while hopping on roofs. Maybe because of my huge chakra pool, I had immense stamina and vitality so I did not have any fear of tiring myself mid way at all..

I could see mom far behind me wearing her ninja uniform this time and felt relieved that she had read my letter otherise it would be a pain if she started searching for me and Shika everywhere frantically. I knew that I was going to be scolded later though because I did not wait for others and went alone with my bro.