
The Lazy Sixth Hokage, Nara Yoshio

Mc died after saving a future scientist and got change to get reincarnated in Naruto world with two wishes. He gets born in Nara clan as Shikamaru's older brother by two years. With his extra large chakra pool and perfect chakra control, he was natural genius but cannot let go of his special trait which is being lazy..

Gursimran_Singh_8817 · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Timeskip 2

The emergency shelter was inside the Hokage mountain. I reached there in minutes because I ran at full speed while enhancing my legs with chakra and used my chakra sense fully to avoid rubbles and people on the way.

I even saw Itachi carrying a few months old Sasuke on the way but avoided them because it would be troublesome to explain about my skill with chakra body enhancement to other people.

I wanted to watch the battle but the chunin uncle at the shelter absolutely forbade me from going outside. So I had no choice to hold Shika in my arms and play with him by making faces while sitting with others.

After about two hours , the sounds of battle could not be heard anymore and we went outsude one by one. I felt the scare of my life at the entrance because mom was waiting there with a smile on her face but I could only see a demon apparition behind her.

Well I had prepared myself for punishment but instead I got a hug from mom who started crying and squeezing me. I felt warmth inside my heart because I could feel that she was extremely worried about me. I started patting her back and swore that I will do my best to never make her cry again in future..

We came back to our clan compound and got the news that we lost seven chunin and one jonin from the main and branch clan combined today. I could only sigh and went towards my room with little Shika who was sleeping already. I could not sleep that night so spent it meditating while trying to calm my mind the whole time. In fact I liked Minato and Mushi very much because they were very pure in nature and were friends with my parents. I was even asked to take care of their child like a big brother and decided to take care of Naruto as much as I could from now on. I could only do so much because the damn council and Danzo were troublesome..

Days passed and became months and three years in no time. Some events happened like I went to the party at Hyuga compound when Hinata was born. I saw many people spreading the news of demon child which was Naruto. I noted all their names down after gathering information and gave the list to my dad while also telling him that they all were under the effect of some sort of genjutsu. Damn that vicious Danzo even using civilians as his pawns. I had disclosed the fact that I could use chakra sense to my dad when I became three years old and we both decided to keep it a secret between both of us. My dad became more respectable figure in my mind after that incident because I came to know that he was not like many others who were completely brainwashed by Hokage's will of fire lectures.

Mom even wanted to adopt Naruto and we went to 3rd Hokage along with uncle Choza and Inoichi . Sadly the Elders were stubborn and we did not get the permission. That day , I secretly decided to get rid of these two old fools along with Danzo in future. They were just too arrogant and manipulative by nature. I could send emotions to some extent with my powerful chakra sense so they could not hope to deceive me like others with their facade.

I respected old man Hokage a little though because I could tell from his emotions that he really believed in so called will of fire blindly. He even tried to lecture me some times and I pretended to agree because I needed to have good relationship with Hokage in future who was supposed to be most powerful figure in the village and its government. I respected him because he was strong and had a good brain on his head unlike Danzo and other elders who mostly cared about themselves. If Hokage did not have his twisted sense of will of fire then he would be worthly of my full respect not the little lone like right now..

I had to admit one thing that baby Ino and Choji were even cuter than my baby bro Shika. Choji in fact was too cute like with his small eyes and chubby cheeks. I became big bro of these three cute things because their parents forced me to take care of them at least once in a week. Not that I mind it though. It's just that I had little time to laze around now ever since I started walking on my two legs..

Dad and mom did not allow me to read jutsu scrolls which was annoying but I decided to comply with them because I was too lazy to argue with them. Soon I could read and practice jutsu anyway.

When I became four years old , dad told me the method to unlock my chakra. I could not tell him that I had unlocked my chakra on the second day after my birth already so I faked practicing the breathing method and showed them a pitiful chakra signature compared to my real one. In fact at that time I had chakra amount close to 75 percent of my dad's already . Way to go unlimited potential and 100 times average chakra pool.

Shika became bigger with passing time and even started walking and talking. I cried actually when he spoke his first word which was " An chan " . It meant oni chan or big brother. Damn he really paid for my time which I wasted on taking care of him at least four hours every day. Mom was actually jealous of me because of this so she cut my food to half for one week to show her displeasure. I found it very cute behaviour..

Now I had become 5 years 4 months old and it was finaly time to start attending the damn academy with other kids. I swore to learn shadow clone jutsu as soon as possible because I could not bring myself to spend time mingling with five year old kids daily.. I was very satisfied with my progress though because my chakra reserves had already surpassed that of my dad's and my body was very strong due to my insane vitality and some stretching and training which I started doing in secret after becoming 2 years old...