
The Lazy Sixth Hokage, Nara Yoshio

Mc died after saving a future scientist and got change to get reincarnated in Naruto world with two wishes. He gets born in Nara clan as Shikamaru's older brother by two years. With his extra large chakra pool and perfect chakra control, he was natural genius but cannot let go of his special trait which is being lazy..

Gursimran_Singh_8817 · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Shadow Clones

Five days passed since the day Yoshio talked with Hokage about the idea of Kalashi taking care of the blonde kid.

Yoshio had no idea that Hokage showed his dominance for once and shut up the Elders and council who tried to deny the proposal . Yoshio was very happy when Kakashi himself came to pick up Naruto the night of the day and told his mom that he was going to take care of Naruto from now on.

Other than practicing calligraphy and attending boring academy, Yoshio only played with his cute brother for next few days. He was actually waiting for the day when his parents are out for a while so that he can enter inside the clan library without their knowledge. He had no choice for this because his parents never let him stay inside the library for more than ten minutes and he had to report them about the books he borrowed too.

The day finaly came. His mom was out for finalizing a medicine herb deal with a famous merchant while his dad was out for his ninja business. Yoshio played with Shika until he fell asleep and then readily head towards the library building which was located in the middle area of the clan compound.

The building was very wide and one storey. Yoshio greeted the retired Elder sitting at the counter with a respectful bow as he was actually very strong. Yoshio had heard from his dad that he was a retired jonin and besides his chakra reserves were almost as big as his dad too. The Elder smiled back and let him enter inside the building easily.

Yoshio was feeling excited so he hopped inside and was awed by the sight. The hall was more than 50 meters in diameter and he could see many scrolls and old books lying inside several big bookshelves neatly. He never got bored of this sight even after visiting the building for many times already. Well he was lazy but knowledge of jutsu was very fascinating for him who was originally not from this world.

There were no different rooms and the knowledge was divided by ranks from E to A. In short he could learn even A rank jutsu from here even though they were small in number. Yoshio did not waste anytime and went towards the second last bookshelf directly where he chose the jutsu scroll of shadow clone jutsu from several other B ranks.

Yoshio sat on the wooden floor and started reading the contents with his full focus. Honestly he could understand the diagrams but did not understand most of the notes. Fortunately he understood the part which said that he had to form required hand seals while kneading his chakra accordingly. Then he has to scan his body fully once and release the jutsu with the last hand seal.

Yoshio did not have the confidence to succeed on his first try because even though he had perfect chakra control , it was still his first time practicing any real jutsu after coming to this world.

He carefully made the hand seals one by one while keeping his focus on the right path to knead his chakra. He felt his chakra covering his whole body once and then a Cloud of smoke appeared after he had made the last hand seal.

Yoshio smirked because he could already feel his huge chakra reserves instantly halved. He looked in the right direction and as expected a copy of him was standing there looking at him too.

Yoshio - Yo!

Clone - Yo!

Both of them started making faces and then shook hands after laughing. The scene was a bit comical but Yoshio was actually being emotional because it was the first time he tried the ninjutsu in real life and succeeded.

With just a thought Yoshio dispelled the shadow clone and got its memories back. A sting of pain came but that's all. Still Yoshio knew that he had to get used to the mental backlash otherwise he wont be able to create more than ten shadow clones simultaneously in future.

His choice to gain perfect chakra control using a wish was sure enough wise. After all it would have been impossible for a novice like him to succeed in using a B rank ninjutsu on his first try otherwise. Now Yoshio was familiar with the process of dividing his chakra while creating shadow clones. So he started making hand seals and this time easily created three shadow clones. His chakra was divided equally into four parts but was no problem considering his insane amount of chakra reserves.

Meanwhile inside Root Headquarters.

This headquarters was hidden well underground near the outskirts of Konoha. It was very spacious spanning for more than three kilometers in width and the buildings had many floors too. In the middle was a spacious open ground where many young shinobi could be seen training. Without expectation their faces were devoid of emotion though. Inside one of the most secret rooms in this base currently Danzo was alone and several broken vases were surrounding him.

Danzo - Damn you Hiruzen. How dare you..

Danzo's eyes were bloodshot from extreme anger even though one was wrapped up behind a white bandage.

Danzo - Fu!

A root ninja wearing total black uniform immediately came and kneeled before him. He had orange hair and dead eyes. His name was Yamanaka Fu and could be called one of the best puppet subordinate of Danzo.

Danzo - I want to know who foiled my plans. That Hiruzen is too naive and soft to realise anything himself. Find the enemy before things start to go more out of hand..

Fu flickered away to complete his mission. Both of them had no idea that they wont be able to find anything significant. After all only Hokage knew that 5 year old Yoshio was the one behind the suggestion. Hokage would never sell him out because in his eyes , Yoshio was now an excellent to nurture and even possible future candidate for Hokage position. Of course even Yoshio had no idea that he was now so highly evaluated by old man Hokage. Currently Yoshio's clones were busy trying the three academy jutsu inside the Nara clan's library while the original practiced his calligraphy diligently but his face was saying that he wants to sleep now..