
The Lazy Sixth Hokage, Nara Yoshio

Mc died after saving a future scientist and got change to get reincarnated in Naruto world with two wishes. He gets born in Nara clan as Shikamaru's older brother by two years. With his extra large chakra pool and perfect chakra control, he was natural genius but cannot let go of his special trait which is being lazy..

Gursimran_Singh_8817 · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs


Well I died. Every human has to die one day so I thought I had prepared myself to brace death but I did not imagine that I would saving the future humanity's best scientist.

I was what you call a hardcore Otaku and my best trait would be that I was a very lazy person. In short, I had nothing to be proud of and even my parents had given up on me by the time I entered high school.

Still I had a good brain so managed to pass school and got a job as assistant software engineer in a upstart company. The reason I took this job was simply because I could do it from my home while spending most of the day reading manga and watching anime.

Then Covid 19 came and I became more lazy than before as our company shut down due to lack of work and funds. I had some savings which were enough to eat for even a year so I was having a great time. Sadly e everything has to end one day.

My supplies were almost gone and home deliveries were impossible. So I had no choice but to go out myself. I did step out of my cheap apartment only to find a beautiful teenager girl being molested by two ruffians in nearby dark alley. Well nobody was out of their home all the time these days so such crimes had naturally became more common.

Well I had to save her because I was not a human scum. So I picked a few pebbles from the road and threw them at the ruffians. The girl was saved but who would save me from the scum who got angered and had taken out sharp knives from their pockets? I was not some Martial arts master so I knew that I had fucked up.

The girl's luck was great as the police arrived in time but mine was worst as police only arrived after I had two knives pierced inside my gut. First I felt hot then cold and after that I lost my consciousness..

I woke up inside a traditional Japanese small room and met a High God as he introduced himself like that. He was the one who told me that the girl I had saved became humanity's best scientist in future and whatever..

Now to the present..

God - You have to cleanse your soul from Karma before reincarnation as it's the universal system. The thing is that you have accumulated too much karma for normal human soul thus I will give you chance to reincarnate in one of those Fictional worlds..

Me - Etto.. is this situation like those fanfictions , I have read before ?

God - You can say that but your wishes have limitations.

Me - So I will get wishes then. How many ?

God - Well first one will be used for choosing your world and random birth origin. You have two wishes left then.

Me - I see. So no system or something like that for me then ?

God - No. As I said before your wishes have limitations. You will have to combine at least five wishes into one for gaining a system. So no system for you..

Me - Its too bad then. Okay, I have chosen my two wishes and next world then. I choose Narutoverse and 1000 times larger chakra reserves potential comparing to average ninja. For my second wish, I want passive perfect chakra control.

God - Intersting choices son but your first wish exceeds the limitation. I can only provide you 100 times chakra reserves potential instead of 1000 times. So,do you want to change your wish then ?

Me - Can you tell me how much chakra will I have compared to Naruto's ?

God - Well you will have more chakra than him in short. Your body will be created by me so it will have unlimited growth potential compared to Naruto and Sasuke too.

Me - Holy shit. Now that's broken. Okay,I'm fine with 100 times chakra reserves then.

God - Sure. Any more questions ?

Me - Yes. Will my timeline or clan be randomly chosen?

God - Yes. You can be rest assured as I will make sure that you are born in Konoha. As you for clan, that will depend on the comlatibality with your soul.

Me - Timeline ?

God - That will be random.. Now it's time for you to go. Dont die young this time son..

Me - I will try. Thanks mr. God..

Then suddenly everything went blank ..