
The Lazy Sixth Hokage, Nara Yoshio

Mc died after saving a future scientist and got change to get reincarnated in Naruto world with two wishes. He gets born in Nara clan as Shikamaru's older brother by two years. With his extra large chakra pool and perfect chakra control, he was natural genius but cannot let go of his special trait which is being lazy..

Gursimran_Singh_8817 · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Nara Yoshio


Inside the hospital, many Nara clansmen were chatting happily while Nara Yoshino ( future mother of Shikamaru ) was screaming in pain inside one of the surgery rooms.

Nara Shikaku was a very capable jonin of Konoha. He liked to act Lazy like any other Nara but to his dismay , he was both Nara clan head and advisor to Hokage thus making him extremely busy person.

Shikaku was heading home after discussing some matter with 3rd Hokage when a anbu flickered before him and told him that his wife Yoshino was giving birth. Shikaku immediately dashed towards the hospital and could not hide his worry because no matter what, it was his first time experiencing such thing.

When he reached inside the hospital, he saw his two childhood friends Inoichi and Choza who were waiting for him for about an hour now.

Shikaku - Inoichi , it's true that Yoshino collapsed while shopping ? Is she alright ?

Inoichi - Haha.. dont worry my friend. Choza found her in time and carried her here by himself. So doctor said that she will be fine.

Choza patted his chest himself with a Dong and reassured Shikaku with a smile.

Shikaku released a long sigh and returned to his usual sharp and lazy self..

The three of them immediately decided to wait and sat on empty couch and started talking about the situation of the 3rd Ninja war which was currently going on.

Choza - * munch munch * Ne.. Shikaku, what did you discuss with Hokage sama ?

Shikaku - Ma.. the meeting was a drag as the Elders started bickering with Danzo in the middle of the meeting. In the end we decided to send Minato and his team to guard the Kannabi bridge and destroy it if needed to halt the advance of Rock village forces forcefully..

Inoichi - Hmm.. then we can rest assured as Minato is very strong and will definitely be able to handle this mission..

Choza - Hahaha.. my student Might Gai always brags about Kakashi and I have to say that he is really a great genius like his father Hatake Sakumo..

Their chat was forcefully stopped by a joyous news which a medical kunoichi came and told them herself..

Kunoichi - Congratulations Nara sama, you have become father of a healthy baby boy ! You should go a meet both mother and baby now..

Choza - Hahaha.. Shikaku you became a father before the two of us even though three of us married almost at the same time..

Inoichi - That's right. We expect a party from you tonight but now you should go and congratulate Yoshino san for her hard work..

Shikaku nodded and followed behind the medical kunoichi with a small smile on his face.. Soon they reached a separate patient room where a tired Yoshino was lying on the bed with a smile on her face while holding a baby boy who was wrapped in a clean white cloth and blinking his eyes every second..

' That's.. Nara Shikaku, if I'm not mistaken. So this means that I'm son of Nara clan head ? It looks my lazy self was very compatible with Nara blood then... '

The body was our Mc who woke up few minutes ago. He quietly listened to the talk of his new mother and father while thinking of some future plans to pass time. Finally after about two minutes , both his parents came to the main point and Mc sighed in relief mentally. His baby brain urges him to sleep but he rejected the notion despite his lazy self because of one simple reason which is that he wanted to hear his new name first.

Yoshino - What will be our baby boy's name , husband ?

Shikaku - Nara Yoshio. His deceased second grandfather will be happy that we gave him his name...

Yoshino - Hm.. You hear you lazy dad my baby. Your name will be Yoshio from now on.

The said baby was very pleased with the name because it turned out to be same one as his past life. He started giggling cutely while his parents smiled thinking that their baby boy liked his name very much ...