
The Lazy Sixth Hokage, Nara Yoshio

Mc died after saving a future scientist and got change to get reincarnated in Naruto world with two wishes. He gets born in Nara clan as Shikamaru's older brother by two years. With his extra large chakra pool and perfect chakra control, he was natural genius but cannot let go of his special trait which is being lazy..

Gursimran_Singh_8817 · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs


At Ichiraku ramen.

Yoshio - ( Damn this brat. I have insane vitality but can barely eat four bowls of ramen and this kid two years younger than me can eat seven already. It's insane.)

[ A/N - from now on the thoughts will be written in () brackets. Dont mistake them from dialogues now. ]

Naruto - * blurp * Nii chan, why are you looking at me like that dattebayo?

Yoshio - Well I was thinking that you can eat very well for a small 3 year old kid.

Yoshio smiled playfully and started ruffling Naruto's blonde hair ignoring his pouts.

Yoshio - Yosh. Now let's go meet Hokage jiji. Uncle Teuchi , how much is the bill ?

Teuchi - Its 1100 ryo for 11 bowls but I will give you a discount for your first patronage. 500 ryo will be fine.

Yoshio - ( Now that's generous of him ) Here it is Uncle. I have to say that your ramen was delicious and I will definitely come back with this blonde kid in future.

Naruto - That's right it was the best food daytebayo!

Teuchi - Hahaha.. I will be waiting then..

Yoshio and Naruto walked away towards the direction of Hokage building. It was located right next to academy. They reached before the red building in few minutes.

There was nobody outside so both of them easily entered inside. Yoshio guided Naruto as they ignored the ninja doing their duties and reached the 2nd floor. Before the door to Hokage office, Yoshio smiled at Naruto and knocked thrice on the door.

Come in. They heard an aged voice and went inside.

Hokage looked no different than any regular old man with almost bald head and wrinkled face. He was just wearing a fancy red white long robe acting important. In short Yoshio did not feel intimated by his presence.

Hokage - What brings you here today , Yoshio chan ? Ara.. Naruto kun is here too..

Yoshio - Old man, I came here to have a nice long chat with you about Naruto here. Naruto, why dont you wait outside for a while? Oni chan has to talk with Hokage jiji alone..

Naruto makes a scared face.

Naruto - But.. the onee san sitting outside is scary..

Yoshio - Hahaha.. don't you remember Naruto? You are good boy so there is no need to feel sad or afraid of people like her.

Naruto - Ah.. I remember.

Naruto smiled and dashed outside while Yoshio felt that kids are so pure and innocent.

Yoshio - Now it's time for serious talk old man. I want to ask you why the son of late Fourth Hokage is being treated like trash in the orphanage ?

Hokage - What are you talking about?

Hokage's face changed from a kind old man to serious and Yoshio smirked inwardly because he could feel old man's rage inside with his passive chakra sense.

Yoshio - I'm asking you why other children are calling Naruto a demon child and ignoring him while the Matron also ignores him and gives hateful glances?

Hokage - I'm sorry Yoshio chan, I had no idea such things were happening . By the way how do you know that Naruto if the fourth's child?

Yoshio - ( Of course I know ) Well I have met with Fourth Hokage and Kushina sama many times when they came to our residence. They also told me that they will name their child Naruto if he is a boy and told me to treat him like a little brother. Come on old man, Naruto has same almost same looks as Fourth Hokage so even an idiot can recognize this..

Hokage - Haha.. you are right there.

Yoshio - Dont laugh there. Old man, you told me that we have will of fire and should treat every person of Konoha as family and protect them with our life. Did you lie to me because even son of late Hokage is being treated like this?

Yoshio faked confusion but rage was evident in his eyes. He still looked very cute though as he was a cute 5 year old boy.

Hokage - No I did not lie Yoshio chan. Will of fire is our legacy inherited from my teacher First Hokage. It's sad that not all our fellow villagers understand it. You have done a very good job by telling me about Naruto's situation. I will fix it myself as Naruto is like my grandson and I have promised 4th to take good care of him. Anbu!

Hokage shouted angrily and a black dressed anbu immediately appeared and kneeled on one knee before him.

Anbu - Hokage sama.

Hokage - * nod * Investigate the truth of this matter immediately and take that matron to the Intelligence and Torture department as I feel that there is more to this matter than we can see. Disperse.

With a gush of wind anbu dissapeared using body Flicker and Yoshio could not hide the curiosity and awe from his eyes. He could not wait to practice jutsu himself.

Hokage - Ahem.. Yoshio chan, the fact that Naruto is son of fourth is a S rank secret. I hope that you dont share it with anyone else. We have to do this to protect Naruto from enemies of the fourth.

Yoshio - ( I can tell that he is not trying to deceive me from his emotions. So I have no need to tell him that I know about Naruto being jinchuriki of Kyuubi.) I understand old man.

Hokage smiled kindly and returned to his seat while looking at Yoshio with approving eyes.

Hokage - ( The Nara clan has gained a prodigious heir. Such intelligence and good mindset at such a small age.)