
The Lazy Sixth Hokage, Nara Yoshio

Mc died after saving a future scientist and got change to get reincarnated in Naruto world with two wishes. He gets born in Nara clan as Shikamaru's older brother by two years. With his extra large chakra pool and perfect chakra control, he was natural genius but cannot let go of his special trait which is being lazy..

Gursimran_Singh_8817 · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs


In Nara Clan Compound inside the clan head's residence.

Three people were sitting inside the beautiful courtyard enjoying the warm atmosphere of summer.

One was a beautiful lady who was looking at her two sons with gentle smile on her face. She was Nara Yoshino the mother of Nara Yoshio and Shikamaru.

In the courtyard there stood a towering tree which had thick diameter. Under its shade , two little boys were lying on the grass with peaceful expressions.

One was now 5 year old Yoshio who was looking at his little cute brother Shka who was sleeping on his chest. Yoshio gently caressed Shika's hair while sighing inwardly that he had to start attending the academy from today. He was an adult inside so naturally would feel troublesome to learn with only 5 year old kids as his classmates.

Yoshino - Yoshio chan, come it's time to head towards Academy now.

Yoshio blinked his eyes and yawned while rubbing his face. He looked very cute as he was a beautiful kid with fair skin and round deep black eyes.

Yoshio - Ehhhh.. already ? Mom, cant we wait for few more minutes? Look, the weather is good today and even Shika is sleeping so peacefully..

Yoshino stoned on the ground heavily once and showed her devil smile to Yoshio who got his answer and shivered from fear. He knew that his mom will punish him if he dared to make any more excuses now. So he reluctantly stood up after gently placing Shika on the grass.

Yoshino - That's my good boy..

Yoshimi started ruffling his hair and he could only endure while sighing helplessly inwardly. It was his own fault that he was too cute and loved his mom too much.

After half an hour Yoshio stood outside the big ninja academy gates with his mom behind him. He curiously looked at other other children to find any interesting kids only to be disappointed.

After all he was a year older than Neji and two years older than Shikamaru. So there were no future main characters in his batch. Yoshio found two Uchiha and three Hyuga kids who seemed to have decent potential though. His passive chakra sense range was already too big so it was easy for him to sense their chakra signatures without getting noticed. In fact if Yoshio activated his chakra sense fully then he could cover whole Konoha if he tried to now. He wont do that though because his head starts aching from information overload.

Yoshino - Look Yoshio chan, sensei is here. I will be waiting for good news that you made new friends today. So try to talk with other kids, am I clear ?

Yoshio sighed and looked at the stern expression of his mom. Yoshino was worried about him because he had not made a single friend of his age till now and only spent some time with Shika,Ino and Choji. Yoshino was worried that his son will become socially challenged in future at this rate.

Yoshio - Okay mom, I will try.

Yoshio had no choice to say this in a weak voice and ran inside the academy with other kids. Yoshino smiled as she looked at her first born son who had become so big already. She knew that her son was very intelligent for his age and great genius even though he tried his best to hide it. She just hoped that he enjoys his childhood and doesn't become mature too quickly.

Yoshio curiously looked at his surroundings as he walked. The academy was really big as even the corridor was more than ten meters wide. He saw that all the classrooms were huge on the way as the distance from each door was large.

No kids tried to approach him because he unconsciously released an approachable aura all the time. It was a good thing anyway as he was saved from the annoyance. He had heard some adults telling their children to try and become friends with him and knew that they only wanted to curry favour with future clan head of the prestigious Nara clan. He also knew that many kids will try to approach him in future when they become able to understand things. What a drag..

They entered class 1 A and sat on seats randomly . Yoshio chose the last seat in the back near the huge window and started gazing outside blankly. He could hear everything in the class with his powerful passive chakra sense anyway.

Soon their chunin sense introduced himself. His name was Goda Jin and was a middle aged man. He had a huge scar on his right cheek and must look intimidating to other kids. Yoshio liked this sensei because he was direct and did not favour the clan kids more.

He told children that for next three years, they will only learn basic subjects like mathematics, history etc.. The training for becoming a ninja will only start three years later. Yoshio knew this already so he was very annoyed at this fact. Fortunately, he could learn from his clan and wont be bored always during these next three years.

Two one hour long periods ended and Yoshio spent the whole time thinking about plans for near future. He had decided that he will learn 3 basic academy jutsu and Shadow clone jutsu for now. He also decided to make his body training schedule little harder because his body had become stronger now. He will only start heavy body training after becoming 7 year old because from the books he knew that his bone structure will mostly finish forming by then. He planned to leave scores lower than average because he simply did not want unnecessary attention. He had already sensed Danzo once inside his house. That creepy bastard naturally tried to recruit him in his Root but was immediately refused by Shikaku.. Yoshio knew that revealing his talent before gaining sufficient strength will only harm him.

Now it was lunch break time. Yoshio did not go to the cafeteria because his mom had made a delicious bento for him. He opened it on his seat and could not help but drool because only his favorite food was filled inside. Due to his insane vitality, Yoshio ate way more than other children and luckily his family did not mind it. His bento was big and contained omelette , 4 big rice balls and 10 chicken meat balls.

?? - Can we eat lunch together with you?

Yoshio smiled as he closed the lid of his bento box. The kid who approached him was an Uchiha girl. Yoshio did not mind her as he could see from her temperament that she was little more mature than other peers.

Yoshio - Sure.

Miki - * smile * My name is Uchiha Miki , what's yours?

Yoshio - I'm Nara Yoshio. It's nice to meet you Miki san.

Both of them immediately hooked up while chatting. Yoshio told her that he was the Nara clan heir and Miki turned out to be youngest daughter of an Uchiha Elder. Yoshio decided to become friends with her because he may be able to get some inside information of Uchiha matters in future. He naturally knew about the massacre and planned to prevent it if he found the Uchiha worth saving. As for whether he could do it or not ? He could of course do it because he had some years and will definitely master many useful jutsu until that time...