
The Lazy Dragon: The Slothful One

This is my first cultivation novel, so forgive me for making mistakes. >>> A Story. A Legend. An Adventure. This is the tale of a Dragon—a reincarnator—whose ultimate aspiration is to become a true Dragon. He yearns to plunder kingdoms, kidnap princesses, and engage in battles against knights who dare to rescue them. However, there's a twist to his character: he is incredibly lazy. >>> Read the first chap and see if you like. Comment how you want the story to progress.

Zereeo_Ak · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
35 Chs

29. Cosmic annoyance

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves

(Mathew 7:15)


Yep, This should do

I looked at my blazing sun of a core that was way too big and bright. I had used my multitude of meditation session to the enhance the core. Which also cut through my food stack, reducing it to about 1/3. I should refill it before the next one.

Maybe I could ask Roaster to hunt some food for me.

Good idea if not for fear of getting poisoned to death. I am good, I will go hunting after I rank up. I don't want to hand over my life to an angry Roaster. anyhow, I can't just keep ranking up without learning the fundamentals of my cultivation.

I should try blasting another mountain before ranking up to 3. After some Atomic Breaths, I will be content. I also need to check what my affinity is.

But I have a feeling that I don't have a single affinity but multiple. I was able to use Atomic Breath and Lightning Breath. Normally, from all the novels I have read, a Dragon would only use the affinity they were born with. Since I am Black and have not used void or darkness, but Atomic and Lightning, the conclusion is that I am multi affinity Dragon.

System, is my conclusion correct?

[ No ]


[ You do have an affinity or should I say spiritual root ]

Then how was I able to use different type of Qi.

[ Your affinity encompass many lower affinity ]

[ Your core is also made up of Pure Qi, unadulterated by any will ]

[ These allows you to perform different sets of technique ]

Soooooo, I am a mage (.・∀・)ノ

[ Yes]

Can I create spell circle to summon chithulu?

[ You can ]

Ohhh, Can I summon other creatures?

[ Yes ]

Do you know how I can summon them?

[ The beginner's Guide to Elemental Invocation: Summoning 101 ]

[ 1000 Ex points ]

Man, that's expensive

[ You asked ]

Don't you have anything cheaper?

[ No ]

System, your stuff are always pricey.

[ You are Broke ]

Okay, Understandable.

Well, now I know I can summon. I should learn that sometimes when I have my financial independence back. I will think about that later. I need to rank up and get stronger. I wonder I can use void Qi? or Is it Anti-Qi? Can I create a spontaneous explosion with anti-matter lightning?

Hmm, I will check that out later when I blast something.

Now, back to my magnificent core. I have cultivated it to the point of explosion. I was at the brink of ascending to rank 2 with this. I just need to ignite the supernova that will eject a cloud of nebula while compressing my core.

Theoretically, its the same as Red Giant going supernova and creating a dwarf star and a planetary nebula.

Just that this is a controlled explosion unlike me going supernova before to survive. Maybe I should rank up during a death match. I mean, I could send all the excess energy at my opponent and turned him into charred-izard.

I also have multitude of planets orbiting around my core. Yeah, ADHD. I wasn't able to fully concentrate on expanding the core. I kinda went off track and created many constellation and planets. While most of them were absorbed by my core to grow, some did survive. I mean, I didn't like the fact that my core was lonely.

Maybe I should create another core. Then I will have two cores and more attack power. I could also use that extra core as a supernova bomb. I mean, if I had two, I don't need to worry about one going Boom.

I will do that later too,

I shouldn't have built that house though, it turned to dust when my core pulsed.

But its all fine, my core is ready to go KaBoom!. It was already on the bring of supernova. A bit more Qi and it will do it automatically. I know, my cultivation method is a cheat. I mean, I am the protagonist of this story, so yeah, I got very heavy plot armour.

But before I rank up, I need to go out to touch some grass.

I have been couped up here for too long. I need some fresh air and Sun on my scales.

I closed my eyes and opened them again, appearing back in the tunnels. I cracked my neck and got up from the depression I had created from laying on the ground for too long. I then shook my body and felt not the familiar burden.

I turned my head and noticed that Fluffy was not here. She would normally be here with me in the cave almost every time I woke up. She only left to eat and shit, which I appreciated. I would very much not like to have a stink execution.

I shook my body and did the usual stretching to relieve my sore muscles. I need to work on my sleeping position.

I turned pulled a smashed bunny and threw in into my mouth, and walked out the tunnel. I went through the intersection, a still bit confusing, but with my not so perfect memory I arrived back the the expanse.

I saw Elder Snake curled up like a spring, laid asleep.

I didn't want to disturb him and walked silently towards the cave opening.

'You are near break through' A hissing voice spoke in my head, causing me to jump like a scared cat.

'I am,' I answered.

'Good,' the Serpent hissed and went back to sleep.

Phew, I breathed a sigh of relief as the snake went back to sleep. The guy nearly scared the soul out of me. But on the good side, he doesn't seem worried about me advancing to rank 2. I mean, I would a bit scared if a small Dragon surpass me in cultivation, after all Dragon's are Majestic.

I didn't wait no more as I rushed out to bask in Nature's glory. I jumped into the golden light of the morning drew. My eyes constricted and my scales tingled. I inhaled the fresh breath wild, smell of blooming flowers and dried soil. This was different from cold and damp cave, this felt alive.

I hummed as I hopped around the tall grasses, tearing bushes and scratching trees. I still don't get why I feel the itch to scratch some trees. I ran around the mountain, stretching my sore limbs. I also did some push up and squats. One punch man workout.

I then began my run and found something interesting.

I found the chickens gathered together, suspicious. I ducked to the ground and crawled toward the flock of chicken. I kept my presence hidden to the low as I sneaked up on them. I arrived within five feet.

When I raised up to see what was going on. I just realized, I am taller.

I was tall enough to see above the chickens to see what they were doing. The chickens were forming a ring around two who looked to be staring each other down. Its a chicken fight! Wow, this is the first time I ever seen this.

I stepped forward, alerting the chicken of my presence. The chickens turned to stare at me and I grinned with all my teeth visible. The chickens all turned their head back as if they didn't notice me. I told you, I got PhD in intimidation. I know how to scare little chickens, just believe me.

I then shifted my focus to two chickens who are the opponents.

I for the first time notice that one of the chickens looked like Fluffy but grown. I squinted my eyes in suspicion, I shall decide yet not. I observed as the Chickens Circled each other. Chicken 1, and Chicken 2.

The two chickens looked aggressive as they scratched and clawed the ground as they circled.

The Chicken 2 switch to aggression as it jumped, delivering two swift kicks at chicken 1. Chicken 1 fabulously weaved her head, avoiding the blows and delivered a jumping kick herself. Chicken 2 responded to that retaliation with a strike of her own.

The two then jumped at each other, exchanging flurry of moves, using their wings to stay in midair.

The two chickens then collided in the air, delivering a strike midair enhanced with Qi pushing each other away. The sound of thunder echoed in the background as the two chickens landed, striking a perfect superhero pose.

You got to be kidding me! These chickens got some swag.

The chickens the rushed at each other. Chicken one went with a spartan kick but the chicken two swiftly avoided and performed a leg sweep. Chicken one responded by jumping using one leg and brought down the leg at Chicken two.

But the leg only landed on the hard earth, kicking up some dust. The Chicken 2 rolled away and jump kicked. The Chicken one stepped back dodging the attack, yet, chicken two didn't relent and kept swinging.

Chicken one kept retreating until her back met with the ring of chickens. The chickens pushed her forward causing her to fall for the attack. Chicken one was caught off guard, causing the attack to land on her and draw her blood. However, Chicken one had twisted her body enough to avoid a fatal blow.

Chicken one then retaliated by rolling and attacking Chicken two. Chicken two jumped away from the attack and landed back.

Chicken one and Chicken two locked eyes, each angry at each other. Sparks flew across the air, tension so thick it could be cut but a knife.

The Chickens then lunged towards each other, their legs extended for a kick. The Chicken then met in the air and landed down, keeping their back to their opponent. The Chicken 2 flicked its leg and turned to Chicken one. Chicken one turned to Chicken 2, blood dripping from its legs.

I saw with slack jaw in amazement, with only lacking a popcorn. The two chickens just did the anime move. What's with this random peak entertainment? Its so cool. Who choreographed it?

Go Go Chickens

I cheers and finally attracted the attention of the fighter chickens. The chicken one turned to me and let a surprised cry which sounded to familiar.



You got to be kidding! When did she grow bigger? Fluffy was at least twice the size now. Her feathers also had a unique shine.

Fluffy, look out!

I screamed as chicken two jumped Fluffy while she was focused on me.

Fluffy was a bit late to react as the attack landed true and knocking her off. But the Chicken Two didn't let and rushed, continuing its attack. It attacked a few more times, causing Fluffy's feather to turn red.

Lijen moved the minute Chicken two rushed to continue. His core pulsed to power as full force of his massive core descended on all. The chicken that was continuing to attack felt a hammer fall. Its leg bend in the wrong direction as it was slammed to the ground.

Its vision turned black as Lijen chomped her head, ripping the head from the body savagely. He then turned to the other chickens, blood dripping through his body while the headless chicken fought. Lijen then lifted his claws and smashed it down, exploding the chick, covering all that watched in blood.


I looked at the terrified chickens. They seem to have forgotten why they were here,

You are my food, so behave.

I growled through the teeth, my annoyance growing. I am on for a fair match, but you don't strike your opponent when he is distracted and continue when they are down. If you want to kill do it right when it's a duel.

You can run away if he is bigger and stronger than you. Cowards, they call but its the survivor who wins.

I turned to fluffy and and checked her wounds. The wound were deep but the blood was already hardening. I lifted her, causing her to cry. I kept her under her arm and walked back to the cave, not looking back at the Chickens.

I did not see Roaster anywhere, but he can f himself.

I walked into the cave, crossed the sleeping snake and walked back to my sleeping place. I placed Fluffy near me. I then pulled out a bunny from inventory and placed it before her before laying on the impression I had left.