
Chapter 167

When I open my eyes, I can feel my entire body hurting.

"Don't move too much. Your soul and body are adjusting to your new power."

Huh? New power? What kind of power?

"What? Do you forget that you are a Dragonborn? Your soul is absorbing the power of Y Ddraig Goch."

Ah, that red light, huh? Does that mean Ddraig is dead?

"No. There is no way a being like him can die just like that. He is like Alduin if he is unrestrained by the laws of the world. His soul is too powerful for you to absorb and only take a portion of it. Even then, that portion of the soul is something that makes your entire body more powerful and even gives you the innate ability of Y Ddraig Goch. It is not at its full power, but you can double your power twenty times in quick succession for at least an hour before your stamina runs out."

That means Ddraig is still alive and will know that I stole some of his power. Balls. Let's hope that his next user is not born within my lifetime or at least appears when I am strong enough to fight him on equal ground.

"Oh, he will be angry. However, he will be happy rather than angry when he sees that you use his power to destroy your enemies left and right."

And how do you know that, Akatosh?

"Do you forget that I am the first dragon of my universe? I know my kind, Ryan. We are a prideful bunch, but when we see that our power is used to dominate others, we will be happy. That doesn't mean he will not try and beat you to the brink of death, but at least he will not kill you on sight."

Yikes. Well, I need to train even harder then.

"Later. For now, you need to rest to let your body and soul adapt to the powerful soul of Ddraig."

Right. That is fair enough.

"Go and use your meditation technique to restore your energy and lifeforce. You use a lot of it."

I nod and sit on the bed. I take a deep breath and start to connect myself to the world. I can feel the world is worried about me and sends its natural energy for me to use. Of course, it also wants me to purify it, but its intention is to help me heal.

I let it flow through my body, and from the constant meditation, training, and battling, I get better each time I meditate. Now, I can take a massive amount of Natural Energy and purify it at a very fast pace.

With each Natural Energy injection from the world, my lifeforce builds up to its original state and even increases it permanently.

However, after I reach a certain level, I stop increasing my life force because I don't want to start changing into stone or, worse, mutating into something weird like a toad or something. For now, I decided to continue to meditate, let the world's natural energy flow through me, and slowly empower my body.

I continue to meditate for an hour or two before I open my eyes. When I open my eyes, I can see Yasaka and Asia looking at me with happy smiles.

"Good morning."

After I say that, the two of them jump toward me, and I laugh a little as I embrace the two of them tightly.


|3rd POV|

While a lot of people are talking about how a human can defeat a Boosted Gear user on Juggernaut Drive state, there is a being looking toward Japan in interest for different reasons. A being that is long asleep starts to awake, and this being can feel its body start to heal.

This being is Gaia or Gaea, the Primordial Goddess of Earth of the Greek Pantheon.

She has been asleep for a long time and is waiting to fade away into nothingness. The planet gets tainted every year by the pollution all humans have done over the years. With how countless magicians recklessly use their cursed magic and release it into the world, it is no wonder why even she, a Primordial Being, cannot handle it.

However, it changes when someone reaches the world and starts healing it. At first, it is slow, but it gradually gets faster in healing the planet. Not only that, but from a single being who is working on the healing of the planet, it spread, and now hundreds of them are working together to heal the planet.

It is now to the point that Gaia can open her eyes and awake after such a long time. As she opens her eyes, she can see a young man meditating and healing the world at a very fast rate. She can feel the world dance in happiness each time this man heals it.

It is like seeing a puppy that happily plays with its owner.

Gaia wants to meet this person and thank him directly but before she can do that, she needs to take care of a problem in her Pantheon. She can sense the intention of one of her sons, Kronos, and she doesn't like it.

She can feel his influence reaching the sanctuary she built an eon ago. He wants to use her sanctuary as a weapon to make another attack against his son and the twelve Olympians. She will not allow him to taint the only thing that is left of her.

If his son thinks that she will let him have that place, he needs to think twice. There is a reason why she is a Primordial and not him. He is her offspring, and she can unbirth him if he decides to push her to the corner.

For the past centuries, Gaia has already learned to finally take matters into her own hands, and without losing anything anymore, she is willing to go to the extreme.

"For now… I need to talk to husbands of mine… all of them."

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