
Chapter 153

"Fus Ro Dah!"

The door gets thrown from my shout, and I can see someone on the wall behind the door that I blast open. He is dead from the impact. Only his head survives, while the rest of his body becomes a human paste. Yuck.

"Who are you?!"

I look at a Nordic woman with a group of people behind her. Ah, she must be Astrid, huh?

"We come here in the name of the Emperor of Tamriel! This is the end of the Dark Brotherhood after you dare to take the mission targeting Vittoria Vici."

While I cannot hear it, I can hear Astrid grumble at Commander Maro's words.

"I know I should not accept the job from that crazy clown."

Crazy Clown? I look around and see Cicero preparing to take the coffin of the Night Mother away. Without waiting for the others, I dash forward with my sword in hand. I swing down at the clown, but before it hits him, Cicero takes out his daggers and blocks my attack.

"Oooh~ Scary~ Who are you, stranger?"

"Your Death!"

I swing down my sword as fire comes out of my sword.

Hinokami Kagura: Dance

However, before my sword can connect, Cicero glows and jumps away from me. I can see him frowning now instead of smiling.

"You are the sun. The Archenemy! The Dread Lord shall have your soul!"

After saying that, he jumps at me and swings his daggers at a speed that humans should not have. It takes me off guard and makes me go into a defensive stance. I block and keep blocking, and when I see an opening, I swing my sword, but the clown jumps away to dodge the attack.

This bastard is fast.

It is a shame that we are in a narrow place. I can go all out if we are in a bigger place and without them coming. I can only rely on my body for now. I take a deep breath and gather Natural Energy as fast as possible.

I take a deep breath, release a flame from my mouth, and dash forward. I start with a thrust at Cicero, and when he dodges it, I quickly swing upwards just to see him block it. However, I twist my body and do a side swing.

Hinokami Kagura: Sun Halo Dragon Head Dance

I keep pushing him and make sure not to leave him any openings for him to exploit. My sword keeps swinging and swinging. I keep swinging and thrusting my sword until Cicero uses a risky maneuver to get out. My sword managed to hit his left stomach, but Cicero managed to create distance between us.

I can see his glare intensify, and a second later, light-blue light appears on both of his hands. I am about to dash and interrupt his spell, but before I can do that, he has already cast his spell and summoned a spectral being. The being is wearing what looks like a robe with a hood and holding twin daggers.

I take a battle stance as the two of them charge at me.


|3rd POV|

Ryan fights against two very powerful assassins. Even one of them is a ghost; he was formerly a high-ranking assassin in the Dark Brotherhood. His name is Lucien Lachance, the legendary assassin who was killed because of the machination of a traitor in the guild in the past.

Because of this, Ryan has a hard time fighting the two of them at once.

However, it changes when he is done gathering enough Natural Energy and entering Sage Mode. His eyes change into the eyes of a dragon, and markings that look like claws appear on his face.

With a new boost, he can handle the two of them at once. He might not have noticed it, but he now uses the thirteenth form of sun breathing. His body is already used to all the forms, and unconsciously, he uses all of them to create the last form of the Sun Breathing.

Flame dances around the room as he creates a dance that praises the sun and its warmth. With this dance, he receives a small amount of divine power from Akatosh. Not many know this, but Akatosh has another domain from his other name. Auri-El is the other name Akatosh has; his domain is the Sun.

With his permission, the flame that comes out of his dance deals more damage to any unliving being or beings that serve darkness—a perfect thing against all Dark Brotherhood members.

"What kind of abomination are you?! From which part of the void did you come from, creature?!"

Lucien growls as he dashes once again and tries to make an opening for Cicero. However, before he can even reach Ryan, the Sage notices him and swings his sword twice to create two crescent-shaped flames, which makes Lucien need to create a barrier to block the incoming attack.

However, Cicero quickly dashes forward as Ryan attacks Lucien and attacks him from behind. Sadly for the jester, Ryan raises his sword and blocks the incoming attack, but instead of making more attack, Cicero gives a grin, and the five daggers he threw earlier float into the air and fly at him.

Instead of dodging, Ryan releases a torrent of wind from his back, creating a wing made of wind. The wind is so strong it throws all the daggers that Cicero controls with his telekinesis. The wind also threw Lucien to the wall at the end of the sanctuary.

With Lucien out of the way, Ryan uses this chance to dash forward and thrust his sword. Cicero manages to cast an Iron Flesh spell and reduce the damage, but he cannot block the relentless attack from Ryan.

Thrust and swing get thrown at a quick succession before one of them lands a fatal strike. Ryan swings his sword from the side and manages to land on Cicero's neck. With one last swing, he cut Cicero's head and killed the Jester of Death.

As his head rolls on the ground, Lucien Lechance's spectral disappears.

Seeing Cicero dead, Ryan turns around and searches for the coffin containing the Night Mother. However, to his surprise, the coffin is gone. He spread his natural energy, but he found nothing. Ryan clicks his tongue and decides to help the others in fighting the remaining members of the Dark Brotherhood.

They might be a group of assassins, but they can fight like warriors. Ryan dashes forward and joins the battle. It does not take long to kill all the assassins and win the fight.

Ryan walks to Maro and says.

"What should we do to this place?"

"We will burn it to the ground. I don't want anything to survive in this place."

"Very well. I will take care of it."

"Thank you, Sir Ryan."

Ryan blinks a little at the title of Sir but decides to ignore it for now. They carry the one who died in battle and leave this sanctuary. However, as they leave, Ryan can see a familiar vampire standing above the corpse of a girl and a giant spider.

"Zelretch? What are you doing here? Also, who is that?"

"Ah, Ryan! I decide to follow you, but before I can enter, this vampire tries to run away and attack me. Let's just say that she did not last long."

"Right. That must be Babette, the three-hundred-year vampire."

Ryan's words shock the others because one of the Penitus Oculatus thought she was a prisoner and let her run away. That is the reason why she managed to get away from the chaos.

"Anyway, wait for a bit. I need to burn this place to the ground."

Ryan takes a deep breath and uses quite a bit of his soul energy before shouting.

"Yol Toor Shul!"

A massive torrent of fire washes over the entire sanctuary and burns anything it touches. Even some of the stones melted from the intense heat of the fire. After a few seconds of shouts, Ryan nods and looks at Commander Maro.

"Let's go back. I am hungry."

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Ryusenkacreators' thoughts