

17 different people, meeting, after being separated. Cursed by the last laughing witch. Finds light when Allison saw them and gave them shelter. Haunting them down, after the curse, for the pass 10years. Locating them at Allison’s house. Fegrance (the last laughing witch) killed her, after which they where banished, from the unknown land. Wondering in the city of Ohio, till they saw their helper, Mr. Dunne. He took them to his house, after several threats by the roaming ghost. Bring them to minderburg high. A school meant for rich and affluent kids only. Being middle, life became tough. Competition increased as Elena’s grandsons, came back from Australia after series of heartbreaks, deciding to hate all girls mostly middle class, and short girls, precisely. Much sooner, jamaine realize he had a connection with an outsider and decided to be so close after the tragic accident. Time travel, gave their sign, while they use a device to trace gifted once, which led to Juliana and her friend’s exposure. The boys’ struggle with their sickness, due to their 7days incomplete ritual, which is the mystery between two best friends zyron and Elena. Finding the cure, getting to find who he exchanges his powers with. Fegrance attacked once more, using melody as her tool against her own friends, but later get back to herself, due to Anita’s intervention. Sooner enough, finding out the circumstances of their birth. Issues that led to saucy hard and abnormal way of life, but wasn’t treated as fegrance took time to watch them make a mistake, then strike. After Anita and zyron with the help of Juliana, Pricilla and Mariana alongside 7ring, hiding all three books. One little threat, they all spill it out. Fegrance got the books using all the information and the powers she got from zyron, making the entire universe under her mercy, both the immortal world and the mortal world. Watching out for how they would all find a way to turn things back to normal, living as different people entirely.

MPV_fhils · Kỳ huyễn
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"I see, you're finally out in the open. But that doesn't change a thing. Get me another dagger".

Elena instructed. Gave her the dagger. About to repeat her previous action. Appeared in front of her, held her hands firm with her left hand. Grip them so hard, she dropped the dagger. Disappeared and appeared back to her original spot.

"What do you want?". Elena yelled

"Funny enough you are asking that?". Voice echoing

"Why are you talking like that. Take your hoodie off. You didn't come this far to keep hiding. Give us back what you stole". Mena said

She took off her hoodie…

"Anita!". They scream unison

"You're not dead. Who the hell did we fucking bury".

"Her clone". Saucy said

"I beg your pardon". Nina said

"You knew!".

Smack tongue. "We knew". Saucy said

"We! Who are the we?". Pricilla yells. Looking at the boys

"I can't believe you guys". Aso said

"I ask you if you knew anything. You lied!".

"Yeah, we did. How did you think we survive. She gat the cure".

"Who thought you how to lie?". Havanna said in disappointment

"She did".

"And your still not good at it". Anita added

"Well, that doesn't change a thing, because you're all cursed".

"Are we? Tell me why we are cursed?".

"You're carriers of Zyron. and zyron is dead".

"Is she…. Is she revenge". Moved her hair backwards with her left hands


"Well, your blind. So blind that you can't see…".

"Wait!". Mena moved closer. Held Anita's left wrist, looked at it and looked up.

"There is no curse".

"What are you talking about?".

"Time travels where right. There is another Zyron and that Zyron is Anita. She's the last Zyron". she said, showing everyone her wrist to confirm.

Loud scream, fegrance appeared

"Why don't you just die?" she yells in Anita's face


"Shut up! You, I hate you".

"And I hate you more". Placed her wrist on fegrance forehead, taking back Zyron's powers. Before she could, take it all she utters the curse. Making it even more difficult for 7rings, to be de-exctinted

"Smart!". She smirked

"You're worthless fegrance".

"This is far from over. I promise. This is far from over". She said and disappeared

The entire room was calm. Everyone staring at Anita

"Don't you have questions to ask".

"Why did you fake your death?". Mena asked

"Nice question. I needed time, with no distractions. I knew revenge's reign was coming to and end. As a matter of fact, it has. Someone has to take over. I had to equip myself. For a new era".

"So, it's a Zyron reign now".

"Yes, it is. And it's going to be that way forever, revenge. Any other question".

"Yes! When can we go home, and smack your house". Juliana said

Anita chuckles, turned facing Mena

"Any questions".

"How are you the last Zyron. if you're not an imposter, then who is your troll mother".

"You mean my human mother. She's standing right in front of me. you forgot the hand placed on you, the promises, the warning, made 13years. Reminisce how zyron died, her last words". Anita said, staring at Mena. And everyone else, as they reminisce.

"I don't remember anything".

"The D.N.A test results please". Anita requested

"D.N.A test". Everyone murmured

"Here, open it". She gave to Mena and the others

"It's a lie… you're dead. They are dead. It's not possible". Mena added

"Now why are they looking at us, crying".

"Am feeling really uncomfortable". Meyan added

"You gave up on us mom". Anita said

"Mom!". They scream at once. Rushed to pick the result. Open it in a rush, shock with what they saw.

"Am ashamed of you, don't touch me".

"I felt like you died. I felt like your all dead. Am sorry".

"We were rejected by our peers, called names. Even by your friends".

"Am sorry!".

"Anita! No one told me about D.N.A! what's going on".

"Mena is your mother Saucy".

"Whoa!! That's a serious accusation".

"It's the truth. We're siblings. Fegrance create an illusion. She made up the fire. Why did you think zyron die. They already know what's going to happen. You know why they are smarter than you revenge. They make good use of what they have. How many times did you open the book of knowledge. Zero. Fegrance got it one chance. And she read almost everything. How did you think she was able to kill Zyron's and troll. How do you think she raised an army. Both fegrance and Zyron knew this day. Zyron died, so I can be born, by a human. She placed her seed in you Mena. You didn't know. How do I know? Deep search. I search deep. You couldn't go far, cause you were afraid, ashamed. Fegrance tried to prevent this day from happen. She knew she was not a zyron, her curse doesn't stand. So, she made that fire up. Remember that time, she came asking for melody. She made a statement".

"You won't spend much time… with your child". Barbara said

"And you didn't. You wanted to know the time, we get to go home, and smack my ass. I think now is the right time". She said and they all disappeared.

Mena fell on her knees crying. They boys console them.

"It's going to be okay".

"Wow! Epic movie. Jesus Christ. Anita is Mena's daughter. Dirty middle class". Delancey exclaims

Appeared in their living room. Mr. Dunne walking down. They rushed to hug him

"You're not surprised".

"Zyron told me". he said. Hugged each other warmly.

Later that week. Late at night. Up on the balcony, watching her girls play with water. Laughing heartedly.

"Enjoy your last days with them".

"Yeah! Thanks for this journey". He said

"You're a good man. This might be the last time you see me".

"I'll make saucy draw a picture of you".

"How thoughtful. Well, it's was quite a journey".

"You're a good woman". He added. Zyron chuckled as she disappears.

Standing in front of them, notice his present

"She's RIP".

"She's said good bye".

"Yeah, she did. I better say mine too. Your parents are waiting. I'll miss you being around".

"We don't want to go". Juliana said, crying.

"We are going to miss you". melody said

"If you miss us too much call okay, we would come, right away". Anita added as the hugged each other, crying.

Well, that's it. Next morning, cars await, as they set their things to leave the Dunne's mansion, to their own. While zyron is finally getting the rest she desires. Fegrance completely black out, maybe devising some evil plans. No one knows.

"Bye Mr. Dunne… we love you". they said, crying except Saucy.

…Wiped his tears, wave them as the drove out of the compound