

17 different people, meeting, after being separated. Cursed by the last laughing witch. Finds light when Allison saw them and gave them shelter. Haunting them down, after the curse, for the pass 10years. Locating them at Allison’s house. Fegrance (the last laughing witch) killed her, after which they where banished, from the unknown land. Wondering in the city of Ohio, till they saw their helper, Mr. Dunne. He took them to his house, after several threats by the roaming ghost. Bring them to minderburg high. A school meant for rich and affluent kids only. Being middle, life became tough. Competition increased as Elena’s grandsons, came back from Australia after series of heartbreaks, deciding to hate all girls mostly middle class, and short girls, precisely. Much sooner, jamaine realize he had a connection with an outsider and decided to be so close after the tragic accident. Time travel, gave their sign, while they use a device to trace gifted once, which led to Juliana and her friend’s exposure. The boys’ struggle with their sickness, due to their 7days incomplete ritual, which is the mystery between two best friends zyron and Elena. Finding the cure, getting to find who he exchanges his powers with. Fegrance attacked once more, using melody as her tool against her own friends, but later get back to herself, due to Anita’s intervention. Sooner enough, finding out the circumstances of their birth. Issues that led to saucy hard and abnormal way of life, but wasn’t treated as fegrance took time to watch them make a mistake, then strike. After Anita and zyron with the help of Juliana, Pricilla and Mariana alongside 7ring, hiding all three books. One little threat, they all spill it out. Fegrance got the books using all the information and the powers she got from zyron, making the entire universe under her mercy, both the immortal world and the mortal world. Watching out for how they would all find a way to turn things back to normal, living as different people entirely.

MPV_fhils · Kỳ huyễn
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*MR. AND Ms.

Sitted on her bed, looks around fegrance appeared

"What is it now".

"Are your rituals complete".

"Not yet!".

"Well Mena, as stupid as ever…. Has brought another great distraction for us".

"Really!". She smirked, finds it interesting

"There is this parget they do every year. Female leading student and male leading student. But it was not so big, being that Mena was traumatized. But now… it's global! And Juliana, being our top 17, she was picked. And Anita would be distracted and that would be our opportunity".

"Yeah… but things are not set yet, just play along". She said, disappeared.

Melody walked in…

"Am not doing this". Juliana laments. Melody sits next to them, play along…. Meanwhile Anita is already aware of the whole drama.

"You have too… you have something to prove". Anita said.

…. Comes the pep talk from her friends. Giving her reasons why she needs to partake in the contest. Till she was convinced.

Next morning, sluggishly got up from her bed. Yawning, entered the bathroom, splash water on her face. Then admire herself afterward. Held her hair firm to realize her hair was breaking. The more she touches her hair, the more it breaks, till she could see her scalp… she screamed as loud as could.

Woke up like a dead man

"What was that?". Asked himself. Got up from his bed

Opened the door, dropped his tongue. Bereft of word when he saw Juliana. Her hair on her hands, some on the floor and her head, bald. Almost like they had seizure for five minutes. Pricilla walked in

"Juliana aren't you ready?". She yelled looking around. Saw Justin standing in front of the bathroom.

"What is…. Oh my God!". Tried not to laugh but couldn't. she burst into laughter; Justin joined her. Juliana started crying.

Middle of the school. Got everyone's attention. Juliana sat down crying like someone who lost her husband. While some laughed and made videos, while some wondered.

"Juliana it's okay". Mena tried to calm her down

"It not okay". She subbed

"Am not interested in this stupid parget, no one would vote for me… look at me! look at me! am not pretty anymore". She grumbles

"Who told you that… you're still very beautiful".

"You're just trying to make me feel better". She pouted

"Don't touch me!". yells at Pricilla when she tried to show concern. Everyone was surprise at her reaction. Juliana got up, wiped her tear.

"You're a wicked friend a very bad one…. I know you are the one who did this?".

"What! have you gone crazy…. Why would I".

"Don't even play the innocent card... am the victim here. Everyone know you are the one who dress my hair. And you've always been complaining that it's too long. Fanaticizing on how you would cut it… now you did".

"Ah… ah… mm". bereft of word. Looking at her friend, no support

"Ok fine! I... I said all that. But believe".

"Believe is an over statement… am done with this minderburg nonsense… fine someone else". She said, walked away. The rest of her friends followed her leaving Pricilla speechless.

"I… I didn't do it".

"Seems like you did". Richard added and they walked away

"Juliana it's okay stop crying".

"I would never forgive Pricilla". She said. Pricilla walked in

"I didn't do it".

"We don't believe you".

"Where is your prove?". They chuckled, sat next to Juliana

"I didn't do it".

"Then who did?". Teary

"Maybe Delancey, Claudia. One of those cocky girls, but not me. Which is why you are going to win this and show them that you are superior". She said, wiped her tear. Pulled her closed. Juliana bit her nipple

"Ouch!". They all laughed

"Now can we tell the principal that you are in again".

"There would be no need for that". She unveiled herself with a smile.

Getting prepared for her photoshoot with her 17princes

"Well, your hair loose got you fame. Everyone is calling you hairless beauty". Meyan said staring at her phone screen.

"What do you think… use your bald head for the shoot". Aso's suggestion

"What!". Juliana's reaction

"It's going to be colorful and unique".

"No, it's going to be awful. Get me the wigs".

"Calm down. You would use the wigs. It's not going to be just one photo; it would make the magazine colorful". Melody added

"It's going to be nice".

"I don't know… my hair is my signature and I lost it".

"Hair! No hair! You still look beautiful… mm smile for me, there!". Continue the dress up.

"We are going to take photos too?".

"Yeah! Her 17 has to be in her magazine".

All set for their shoot

"Are you sure we should do this".

"Yes!". Pushed her in from of the camera, big smile

Spent the entire day in the photo shop, making the best of memories, lovely posture. For you to be the face of the school, your photo needs to have the highest vote. Making it look pleasing, still enjoying themselves, till they were convinced that it was perfect

"Ah God! Finally". Exhale deeply. Dived on the bed

"You're just coming… I mean we left there like six hours ago".

"Perfection is not an easy thing to get". Walked tiredly into the bath tub, took her clothes off for some cool shower.

Steps out minutes later…

"That was quick". David added

"I had a long day". She said walked into the dressing room, put her pj's on. The next thing… food.

"And you're sure your friend is going to win this". Andy and Saucy entered their room talking about their day

"Exactly! She would win". She said

"Am so tired". She said

...video call

"I spoke to the photographer; he would send me the picture after editing. Don't worry girl you got this". Mariana hypes her.

"Stop being silly. Am so tired, my entire body is aching".

"You would be fine... we had a long day. Do you think it's easy to beat Delancey in her own game… but don't worry. We gat you. And your magazine you be ready soon, just be ☺ with your smooth head". Mariana teased, she pouted angrily.

"Love you… good night". Chuckled. Call ended

Discomfort in bed, rolling her eyes while closed, blinking, struggling to open them, shut. All she could see was blurry. Snaps out of it, then it became dark…. "Allison! Mom". She could hear herself scream.

Trembled breath.

Another flashy vision, standing in the middle of the scene. Door shut its self "Whoa! Strong breeze". The door opens slowly, weak voices "FEGRANCE" laughing seriously.

"What is that?". She turns around, everywhere turns dark.

"Oh my, my". Allison trembled in fear

"Who, who are you, and what do you want?". Allison walks slowly into the house with a big wood on her hands.

Standing behind her, she touched her on her back. Allison turns around really quick.

"Who are you?".

"Merry Christmas". She cut her on her neck. Allison struggles as she bleeds seriously.

"Allison!". Woke up in shock, breathing fast. Shedding tears, confused state

"Come on! What is it! Must you wake me each night". He scolds. Turns quickly, saw her crying

"Anita!". Got up from his bed, went to her. "Anita! Why?". Confuse, almost like she had a seizure. She wasn't moving, just shedding tears with her mouth open and shaky.

"Anita it… it's just a dream". He stutters, moved closer to her.

Next morning, gathered in their room. No improvement, still in the same state

"This how she has been for hours…". Richard said

"Anita! Anita says something… what".

"Anita… talk to us".

"She won't say anything…. But she did made mention of one name. Allison!". Richard said

She wiped her tears

"Am fine!".

"What are you saying? You've been crying and not responding to anyone…. Suddenly you are fine". Pricilla snaps at her.

Bereft of words. Staring down at melody, everyone's looking at her

"Why are you guess looking at me?". guilt conscience. Anita slowly got up from the bed, walked away.

"Is she okay?".

"That's a very wrong question to ask". Saucy scolds

Heavy breath. Zyron appeared

"Are you okay?".

"No! why did you do that".

"Fegrance is not supposed to know…. You shouldn't have stared at melody like that… she's suspicious now. Remember fegrance is stronger than the both of us combined".

"So, what do we do now".

"Melody won't let her do anything now, because of Juliana".

"We don't know their plan. You know what, it's fine. My friends must be curious". She got up and walked away. Looked at her for a while, then disappeared

"There you are… what is going on? What did you see about Allison".

"I saw our old house… and…the moments we spent with her. And her dead… dead body". She said in tears.

"It's okay… it's fine". The hugged her and that was settled.

Walking down the hallway, bumped into Gaynor and friends

"Gees! Can't you see". She yells

"What! are you expecting something!".

"Yes of course idiot! An apology".

"Oh really! How dumb". Chuckled, looked down at her and walked away

"Huh! Wha…". confused

Open her door… walked into her room slowly, sat on her bed so hard, deep breath. FB

"Why are you looking at me". FB ends

"Are you worried". Fegrance appeared

"What do you think? Anita is hiding something".

"Then crack her… she your best friend after all".

"She doesn't trust me… if there is anything Anita is good at, its keeping secrets". Looking at fegrance worried.

Going to class, Delancey blocks her way

"What do you think you are doing?".

"Am not in the mood for that". Juliana said

"African queen! Look at your head… and now you think you are famous…. Well sorry, quit dreaming okay. You and all the other girls are no match for me". Delancey said, pushing Juliana. She chuckled

"Like I said… am not in the mood".

"Look at this fool…. I would win… and I and I alone would be the only girl on that trip… with my 17 princes".

"You're a dreamer… but I don't care. You win you lose! I don't care". About to walk away, Delancey stops her.

"What are you doing?".

"You're going nowhere, because am not done talking".

Chuckled. "Delancey what's wrong with you… why…have you…". there goes the bell. Students out of class. Walked right into the scene.

"What is going on here?".

"You still want to talk".

"I hate you, Juliana. You disgust me. tomorrow, I would be pronounced the winner of the show".

"Oh, please Delancey just shut up! What makes you think you would win". Emerson said

"Thank God another arguing partner". About to walk away. Delancey held her. Turning around, she slapped her so hard. Everyone gaps

"Just leave me alone". Juliana yells

Fuming seriously, everyone staring at her. While Mena prays

"Delancey don't do anything stupid".

Folding her fist

"You know what….". She pounces on Juliana, straight to the ground. Sitted on her, throwing punches. About to claw her when Mena held her hand

"Delancey stop!". Mena said. Dragged her up. While Juliana's friends helped her up

"You're bleeding". Mariana said. She touches her head, looking at her blood.

"You're lucky that I threw my old habits so far… I can't go back for it… see you tomorrow". Her friends took her away.

"What where you think… you can't use your powers on human". She whispers

"That girl is not a human she's a witch!". Delancey walked away angrily

"You're a witch too!". She whispered. "Okay everyone the fight is over… you can go to your room now". She added

Open her eyes slowly, sat upright on her bed, yawn and stretch. Put her slippers on and entered the bathroom… not noticing any change. Sat in front of a mirror. Looked closely, surprised and confused at the same time… touching her hair. She looks down, saw her hair lying on the floor. She got up, opens the door, pulls the remains of her hair…. Before Justin wakes up. Then shut the door. Still bereft of word, of how sudden her hair grew and this long. She quietly sat down… looking at herself. Then she picked up her phone and called Anita.

Minutes later Anita walked in


"Hi good morning". Constricted voice

"Why do you sound weird… and why are you in my room?".

"Mm Juliana!".

"Is she okay?".

"No need to worry… she's fine. It's just girls' stuff".

"Okay… where is she?".

"In the bathroom… she's fine trust me… I would just-I would just go". She stutters

"Okay!". Got up from his bed, entered his bathroom.

Rushed in, shut the door

"Shit! How! When".

"I don't know what are we going to tell people. How could my hair grow to this length in one day…. It's crazy… no one would believe. And today is the day they are calling results…. What are we going to do?".

"Am I the only one who knows about this".

"You're the only one I told… you see things".

"This is-This is crazy". Looking at her hair then chuckled

Silent for like 10minutes, staring at each other, till zyron appeared

"Thank god… what…". knock on the door

"Who is that?". They whispered

"Who is there?".

"You guys… ain't you coming out".

"We will… soon!".

"Okay….". he left

"That was close". Heave a big sigh of relief

"Juliana has to be present today. And the show would start soon… she's nowhere near ready".

"So what do you want me to do".

"Do something! Or…. Let's cut the hair".

"No-don't try that… the more you cut it the longer it gets". Zyron said

"So-s-so wh-wh… gosh". Looking at each other…. Zyron disappeared

"Sh… how could she".

…Zyron appeared again



"What is that?".

"It's a pin…. Put it in her hair… the middle".

"I should put it inside her brain".

"If you put it that way". Pass her the pin, then vanished

Spread her hair out, so she could see the middle

"Is this going to work?". Juliana asked

"I don't know!". Hesitate for a bit, slowly placed the pin on her hair. It opened up and swallowed it

"Jesus!". She moved backward

"What! what".

"The… oh my God".

"What!". Tension

"The pin!".

"The pin what happened…". Touching her hair and she couldn't find it

"Where did it go".

"Your head swallowed it".


"It swallowed it… everything".

"That… that! It was big".

"I know". Looked away. Observed for a while. The floor wasn't filled with hair

"Juliana! Juliana! Your hair".

"Oh my God! My-oh my God". They scream

"It worked… this is crazy".

"I know right". They both laughed

"You can call them now".

Getting prepared for the show

"This is crazy… what if someone ask". Nina said

"Simple! Tell them we got her a wig". Melody said

"It's looks real". Aso added

"Human hair dummy".

"Hmm… that's smart". They added

"I wonder what melody is thinking". Anita said within, with a smiling face.

"Don't worry… worry a bit though… they won't do anything". Zyron said within her

All set for the show

"Finally… you look pretty! And am proud of my work". Meyan said admiring Juliana

"Thank you! thank you guys. I would never have asked for a better friend…. Thank you so much".

"It's okay!".

"Okay… time to kick Delancey in the face and show her am the pretty one". She said and they all laughed

"Yeah, we are late…. The show started 30minutes ago". Saucy added

"Where the hell is Juliana and her friend… they are always late". Mena said within, looking around

"Mom!". Taps her back

"Gosh you startled me".

"What are you looking for…. Justin is winning".

"Wow! That's good". She said


"Heyy cutie! Your excited".

"Yeah! Okay, not bad". Justin added looking at his vote count

"Why are they scream?". David asks

"You won bro". They added

"Shit this is crazy...".

"Congrats MR.".

"And your Ms.…. Delancey! Ehw". They laughed

Walking downstairs, got everyone's attention

"Oh my God! Justin won… crazy shit!".

"I don't get why you girls are so happy".

"Beat it Saucy you would never understand". They laughed at her


"Yeah, congrats too".

"For what! I haven't win yet".

"For your hair". They both laughed

"It's…. a wig". Hesitates, looking at Pricilla

"Yeah, I know".

"Her boyfriend got it for her". Mariana added

"I smell jealousy". She whispers to Juliana; she hits her with her elbow.

"It's not my boyfriend, my girlfriends got it for me".

"Enough with the stupid chat". Delancey and her friends interrupt, alongside other competitors

"Oops! See you guys later". Left the scene

"What do you want Delancey".

"Nice wig! Stay away from my man".

Chuckled. "Very funny!". Frowned quickly

"Get out of my sight". Pushed her and walked away

Watching their vote count

"Who do you think is going to win".

"I don't….". cut short. Standing right in front of them

"Stay away from Juliana".

"Oh my God am scared! What are you going to do?". Justin got up, staring down at Andrew

"Just stay away from her". Andrew added

"Or what!".

"You may just get hurt". About to walk away. Held his collar. Pulled him back, punched him right on the face. Cough blood…. About to go for the second punch

"Stop what are you doing! Andrew are you okay. Go to the nurse now".

"Wait! The next time you pull this shit… I won't go easy on you". Justin said Andrew walked away.

"What were you thinking? You could have hurt him so bad… or otherwise…. What's your problem. Remember that if you use your powers in range, fegrance gets her hand on them… it's over". She walked away angrily.

"You over reacted bro".

"Whatever! And the next time he come to me… and say such stupid things… God helps the both of us". They chuckled

"Gaynor is out… down to five". They said holding each other, in tense and excitement.

"Is Andrew, okay?". Pricilla said

"What why? Andrew! Andrew how did you get hurt".

"Am fine".

"And that's an obvious lie". Pricilla said touch the wound

"Ouch! Am fine".

"No, his not… and that's what you get for messing with me". Justin interrupted and walked away

"He did this". Didn't reply, just walked away

Looking at each other

"Are you thinking what am thinking. They fought because of you". Pricilla teased

"No! they didn't… they have issues, but not because of me".

"How sure are you!".

"Hundred percent".

Votes counts down to four…. Now three. Juliana, Delancey and Payton are on the run. Being his Ms.

"We are down to 2… Juliana you are going to win this…. Future Ms. Min…". Melody praises Juliana

"Not so fast! What makes you think that you are going to win. As you can see, my chart is way high than yours".

"We believe in God".

Chuckled. "I beg your pardon, what! God, indeed. Well, he doesn't believe in you… children of Satan. You are going to lose". She said looking Juliana in the eye. Students started cheering.

"Who are they cheering for?". Juliana asked her friends

"Delancey's vote count has stopped…".

"What! even though it doesn't mean she….". obstructed when their chants became louder when Juliana's votes count's pass Justin and Delancey's number. Her friends carried her throwing her up.

Delancey was chartered, broken... destroyed. Confused, surprised and angry at same time… convulsing for a while… just there… she couldn't move… her mouth the down. Celebration paused, as they saw Delancey, single tears drop. Snuffs, groaning in pain and agony.

"Delancey!". Mena called out. Pause, looking at Mena, Juliana and her friend's and the crowd. Everyone started clapping for her. Inhales deeply, tears drop. Mena embraced her as she cries deeply.

"It's okay stop cry! You have done well. For six years… you were the head…. Be happy for someone else… okay". Hugged her tightly

Wiped her tears… walked up to Juliana

"Congratulation…. Dirty middle class". They chuckled

"Congratulations Juliana".

"Thanks… clean first class… thanks Delancey". She said with a big smile

"I just want you to know… this is far from over… you would not be getting Justin that easily… and we are not friends either". She said kisses Justin on chick and walked away

"She's aiming for you bro". Andy said

"They all are". He added

Celebrations continue, till early hours.