

17 different people, meeting, after being separated. Cursed by the last laughing witch. Finds light when Allison saw them and gave them shelter. Haunting them down, after the curse, for the pass 10years. Locating them at Allison’s house. Fegrance (the last laughing witch) killed her, after which they where banished, from the unknown land. Wondering in the city of Ohio, till they saw their helper, Mr. Dunne. He took them to his house, after several threats by the roaming ghost. Bring them to minderburg high. A school meant for rich and affluent kids only. Being middle, life became tough. Competition increased as Elena’s grandsons, came back from Australia after series of heartbreaks, deciding to hate all girls mostly middle class, and short girls, precisely. Much sooner, jamaine realize he had a connection with an outsider and decided to be so close after the tragic accident. Time travel, gave their sign, while they use a device to trace gifted once, which led to Juliana and her friend’s exposure. The boys’ struggle with their sickness, due to their 7days incomplete ritual, which is the mystery between two best friends zyron and Elena. Finding the cure, getting to find who he exchanges his powers with. Fegrance attacked once more, using melody as her tool against her own friends, but later get back to herself, due to Anita’s intervention. Sooner enough, finding out the circumstances of their birth. Issues that led to saucy hard and abnormal way of life, but wasn’t treated as fegrance took time to watch them make a mistake, then strike. After Anita and zyron with the help of Juliana, Pricilla and Mariana alongside 7ring, hiding all three books. One little threat, they all spill it out. Fegrance got the books using all the information and the powers she got from zyron, making the entire universe under her mercy, both the immortal world and the mortal world. Watching out for how they would all find a way to turn things back to normal, living as different people entirely.

MPV_fhils · Kỳ huyễn
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'A' 'R' 'M' 'B'

Rolling on the bed. Anita entered their room open the curtain

"Rise and shine sleepy heads…. It's Christmas". She said aloud

The sunlight shone on their faces. They open their eyes wearily, felt weak. The sun rays poured into Saucy's eyes and she shut the quickly. Gradually they opened their eyes gently allowing it to adjust to the light.

"What is it Anita". They said in a weak voice

"It's Christmas!". She yelled

"Christmas". Meyan said sit upright. Did we get the invitation?". She asked

"Mm! yes, we did".

"Really!". She got up in excitement

"What invitation".

…. looking at each other bereft of words they rushed downstairs

"Are you guys serious". She yelled

"Happy birthday Mena". Havana said walked into her house with lots of gifts. Hugged her

"Thank you so much".

"Merry Christmas baby". Elena walked in

"Oh, thanks so much, I love you all". Mena added entered her dressing room, sat down for her make-up

"Can't wait for the surprise this student has for me". she said with so much ecstasy

Sited at the dinning, holding hands. Allison's pictures all over the place, shedding tears as they honor the memory of Allison. Minutes of silence, sweet word to honor all the good things she did while she was alive. Reminisce over, they opened their eyes.

"RIP Allison, you would forever remain in our heart". They said unison. Heave a big sigh of relief wipe their tears.

All set for the birth bash….

"Hurry up girls we would be late for the party". Meyan said. Walking downstairs one after the other

"Are you crying?". Saucy asked

"Yes!". Sniffs. "Am just proud of myself I made you all look so amazing".

"Indeed!". Saucy added

"Shall we". Juliana added

"Yes! And by the way…. You look sweet". Juliana pouted

They left the house

Party venue, keeping a close look at everyone who walked pass the entrance

"What you doing!". She walked in on them


"Something! I know". Looking downstairs

"Did you see anything?". They asked

"Yess I did! Bunch of girls, that you dated".

"What!". Looked down quickly. Amidst laughter

"There is no one there…. For now! They would be here… oh Londyn is her". Mena teases them walked away

"She's not serious".

"She is bro, they are all here". Jackson said

Party commenced quickly. Came downstairs one by one

"Oh wow the principal is here". Echo from the crowd

"I thought you said your roomies are coming". She whispered to David

"They are… maybe".

"Happy birthday principal and merry Christmas".

"Thanks, dear! Merry Christmas to you too". She said

"On behalf of my friends and I, happy birthday". Delancey gave Mena her gift

"Thank you so much!". Cute laughter.

….. sat down to receive gift from students, worker and well-wishers.

"Thank you so much".

"It's your day so enjoy it". Aubree said

"Merry Christmas, ony". She said. No reply. Walked away feeling bad

"Seriously!". Mena said

"Yes! It's your birthday not mine, she should stop trying to be nice. She is part of the reason am like this". Ony added

Walked in, looking around.

"My! My! What are you doing here". Delancey and her friends obstructed their entrance into the party

"Mannerless beings". Saucy said

"So your frustrated mother didn't think it wise to teach you manners huh!". Pricilla scolds them

"Just shut up at least I have a mother and you don't".

"You know why I wouldn't answer you, this is a season of love". Niso added. Pushed them aside and walked in, while everyone admires their outfit.

Took time to find Mena in the midst of the crowd. Finally found her, smooching her husband

"Merry Christmas". They said

"Oh my!". Chuckles. "I have been waiting for you girls". She said

"Hey there".

"Merry Christmas sir…. Do you mind if we borrow your wife for five minutes... thank you". meyan took her away

"Time to take this party to the next level". Anita said within. Dropped her drink, went to meet the boys

"Heyy merry Christmas

"You're later". Richard said quite rude

"Yess… we were caught up with something else". Anita said. Gaynor walked in

"Hi….". paused observed the both of them

"Can I talk to your boyfriend".

"Richard and I are not dating". She said, walked away

"What do you want". he asked

"I just came to say…. Merry Christmas". She said in a quivery voice

"Same to you". About to leave.

"Richard wait".

"What the hell do you want".

"Can we be friends… at least! Please". She said

Bereft of words…. No!". Walked away

"Tapped him "Merry Christmas". Hugged each other

"Wow you look beautiful".

"You're not bad yourself. It has been long".

"Yeah". JoJo added

"Anita". Pricilla called

"Yes... am coming. Am sorry, I have to go… talk to you later". She rushed to Pricilla


"Is everyone here?". Meyan asked


"Okay". Continued with Mena's make-up

"Hey Rubi have you seen your wife?".

"Yes, some girls took her away".

"Gosh". Walked away

"Mena!". Opened the door. "Finally! What's going on here?". Havana asked

"It's a surprise". They girls said

"I see… okay". She sat down

"Are your daughters here?". Mena asked with her eyes closed

"No! but they would be here soon".

"How much longer".

"Just anticipate a little longer". Meyan said in a constricted voice

…...an hour of hard work… stand erect…

"Now you can open your eyes". Meyan said

"Wow! Mena you look amazing, better than before". Havana praise.

…..Hesitate to open her eyes, but did anyway

"Oh my God… I- I look pretty! I love this gift… thanks girls. Now my husband would lose it when he sees me". they both chuckles

She got up…. "Wait! you changed your outfit".

"Yes! Meyan made it". She said with so much excitement

"Oh my world…. This is amazing… you're good". More compliments

"I can go now, right?".

"Not yet…. My friends and I need to get ready. If you go now, you would spoil the surprise". Meyan said

"Okay!". Sat next to Havana

Dim the light… lights back on. Mena walks down

"Wow is that my wife".

"No she's mine". Richard teases him

"Whosoever got that dress nailed it". Andy said

Sat down next to her husband

"You look beautiful".

"Thanks bae". She said sweetly

"Courtesy…. Special 17". She giggled

On stage, spot light and cameras on her.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen….".

"What is this weirdo doing…. Isn't she one of the middle class… she shouldn't bore us with her loudness". Rylea said

…Indistinct chatters from crowd.

"….to our principal's birthday celebration. While my friends get ready for their presentation…. I would just say these little words…. May not be little but".

"To my dearest principal, me… Juliana 'empress of beauty'. Just want to say I love you… for the number of times you've scold me…. it really shows how much you care about me regardless of what people call... of what people think me…. and I wish you all the good things you ever want to come to pass…".

"When did Juliana come up with that speech?". Her friends asked their selves

"Don't know! But if she continues, everyone would start shedding tears… it won't look like a birthday party, but more like a funeral". Saucy said

Grabbed the mick…. "Juliana we are ready…". Anita said back stage

"Okay… thank you". she said… round of applause

Walking downstairs

"Oh my God! Why is she looking so much like the principal".

"I thought they said her daughters died… but she's right here". Indistinct chatter. Anita took her sit… smiling as Mena use to… and responding just the way she would...

"Good evening everyone, Welcome to middle class…... this presentation is for our lovely principal... enjoy". Pricilla walked away

"Why didn't we think of this". Sonia said

"I would admit these girls are really smart…".

"I heard that other one there… made the outfit they are wearing… and the one the principal is wearing too… and you would not believe me if I tell you they are the top female students in the whole of minderburg".

"Are you serious… here we are insulting them".

"You know as smart as Justin is… that girl is the only one that can challenge him academically".

"You don't mean". Cheer for their performance

"Gosh… seeing these girls pull all this for the principal… makes me feel like dog food… why didn't we think of this". Gaynor said to Maeve

"Even if… it won't be like this…. that Anita girl look so much like the principal. People are beginning to think that the principals' daughters never died...". Maeve added

"Who cares… my focus now is just to get back with Richard. And once that's done… mm believe… no one would care... about this lousy middle class". Gaynor smirked

At the end of their presentation… everyone stood up and cheered for them… Mena enter the stage

"Thank you so much…. That was lovely…. To watch someone, act like me". she said

Back stage… they hugged each other

"I can't believe we pull that off... shit". Anthonia said

"Yeah we did… am so happy". Juliana said

"Heyy meyan… a lot of people like you design… they love your worked. I stepped out just now and a lot of people where asking who made the dress am wearing, I gave them your card". Saucy said meyan jumped on saucy.

"I love you". she said

"Wait is Saucy smirking!".

"Oh my god! She's actually enjoying herself. Congratulations… for the first time in your life… you… smirked! Come here". They hugged each other

"Hey are we going to remain here or go out and show them our killer dance moves". Mariana said

…. They rushed to the dance floor.

…. Chuckles. "I am the birthday celebrant, but they are happier than I am, can you believe that".

"It's Christmas!". Richard said walked away

"Heyy Mena! Happy birthday once again. I love your outfit… my student made it".

"Your student…. Or you daughter. That girl on stage… she killed it… she looks so much like you".

"Yeah... Anita! Anita is not my daughter… she's just… my student…. Like a daughter me…. I really lost my children in that fire".

"Am so sorry... I felt like… she looks so much like you…. with the same outfit… I just… am sorry".

"It's okay…. I need to dance". She went to the dance floor dancing in the midst of Juliana and her friends

"This woman deserves better… I pray God gives her a child".

"Goodbye principal… see you next year..". they said

"Bye!". Waved back at them and they drove away.