
The Last Twin Flames

Follow a Journey of Forbbiden love. This story follows a traditional tale of a Princess falling for a Dark Prince...who just might be her savior. Godwynn is the Dark Elven Prince of the Kingdom, Nyberia. Whereas Amora is a High Elf Princess from the Golden, Atherian Kingdom. Watch as their paths cross, and as they each must make tough choices, for the sake of their futures...and their Kingdoms.

LemonSqueezii · Kỳ huyễn
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25 Chs

Chapter 11-Kingly Introductions

Amora followed behind the stewardess to the Guest Wing of the Dark Palace. The palace was eerie, yet strangely beautiful in some ways she thought to herself. The columns and pillars throughout were all black, polished to a high shine, with gold accents at the bases. It was all uniform. The palace walls were a deep red, the outlines of red poison ivy sewn into its silk wall fabrics. Small pillars lined the hall, light bursting forth from the flames atop of them. The shadows of the hall dancing back and forth. Arda came to stand in front of a door as they came to the end of the hallway. "This will be your quarters, during your stay here….I assume it will be brief. So, enjoy." The dark elf looked down her nose at Amora, all but sneering at her.

Amora didn't miss the underlying tone in Arda's voice. The woman did not like her, and she could tell that she wasn't a welcome guest by no means. "Thank you." Amora managed a fake smile. Arda then led the princess into the Guest Chamber. "This is where you will be sleeping," She walked past the large black canopy bed while pointing at it, and then led her to a room in the far back. There was a small pool in the ground, steam wafting up from the water.

"And this is the private Bathing hall….Since you were so vicious with our house staff, expect to wash, dry, and dress yourself…These are your supplies" The older woman pointed to a small woven basket in the floor next to the swirling pool of water, then motioned to the neatly folded towel sheets in on an iron bench in the corner. The bath was well lit by four flaming pillars in either corner of the room. The bath pool itself was in the very center. A beautiful grey polished marble adorned the floor with gold filigree designs.

Looking around she couldn't help but wonder…"Umm…Where do I relieve myself" Amora asked sheepishly. The woman pointed to a smaller room joining the bath. A bench with a hole was inside. "You go in there."

"Oh! Ok, Thank you, Lady Arda." Amora nodded her head to the older woman. And faced the pool. She was already naked. So, she began to step into the pool, more than ready to wash the last couple of days from her skin.

"Your clothes will be on the bed. I will bring you a tray of food and drink as the prince has instructed." Arda said as she walked out of the bath. Amora stepped down into the hot water. She could smell the minerals in the water, as it almost smelled sweet. This pool was obviously fed by a hot spring. As Amora sank down into the water, she couldn't help but let out a soft moan, the water soothing her sore body, lapping the pains away. She closed her eyes and laid back, taking a breath before submerging herself, a false sense of security surrounding her.

Behind her closed eyes she noticed the light in the room had shifted, and a shadow moved before her closed lids, someone had walked into the room as she was beneath the water. She opened her eyes under the water trying to see who it was, thinking that it might have been Arda or maybe even the prince. But the shape was unfamiliar, and the moving surface of the water prohibited a clear view. Pretending not to notice she slowly broke the surface, taking a breath and running her hands over her scalp, taming her hair, then wiping her face so that she could see. The shape of a large muscular dark figure standing over her came into view.

Amora's heart quickened. She was alone and exposed to some stranger, with no one to call out to for help...She had not a friend in the world in this castle. As her vision cleared, she noticed a large crown perched upon his head. The man had beautiful striking features, similar to her captor, And a large Jet Black beard. His eyes were the color of pitch and irises a bright cerulean blue. He must be the Dark King Drogath, her father had once mentioned him. He was The Dark King of Nyberius. The land in which she was now held Captive.

Amora dropped her eyes quickly nodding her head in acknowledgement, "Your Majesty."

"Good evening….Amora." His deep voice crooned.

A chill ran down her spine at the sound of her name on his lips. She wasn't sure what he wanted, but she knew it wouldn't be good, she subconsciously covered her bare breasts. The king walked around to the side closest to her and began to take his boots off and followed with his kneesocks. Her stomach sank, her face visibly paling.

"Fear not, I plan not to bathe with you, young princess….unless that is your wish?" The king cocked an eyebrow at her, a dark smirk on his lips. She quickly shook her head no. Drogath laughed at her. He then raised the pant on each leg, just below the knee, and stepped into the water, sitting on the dry edge.

"Turn around and come here." He commanded her.

Hesitantly Amora complied. Slowly backing up to the king as he had commanded her.

To her surprise the King began working her hair. Grabbing a bar of hair soap from the basket he began to clean her. He stayed quiet for a few moments. Busying himself with her long locks.

"I used to wash my beautiful Queen's hair like this…many moons ago." He began…

Amora turned her head to the side, curious to see what he was trying to say. But Drogath yanked her hair, making her face forward. The ease she had wanted to feel at the beginning of his gestures, now quickly vanished. Amora mentally reprimanded herself. She was in Enemy territory, she would find no friend here, no matter how desperately she needed one.

 "She was an amazing woman…ruled alongside me for over 900years…" The Dark one continued.

Drogath took a pitcher that was beside the basket and began pouring the water, gently over her hair. Carefully washing the suds away. "Unfortunately, she is no longer by my side…"

 Amora's skin began to crawl, she could tell something wasn't right.

"Do you want to know why…the Queen is no longer by my side?" The king whispered.

Drogath smoothly ran his fingers up the base of her neck, and through her hair. Then roughly tightened the grip on Amora's hair, while subsequently yanking her back towards him. She cried out in pain as she felt he could pull her head off her body if he pulled any harder now. The dark king licked the side of her ear…breathing heavily into it as if toying with her and causing her pain was enjoyable to him.

"W-why, your highness?" the princess stuttered.

 "It's because she disobeyed my commands." He said through gritted teeth.

The King snapped her head back, to look him in the eye.

"I want you Keep in mind I have no issues in removing problems from my palace. Any command that I issue will be obeyed. Or I will make sure 'that problem,' dies a horrific death."

"Y-yes...Your highness!" Amora's voice came out in a pleading cry, her lip quivering.

Drogath released her hair then continued to bathe the princess. She was frozen in place barely breathing, allowing him to maneuver her as he pleased. Afraid of his wrath. She could practically taste the sheer power emanating from him. Old magic. Dark Magic. Her body trembled. Yet he continued, grabbing a cloth, and lathering the patchouli scented soap.

"Stand for me" he demanded.

The princess got to her feet as quickly as she could. Drogath grabbed her and spun her around. He looked her up one side and down the other, as if she were a prize Horse he wanted to purchase. Inspecting every inch of her. He looked her in the eyes, Amora immediately looking away trying to avoid upsetting him. He continued his ministrations, washing her body as he spoke.

"Tomorrow, I will command you to do something. And you must do it willingly…am I clear?"

A look of confusion crossed her face. "I don't understand" she said.

"Hmph!" An evil smile swept across his face, his voice full of malice, "Well…Let me help you to understand" he retorted.

Drogath stood and grabbed the princess by the throat, plunging her deep into the water, holding her there under his weight. She fought and kicked frantically. Clawing at the king's arm, Amora fought desperately for any type of leverage to get her head above water. The warm water burned her lungs as she choked and gagged on it; her nostrils and sinuses were on fire. Then…just when she was on the verge of giving up, the dark king finally pulled her above water. He pulled her face to his, their noses touching. As she sputtered and choked, inhaling desperately. She could taste his breath, and it made her sick to her stomach. She could barely see him through stinging eyes, her water drenched face…her hair matted down across her forehead.

"Have we reached an understanding; you will obey ANY command I give you?" His eyes challenging her to say otherwise.

Amora barely choked out her words "I-I under….I- U-understand! Anything y-you Command!"

"Good." Drogath stood up from the water, and stepped out, the floor and his pants were soaking wet from her thrashing. The king didn't even acknowledge the mess as he grabbed his boots and walked out. Water dripping from his breeches.