

with The Shinobi Lands Destroyed by an Unknown power, Alastair Uchiha, the last known Shinobi, walks the land alone until a fateful encounter that brings him head to head with a certain White Rose.

KingRenetti · Tranh châm biếm
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1 Chs


For years, The Land of Shinobi has been widely known for its powerful warriors. The Land of Shinobi was home to the Four Ninja Villages aka Ninja Kingdoms. One day, the powerful land was laid to waste by an unknown source which frightened the world that such powerful people were mysteriously destroyed. Before the Land was destroyed, existed the Uchiha Clan. A powerful clan that held the Legendary power of the Sharingan. One boy out of the entire clan was a prodigy. His name is Alastair Uchiha.

He's only 7 years old but he still is very strong. He used to be a cheerful boy, but when his home was attacked, it changed him. Alastair even had to use his Sharingan to escape. When he encountered a group of Beowolves he discovered his Weapon Summoning abilities. Currently, the boy was just walking in a forest. He has no idea where he is, he's just traveling to survive.

As he walked, the boy's face was emotionless. Void of emotion besides his cold demeanor. He stopped as he sensed a presence. The boy slowly grabbed a Kunai. A Beowolf leaped at him from behind. The boy pulled the Kunai out and ducked down. With one slash he sliced across its chest killing it due to him embedding the Kunai with Chakra for extra damage. The beast turned to black smoke and ash while he stood up fully.

Alastair was about to sheath his Kunai but stopped. He felt another presence. It wasn't really looking at him, but close by. The Uchiha looked around trying to find the presence. He felt it weaken so he sprinted in it's direction.

In another part of the forest, a woman with a white cloak is laying up against a tree holding her side, that was bleeding. Standing before her was a crazed Scorpion Faunus.

Faunus: "this certainly was fun!" he chuckled a little. "but I need to kill you to appease our goddess!!" he giggled as he brought his Scorpion tail up and gained a crazed expression.

The woman looked on helplessly.

Woman: (Ruby.... Yang. I'm sorry. Mommy isn't coming home this time.) she said mentally.

As the Faunus went to strike, a foot collided with his face making him slam into a tree. The woman was surprised when she saw a child. The Faunus rubbed the side of his head and scowled towards the kid.

Faunus: "you're just asking to die aren't you! Who even are you!?" he shouts, clearly pissed to be kicked.

Alastair: "I am Alastair Uchiha." the Faunus and Woman's eyes widen. "and you, I can just feel your malice. Thus you must DIE!" he shouts as he throws three Shuriken at the Faunus.

The Faunus rolled to the right dodging them.

Faunus: "well, you introduced yourself. Might as well be polite." he said while getting into a more calming stance.

Tyrian: "I am Tyrian, humble servant of our one true Goddess". He said with a light bow.

Alastair: "does it look like I care who this Goddess is?" he said dryly.

Tyrian frowned but smiled.

Tyrian: "Not at all!" He soon snickered and rushed the boy.

Alastair side stepped dodging his wrist blades. Tyrian slashed that same blade but Alastair leaned back letting it go over him. Alastair rolled backwards and leaped away from Tyrian. Tyrian ran towards the boy who blinked. When he blinked, his Sharingan activated in both eyes.

Tyrian thrusted and slashed his blades, Alastair dodged them by shifting left and right or ducking.

Tyrian: "Grrr!! Stop moving!!!" he demanded, sending his Scorpion tail at the boy.

Alastair grinned. He side stepped and grabbed the tail. Tyrian was confused. Alastair then flung him to the side into a tree. Tyrian growled before slashing his wrist blade. Alastair jumped back to gain some distance before cocking a fist back. Lightning coating his hand. He then lunges at Tyrian. He then drives his fist into Tyrian's face with Lightning coating his hand.

A brief shockwave occurred before Tyrian was launched. The woman was shocked seeing this. Tyrian breaks through about five trees before stopping on the sixth one. Tyrian coughed up blood from that impact, he stood up and snarled at Alastair. Alastair spins a Kunai in his hands casually before stopping the spinning and getting into a stance.

Tyrian charges Alastair. Alastair's Sharingans flash before he throws his Kunai upwards. The one Kunai suddenly aimed at Tyrian. Flames swirl around it and emit a large spiral that creates dozens of extra Kunai made from fire. Alastair then snapped his fingers and all the dozens of Kunai dash for Tyrian. Tyrian goes to deflect one of them, but it explodes upon contact launching him backwards. The woman was still in awe watching this kid take care of the guy that gave her a hard time. Tyrian coughed up more blood before deciding to run away.

Tyrian gets up and runs off away from Alastair and the woman. Alastair walked over and grabbed his Kunai that was embedded into the ground. He rips it out of the ground and puts it away. When he did that, he then noticed his vision getting blurry and a little dizzy feeling. He grabbed his head and stumbled back. He looked at his hand and saw a cut mark with some purple substance.

Alastair: "Crap." he said before collapsing.

The woman snapped out of her shocked state and rushed over to Alastair. She knelt down to him and lifted him up. She looked around before running off with him on her back. She would occasionally check his pulse as she ran off to a nearby settlement.


Groaning, Alastair would open his eyes. He sat up slowly as he looked around the room. He's in a hospital room. He looks around the room to see he's the only one. He looked at his hand to see it was wrapped in a bandage, he clenched his hand ignoring the pain as he was angry that he let himself get poisoned. He reached up to his forehead and grabbed the forehead protector he had on his head.

This belonged to his brother Itachi who had died protecting him when their home land was attacked years ago. He remembers the day vividly. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the rooms door open. He kept the forehead protector in his hands as he looked over. He saw a man in a doctors attire.

Doctor: "oh! You're awake." he said.

Alastair: "What else would I be? Dead?" he asks.

Doctor: "well, thankfully you aren't. We managed to null the effects of the poison in your body and remove what we could. To simplify it even more, the poison is no longer a problem for you young man." he explained.

Alastair: "Good." he said calmly.

Doctor: "Well, I suggest you get some rest." he said before leaving.

Alastair looked back at the forehead protector in his hands. After a few minutes of silence, he hears the door open again. He looked over and saw the woman he saved.

Alastair: "oh, it's you... I never caught your name." he said calmly.

Summer: "my name is Summer Rose, how are you doing?" she asks.

Alastair: "wow, not even asking me for my name I see how it is." he said, semi jokingly.

Summer: "sorry!" she apologized.

Alastair: "Well, I know I already said it, my name is Alastair Uchiha." he said.

Summer: "Nice to meet you! Thank you for saving me back there." she said with genuine gratitude.

Alastair: "no need to thank me." he said calmly. "What do you want? I doubt you came here for a simple thank you."

Summer: "oh uh, I was wondering if you had anywhere to go?" she asked.

Alastair: "no. I don't. My home was destroyed a long time ago." he said, looking away from Summer and towards the window.

Summer: "O-oh." she said, remembering the fate of the Shinobi's.

She knew he was one of them due to the Uchiha name and Sharingan's he used. So to her it was obvious.

Alastair: "Where am I?" he asks, looking at her.

Summer: "The City of Vale. You found me just 40 Miles away from Vale. Thankfully a nearby village had a bullhead to bring the both of us to the hospital here." she said, moving her cloak to show her bandaged abdomen.

Alastair: "How long was I... out?" he asks.

Summer: "Not long. Only 4 Hours. The sun will come up soon anyway." she said.

Alastair: "Then why are you up in the first place?" he asks.

Summer: "it's 5 am!" she argues.

Alastair: "oh."

Summer: "not like it's 3 in the morning. If that was the case, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. I'd be sleeping soundly after eating a cookie." she said, with a matter-of-fact tone.

Alastair: "Do you... always eat a cookie before bed?" he asks.

Summer: "Nnnnoooooo." she said, looking away.

Alastair looked at her with a stoic expression that said he doesn't believe her. She sighs.

Summer: "okay... I... I might eat an entire plate worth before I go to bed, heh." she said sheepishly.

Alastair raised an eyebrow at her.

Summer: "not important! What is important is where you'll be going." she said, snapping out of her sheepish state.

Alastair: "well... I was just going to go back on the move. It's all I've been doing." he said calmly.

Summer: "What!? No!!" she said loudly, she quickly then hushed herself. "Why would you go back out there?"

Alastair: "Don't exactly have any Lien to buy a hotel... that and I don't have a home." he retorts.

Summer: "oh yeah." she said, realizing she forgot that detail.

Alastair: "You forgot, didn't you?" he asks.

Summer: "Of course not... okay yeah, I did." she admits sheepishly.

Alastair: "alright then, what do YOU think I should do?" he asks calmly.

Summer: "Well, you could always come with me." she said.

Alastair: "hmmm... no." he said.

Summer: "wha-oh come on, please!" she begs.

Alastair: "Why would I go with someone I just met?" he asks while glaring at her slightly.

Summer: "it's called adoption!" she said while raising her pointer finger up.

Alastair: "It's called I don't care." he said.

Summer: "why?"

Alastair: "many others have given me the same offer only to back stab me and try to use me for their own agenda." he said coldly.

Summer: "But I won't do that." she said, surprised hearing that piece of information.

Alastair: "Says who?" he asked while narrowing his eyes with a mean glare.

Summer was quiet. Alastair inwardly scoffs while rolling his eyes while he looked away from Summer. Summer gazed back at Alastair with a slight somber expression. She looked down before inwardly sighing.

Summer: "Look, I already know it's gonna be pointless trying to convince you to come with me. But at least give me a try. You saved my life, this is the least I could do." she said in a low tone along with slightly somber eyes. She simply felt bad as she wanted to make it up to him and wasn't able too.

Alastair took a moment before gazing at her. He looked away in thought for a few moments before looking back at her. He searched her eyes for any hint of self interest. After a moment or so, he sighs and looks forward.

Alastair: "Fine." he said.

Summer's expression lightened up. He looked at her.

Alastair: "I'll give you a chance. But one slip up and I'm leaving." he said with a hardened glare.

Summer smiles.

Summer: "That's all I ask." she said. "the doctors will be discharging you at 10. Get some rest till then. You'll need it." she said before moving away from the bed he was on.

Summer walked over to the door and Alastair watched her off. When she reaches the door, she grabs the handle before looking back at him.

Summer: "Thank you again, for saving me." she said with genuine thanks.

Alastair just nods at her. Summer opens the door and walks out of the room. She then gently shuts the door.

Outside the door, she slightly fist bumps herself.

Summer: "yes!" she whispers, happy that she convinced him.

She then snapped out of it when she realized something.

Summer: "wonder how Ruby and Yang will react.... eh who knows. Maybe they'll be happy to have him around." she said with a shrug before walking off.

In the room, Alastair set the forehead protector on the stand near the bed he was on. He moved his hand away but kept his gaze on it for a few seconds. He looks away in thought. He looked at the forehead protector one last time before laying back down to go to sleep.

"I have The Power of GOD and ANIME on my side!!"

-Kid We're too lazy to learn name off.

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