
The Last Samurai: Unleashed

In the heart of feudal Japan, amidst a village steeped in tradition and honor, a young teenager named Sakutarō finds himself captivated by the noble Samurai warrior who safeguards their community with unwavering dedication. However, as the winds of change sweep through the village, the era of the Samurai is waning, replaced by the allure of new technologies and weapons that promise a different kind of protection. Caught between the past and the future, Sakutarō's fascination with the ways of the Samurai leads him into a forbidden journey of discovery. When Daisuke discovers the young boy's clandestine observations, an unexpected decision is made – to train Sakutarō in the ancient art of the Samurai. Under Daisuke's tutelage, Sakutarō embarks on a transformative path, learning the physical skills of combat, the deeper lessons of loyalty, honor, and sacrifice that define a true warrior; and the secret world of summons. As their bond deepens, Sakutarō must navigate the complexities of a changing world while upholding the traditions of the Samurai code. As tensions rise within the village and a shadow of uncertainty looms over their way of life, Sakutarō and Daisuke must confront challenges that test their resolve and unity. Together, they must find the strength to protect not only the village but also the timeless values of courage and integrity that define their shared legacy. "The Last Samurai: Unleashed" is a tale of tradition and transformation, of a boy's journey to find his place in a world in flux, and of a master and student bound by honor and duty in an era of change and upheaval.

DaRealVinci · Huyền huyễn
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54 Chs

Unexpected News

Daisuke rose from the ground and looked behind him as a voice interrupted the stillness of dawn.

"That was quite the display," the voice remarked, his tone casual yet observant.

Daisuke's expression hardened as he faced Raidon. "Is this all fun and games to you?" he retorted, his voice fueled with frustration.

Raidon's eyes refused to divert from Daisuke's, "It's not everyday you get to see such a duel between two exceptional fighters."

Daisuke held up his arm, pointing his Katana towards Raidon; his frustration simmering beneath the surface. "What's your reason for joining the Deadly Seven?" he demanded, his voice edged with suspicion.

"Control. Power. Things we all desire. To be the best," Raidon replied, his tone matter-of-fact.

Daisuke's eyes narrowed as he studied Raidon, searching for any hint of deception. "Bullshit. Who told you everybody wants to be the best?"

"Everybody, if given the choice, would take being the best. It's just, the majority of people don't think about it because it's something they could never achieve," Raidon explained, his gaze steady.

"If you want to be the best, why didn't you help Chen in his plan to kill Mishiira?"

"I don't think you understand. Everything that he told you about Mishiira was true. He is levels above us all. Even my Eagle retreats in fear as it cannot comprehend Mishiira's power when analysing him."

Daisuke shook his head, his frustration mounting. "You lot are a joke. A disgrace to the original Deadly Seven," he spat, his words filled with contempt. "They were meant to be about respect and honour. They were Samurai that served the whole land, striking the utmost fear into criminals. So, how is it that Mishiira has changed and become the thing he used to strive to destroy? How is it that he's even alive?"

Raidon's expression remained impassive as he listened to Daisuke's words. "Respect and honour? That is true... for the most part," he conceded.

Daisuke's brow tilted in confusion. "What do you mean?" he pressed, filled with uncertainty.

"Did Makoto ever tell you what happened to your mother?" Raidon asked, his voice somber.

Daisuke's heart skipped a beat at the mention of his mother, his mind racing with a thousand thoughts. "She's dead," he replied.

Raidon's lips curled into a knowing smile. "She's dead you say? Well, I beg to differ," he stated cryptically.

Daisuke's eyes widened in disbelief, his mind struggling to comprehend Raidon's words. "What the hell are you talking about?" he demanded, desperation pouring from his body.

Daisuke continued, "she was murdered. The person who did it was executed."

"Did Makoto tell you the same thing?"


Raidon's smile only widened as he continued, "She's alive, Daisuke."

Daisuke's breath caught in his throat, his heart pounding in his chest. "Cut the bullshit, Raidon! It's not going to work. You won't be able to damage my spirit. I never saw you as one for such cheap tricks," he raged, his tone laced with anger.

Raidon's smile faded, replaced by a solemn expression. "If you don't believe me, I'll lead you to her," he offered, his tone sincere.

Daisuke's eyes narrowed as he studied Raidon, searching for any hint of deception. "Raidon, enough of this," he warned.

"I promise you. On my honour," Raidon insisted.

"If she really is alive... why tell me?"

"Because I've seen the potential within you. Killing you even now wouldn't satisfy my needs. Seeing your mother again would heal many wounds within you, gifting you more strength to gain. I want to destroy you at your peak."

"I'll kill you now." Daisuke broke his position and got into his stance.

"No." Raidon commanded as he threw both his swords to the ground.

"Pick it up!" Daisuke shouted.

"I told you. The time for our fight isn't right. You need more seasoning before I can indulge. You can keep my swords for the journey, so you don't think I'll try to kill you along the way."

Daisuke hesitated, torn between his desire for answers and his mistrust of Raidon. But deep down, he knew that he couldn't ignore the possibility that his mother might still be alive.

Raidon continued, "The original Deadly Seven were about respect and honour? Where is the respect and honour in lying to a fellow Samurai about their mother?"

"I don't know... I don't know if I should believe you... even though a part of me weirdly wants to."

Raidon's grin widened as he saw the turmoil raging within Daisuke. "You see, Daisuke, the truth is often stranger than fiction. And sometimes, those we trust the most are the ones who betray us."

"Fine," he said finally, "but if this is some kind of trick..."

"It's no trick, Daisuke," Raidon assured him. "I swear it on my honour."

Raidon pointed at his swords on the ground, turned away and took a few steps.

"Pick them up, Daisuke. Like I said, I'll let you keep them for the entire journey. That's my promise in case you think I'll try to kill you."

With a heavy heart, Daisuke followed Raidon into the darkness, his mind filled with fear and uncertainty. But as they rode, Daisuke following behind Raidon, he couldn't shake the feeling that his life was about to change in ways he couldn't even begin to imagine.

As dawn painted the sky in hues of pink and gold, Daisuke and Raidon rode through the ancient forests of Japan. The air was cool and crisp, carrying with it the faint scent of cherry blossoms in bloom.

Daisuke's heart raced with anticipation as he guided his horse along the narrow forest path. Every beat of its hooves clapping the ground in the stillness of the morning, a steady rhythm that matched the pounding of his own heart.

In front of him, Raidon rode with the ease and grace of a fearless warrior. His posture was upright, his movements fluid and efficient.

As they rode, the forest gradually gave way to open fields dotted with clusters of wildflowers. The landscape stretched out before them, bathed in the soft light of morning. In the distance, the outline of a village came into view, its rooftops shimmering in the morning light.

Daisuke's heart skipped a beat as he caught sight of the village. It was here, in this quiet corner of the world, that his mother was said to reside. The mere thought of seeing her again filled him with a mixture of hope and apprehension, a tumultuous swirl of emotions that threatened to overwhelm him.

But as they drew closer to the village, Daisuke pushed aside his doubts and fears. He was determined to uncover the truth, to finally learn what had become of his mother after all these years.

With each passing moment, the village grew larger and more distinct, its streets bustling with activity as the villagers went about their morning chores. Smoke rose from chimneys, mingling with the scent of cooking fires and freshly baked bread.

As they entered the village, Daisuke felt a sense of anticipation building within him. He knew that the answers he sought were close at hand, waiting to be discovered amidst the winding streets and ancient alleyways of the village.

But as they rode deeper into the heart of the village, Daisuke couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the edges of his mind. There was something about the atmosphere that felt off, something that whispered of secrets long buried and truths left untold.

And as they finally came to a stop in the village square, Daisuke knew that their journey was far from over. For here, amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, lay the key to unlocking the mysteries of his past and the fate of his beloved mother.