
The Last Prince of Rennaya

Atlas, the emperor of Ceria, invaded the once prosperous planet of Rennaya, searching for the Legendary Rennayan. A being capable of bending the will of all four elements; fire, ice, earth, and electricity. Before the invasion, the king of Rennaya gathered the blood of over a billion of his people. Synthesizing and experimenting with it, all to recreate the legendary being. He then entrusted his young son, Osei, with the task of bringing his sibling to life, on Earth. Osei accomplished the mission and kept the Earth safe, but was captured in the process. Twenty years passed and Osei returned to Earth, as a runaway slave. Shaking Tobi's world with his real identity and awakening the dormant powers within him. The only problem is, Earth is no longer safe... Read more on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheLastPrinceofRennaya

Nyghtwryter · Khoa huyễn
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84 Chs

The Battle For Earth

There were no words explaining the happiness, Prince Zaryon was feeling at the moment. He towered over his soldiers, at the island console in the cockpit of his ship. "Send out the World Telo-Monitors, make sure it reaches all sentient beings on the planet!" He ordered in a demanding manner.

The soldiers went to work, while he stayed behind and went over his plan. One of them came back roughly five minutes later, confirming that all devices were good to go.

He nodded, giving his next order. "Attack the entire network, get every one of those disgusting primates' attention." He said, walking over to the center of the console.

The screen lit up in front of him, beaming up a hi-def holographic screen. Showcasing miniature squares, one reflecting him and multiple others a little larger. All displaying major cities around the world.

He spoke in a loud, eccentric voice, knowing he was being broadcasted all over the world. "People of planet Earth... My name is Zaryon, the 125th prince of Ceria and I am utterly disgusted by how you vermin, have freely populated this planet!"

People around the world heard his voice in their language. Specifically, the language shared by the majority of people every 20 km. Regardless they understood. He did not come in peace.

"Furthermore, we had trouble getting past the barrier, that you've set up to hide yourselves and your Solar System." He scratched his chin, crossing his arms. "Still... looking at how primitive your society is, I don't see how it was possible to have been created by you insects... Lastly, my younger brother, Kairon's vitals disappeared last around this deep part of his sector. The only intellectual beings living in this solar system are on this planet... Yet!"

He stretched his hands out wide. "I see nothing that shows me of the carnage of his invasion and I don't doubt his strength. So..." He took a deep breath. "Since you all have divided yourselves up conveniently, we'll begin with the so-called strongest of you all... But I am nothing, if not generous."

Zaryon nodded at the soldier helping him with his broadcast, and turned his attention back to the camera, while the soldier went to work on a few commands. "We only need 3 Billion of you alive. So you have two options to survive: The first, bring me the ones who killed my brother. Second, vote to surrender first... For the largest areas that surrender, we'll leave those regions. as safe zones from our invasion. We'll come later to trim the fat, you have 30 mins."

His voice sent sheer terror through people's minds. Some laughed thinking it was a joke. Nevertheless he smiled, feeling euphoric. "Let the invasion begin." He ordered raising his hands higher, then the screen switched to broadcasting the invasion.

A red dialog box popped up in front of everyone on Earth and displaying, 'Do you surrender?' Attached below the question, it gave them two options to answer, 'Yes' or 'No', in their respective languages.

Four ships dropped out of the skies of New York, spreading out in four different directions, while the main one released dozens of aircrafts and deployed infantry. Each of the four spaceships soared slowly toward their destinations. People started to panic, wanting to disregard reality. Roads were packed in minutes as people began rushing out of the city as fast as they could, causing traffic, crashes, and road rage.

Onlookers held out their phones recording the alien ships to share on social media, as massive robots dropped down in crowded places and began grabbing people, eating them and storing them in sedated chambers within. Soldiers parachuted behind them, touching down and opening fire, as kaycers flew in hordes, screeching out of ships.

The U.S. military were swift into action. Within moments, fighter jets zoomed over the city, engaging the aircrafts and firing missiles at the spaceships, which exploded on impenetrable force fields. American soldiers joined the police officers fighting back, trying to protect and evacuate the citizens. Some Americans joined in the fight, taking out their firearms and firing back at the invading forces making their way through their city.

Zaryon laughed as he exited his spaceship floating and overlooking the carnage, as screams and explosions echoed below. Three fighter jets cracked the sky, in the distance, gunning for him. The pilots had identified him from the broadcast and without hesitation, made their way over, to eliminate him.

They fired bullets, then missiles, but with ease he evaded the first few rounds. While the missiles swerved around, homing for him, with another round closing in on him. With quick reflexes, he fired multiple balls of fire out of his palms, as the projectiles got closer, enclosing him in an explosive inferno, and surrounding him in dark smoke.

The pilots celebrated, toasting to victory, too early, as Zaryon appeared out of the smoke at Mach speed, smashing the glass of one of the cockpits and grabbing the pilot's face, while holding them in place. The jet exploded as he held the remains of the burnt pilot, cindering.

The remaining pilots witnessing what had just happened to their comrade, circled back, as the smoke cleared. Firing another round of missiles, followed by a shower of bullets to avenge their them.

Zaryon stayed in place, welcoming the barrage, as the jets flew by. Out of the fiery smoke shrouding him, two quick fireballs, broke through, catching up to the jets. With no time to evade, both jets exploded in midair, raining rubble back down to the city.

The prince laughed out loud, jeering at the world. "Is that all you've got?!" The broadcast showcased the whole exchange, causing more fear among the people. "Let's make this more interesting... Hurry up and bring me whatever or whoever was able to kill my brother. Or I'll wipe out a random country, outside of this continent every hour, starting right now."

He pointed his hands towards a random direction, then manifested a massive condensed ball of fire, enlarging as it hovered in front of his palm. Within ten seconds it had become twice the size of him. Bringing the world to shambles, as people scrambled to safety, terrified.

Suddenly a resounding boom echoed the skies, causing the broadcast to switch over to one of the spaceships, making its way to Canada. The ship went up in flames and began falling, however, massive whips of steel, with nets attached them together, whipped around the ship, as two more blue and white spaceships labeled 'BEYOND' descended out of the sky and towed it back up to space, disappearing.

Zaryon watched, absolutely stunned, as another deafening boom, forced him to turn his attention above him to the broadcast. The spaceship he had ordered to conquer South America, was falling in flames but was quickly picked up by two more Beyond spaceships.

He was furious, canceling his flaming attack and gripping his fists to his side. An intense heat wave settled around him. The only spaceships he had left were his own and the one that was supposed to go overseas to Europe, then Africa where they were supposed to regroup.

Regretfully, he ordered them, to stand down. He needed to figure out who was responsible for this. "Kalista!" He yelled.

Jumping out of his spaceship, was a young woman with a dark complexion and sullen blue eyes, landed on a rock platform, she summoned right in front of him and dropped to one knee, as she brushed back her jet-black hair. She wore a black, with purple contrast, armor bodysuit and a loose metal bracelet on her left hand, flashing like an exploding tracker.

"Find out who dared to attack us. I need to know who is capable of breaching our defenses." He ordered.

"Yes, my lord." She nodded.

Dark clouds gathered above them, blocking out the Sun. The broadcast switched to Zaryon's spaceship, as lightning ripped through the ship, followed by an immense shockwave, reverbrating across the sky. His ship continued to light up with small explosions, as a large electric current, continued to devastate the ship even further.

Finally, bursting out a giant hole under the belly of the ship and struck like lightning from the ship towards Zaryon. Before he could register what he was looking at, a man punched the prince with his full might, adding thousands of volts of electricity sparking out of his fist.

Zaryon was sent flying, breaking sound barriers as he flew into a clearing far from the city. There was a large tremor as he hit the ground, tumbling over and destroying everything, as the force dragged him through the dirt. The world watched wondering who had just come to their rescue.

The man looked at Kalista, who was speechless. Unable to defend her master. He was dressed in a black suit, with a blue and white Beyond logo, on his left arm. Suddenly he spoke. "You're Rennayan, aren't you?"

Moments before, on the Prometheus...

Tobi was furious. He wanted to head out sooner, but Sarah stopped him.

"Through my simulations, I have concluded, that they still won't accept us, if we save them right away. If they're not indebted, they won't listen." She explained.

Tobi felt like she couldn't grasp the weight of life, due to her not being human. Regardless, he reluctantly agreed and waited patiently, as their spaceships hovered, camouflaged above the invading force. They had seven ships with them including the Aratris.

Sarah had been working with her androids day and night to perfect them for missions. She outfitted them with new weapons, laser artillery and defense shields, that reflected force fields, and called the ships Aeromachs.

Tobi and Osei stood at the hangar, doors wide open, overlooking the city and the ships drifting across it. They were dressed in new uniforms, Sarah updated, with data from their last mission. Now more capable of handling their abilities to extreme limits.

They raised their hands in front of them and called forth lightning, striking two of the enemy ships out of the sky. Then, they both jumped out.

Osei landed, sword first as lightning struck, engulfing him and aiding his descent through Zaryon's main ship. The shockwave, rippled through, as Osei continued to lay carnage, with continuous momentum. Then burst out of a hole from beneath the ship and struck Zaryon flying with his full might.

A few kilometres away, Tobi dropped down to the city. Landing on one of the giant robots, Osei called Bosryn, which was shot at by police, trying to rescue the citizen within. He blocked stray bullets with a small stone wall hovering near his body. Flames erupted out of his sword, as he brought the giant robot down without breaking a sweat.

He looked back at the officers. "Focus on evacuation, we'll take it from here!" He reassured them.

Then jumped off the robot and jetted off with fire under his soles, as the officers helped the citizens trapped inside the machine out. Over the past eight months, Tobi had learned how to fly, by maintaining heat around his body with fire or electricity and boosting it from his feet, to fly faster or even higher. Often he would need to cover himself with frost to keep himself from overheating and fly longer.

He looked up, hearing buzzes and seeing flashes from the sky screen as he zipped around the city. Then the screen went back to normal, this time, broadcasting Sarah, from the Aratris, with Beyond's logo behind her.

She cleared her throat, preparing to address the world. "Hey everyone!" She waved at the camera. "My name is Sarah, and I am the C.O.O and C.F.O of Beyond Space Force. Don't worry, everything will be alright, just leave it up to us. I've hacked into their World Telomonitor and we'll be broadcasting the situation as it unfolds, since we plan to keep transparency, from here on out. For now please go home or get to somewhere safe and stay inside. Thanks!"

Then the broadcast split in two, showcasing him and Osei instead. Tobi didn't know what face to make, suddenly being on screen. Instead he decided to keep his head down and focused on the task at hand.

Sarah helped him find three more Bosryn around the city, while directing him with a comm in his ear. He neutralized each one of them carefully, just in case there were people inside, then her militia, came in to clean up, with the help of some soldiers and officers near the scene.

As he destroyed the last one, he heard a scream around a block. He quickly darted past a corner of buildings, to an open street. A kaycer had just picked up a citizen and was flying off into the sky.

Tobi raised his hand, aiming at the flying lizard. Five compressed icicles, charged with electricity formed and manifested around him. Then he let them soar. "Frost: Spike Volt".

The icicles rocketed, with each vitally striking its target, and making it drop its victim as it fell out of the sky. Tobi rushed to the woman's aid, catching her just in time.

"Thank you! Who are you?" She asked curious.

He smiled back. "No problem. Just someone who came to help."

He let her down gently, taking a step back.

"Stay safe." He gave her one last smile as he took off before the crowd watching, blocked him in.

As he flew, he received a report from Sarah, of an invading force making their way across a street, where her militia were pinned down. There were also American soldiers helping out in the effort, but some were critically injured. She had reached one of the Generals overseeing the operation and convinced them to let her militia be on the front lines.

As he reached the battle site, his blood began to boil, seeing the carnage across the once busy street, he'd only seen on TV. A massive giant, almost thirty feet tall, with a stocky battle suit, and tubes running into his neck, brandished an abhorrent alien axe. Covering its face, was a black and purple helmet, allowing his horns to stick out. It looked to Tobi, like a Valmerian giant pumped, with an insane amount of steroids.

Hundreds of enemy soldiers were stationed behind him and advancing as he marched towards some towers and buildings. The giant swung at a tank, dividing it in two and exploded from impact.

It continued swinging at the rest of Sarah's militia, as they ran around it throwing semtex grenades, and trying to slow it down. However, even with explosions going off all over its body, it remained unscathed.

It turned its eyes towards Tobi who was flying straight at him, as it swatted away several androids. Tobi stopped in midair as the giant swung, nearly missing him, but catching a few buildings and collapsing them in.

Tobi was already tired of its rampage. He raised both of his hands and yelled out. "Create: Frost Parade!"

At first, there were low tremors, but then all the rubble, soil, and metal lying around, started gathering together forming hundreds of humanoid golems covered in ice, simultaneously as thousands of ice sparrows manifested in the air around him. There was silence as the giant stared at the incoming horde, then he roared, welcoming the challenge as they all charged at him.

He swung at everything, trying to avoid the onslaught, but with no success. Then fell backwards, into the squads, defending behind him. All frozen in ice and half covered in dirt and rubble.

Noticing cracks forming in the ice and just for good measure, Tobi raised a big ball of dirt and rubble higher than he was floating. Then morphed it, making it into a sword shape, and set it on fire. Just as the giant was about to break free, he dropped it down, with his full might into it's heart.

Blood splattered everywhere, as the giant's body caught fire within the ice, but Tobi put it out. Knowing Sarah, would want to study it. He looked ahead, seeing enemy soldiers, terrified but still pressing on and beginning to fire at him. He summoned over fifty more rubble soldiers and had them rush the rest of the invading force. Then looked back at the American soldiers, bewildered by what they had just witnessed, saluted, then took off once again.

One of the few things Tobi had learned over the past eight months, was combining more than one element at once for greater strength and utility. He experimented as much as he could on his own, realizing that two at a time was the most optimal choice.

Buzzes in his ear, broke his focus, as Sarah spoke up. "Tobi, there is one last ship on the coast and they have heavily damaged the ships I sent after them. The worst part is, it seems the prince gave them the order, to go ahead and fly across seas. I won't be able to stop them in time."

Tobi took a deep breath. "Lead the way." He zoomed across the city, occasionally grabbing electricity from buildings and telephone lines. He had learned from Osei, that siphoning energy from electricity, was easier and more harmless than from living creatures. However, only a fraction, could be retained and it was a slower process.

He had reached the coast and floated above the beach. The ship was not too far ahead. The final ship they couldn't take down, as it had drifted too far. The crew noticed him and prepared their engines, trying to avoid him.

The heat from the engines were too dangerous to go near, but he didn't want them to get away. He gathered all of the energy from within him, then around him.

Fish rose lifeless in the water and washed ashore. Nearby insects, animals, and birds, dropped dead, with plants withering away. 'Enough', he said to himself, feeling immense guilt and the presence of people nearby. Taking videos for their social media accounts.

He ignored them, knowing the ship was almost ready to jump. Then descended towards the ground, as rings of fire emanated from him, and burned the beach sand. Pebbles and bits of sand began rising in response to his energy.

He placed his hands to his side leaving some distance open, as a ball of fire formed, crackling with electricity, while frost protected his hands. "Ignite: Static Cannon!" He shouted, as his eyes flashed blue and purple, purplish marks flashed over his body, flowing like veins.

He released the flames beaming and engulfing the spaceship, way bigger than before. Combusting the entire ship upon impact and burning everything and everyone inside, as it collapsed into the ocean. People across the world watched, gaining hope from a new hero.