
The Last Heroes: Warriors against the Sinful

An inevitable war broke out two thousand years ago in the Primal Region. Aliens, humans, and the 'special people' could not make amends. But peace was found at last the day one man stood between the three species. Later, the corrupted aliens and evil-doers devise a plan to out-smart this man. He died in the end, and the humans lost their home: Legon City, for 18 years. The 'special people' still live amongst the humans and have joined forces to retain the city! And these special people are known as...RONINS!

SenseiSai · Kỳ huyễn
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174 Chs

0.38: Unwanted Trouble


Seto chased Skiros throughout the city without knowing the alert he had sent to the other guilds.

"Calling all guilds and HQ, this is Skiros requesting aid. A recent recruit, one of my subordinates, is attacking me, Seto Kaname."

Austin could not believe what he just heard. "T-That can't be true! Seto is blind; how could he ever have an advantage against you?!" He tried convincing the other guild leaders.

"He joined forces with the AR and seems to be using the boss's powers."

Williams smiled at this scheme and wasted no time exploiting this window. "Then it is settled: Seto is officially an infiltrator to the quarts. All leaders dispatch five units each and head to their location!"


Five members of each guild proceeded to Skiros's point. Austin, being the closest, overruled the order of his subordinates. "Nobody leaves the place; I'll go on my own."

"But Dad, you'll get in trouble if Sir finds out." His daughter insisted.

"Trae, I have no choice. If what he's insinuating is true, I need to see it with my own eyes."

He grabbed his blade and took off for the central area. "Seto? He could never…I know it's all a lie."




He attempted to slice Skiros with Mercedes's prowess.

"I knew you were bad news from the beginning, but you won't get the pleasure to kill me!"

"How could you say that after hurting MY MOTHER!?!?"


Seto fired another string toward him.

"My main concern is how the hell did you obtain this prowess? That's the mythical Strand Prowess owned by the leader of the Anti-Ronins!"

"It doesn't matter, as long as it benefits to end your life!!!"

"HAHAHA!! You were sweet this entire time; I always knew you were a murderer!"



Another failed attempt at hitting Skiros. "At this point, you're killing the buildings more than me."


Seto felt a giant shadow coat the ground as a building collapsed from the impact. "SH*T!!"



Noriko tried levering the building to give him time to evade.


Skiros jumped up to the sectioned building where she stood, catching her breath.

"I see only one of you have a good grasp of its power…"

"You're a bastard!!" she swung one of the boulders at him.


He deflected it with ease. "First he can see, and now the mute brat can talk…today is gonna rain for sure, HAHA!"


He charged up his spiritas and warped behind Noriko. "This is for the pudding I had to surrender to your filthy family…"

Seto could see the trail of danger leading to her neck and bolted himself with the strings at full speed.




He struck Skiros right on his chin, and Noriko followed with a power kick.

"...GAH! YOU BRATS!!!"


He jumped up in the air, bursting with spiritas.



Skiros slammed his way back to the ground floor, leaving immense voltage on the building. Seto tried his best to regain consciousness while enduring the electrocution.

"Wait…I have an idea…" He turned his head toward Noriko. "Noro, I know…the pain is… a little UNBARABLE! BUT,….try to use the man's…prowess again!!"


He formed tons of strings around their bodies as the shocking feeling began to soothe.

"Haha, it worked!"

Seto quickly wrapped the wire around his arm and leaped through Skiros's attack.


He looked above his head and saw Seto diving with a form to punch upon landing.

"I'll end this fight once and for all, KID!!"



An immense blast was coming to the top floor, but Seto prepared. "PLEASE DON'T LET THIS KILL ME!!"

He held the coated arm before his body and took the attack head-on.



Skiros was overjoyed and could not stop laughing. "HAHAHAHA!! I KNEW HE WAS BLIND BUT NOT SUICIDAL!!!"

"I was…but then I remembered one thing…"

A yellow light charged up behind Skiros. "A HERO CAN'T SAVE OTHERS IF HE'S DEAD!"


He pressed his charged palm onto Skiros.






Seto punctured Skiros with his thunderclap, leaving the Black Bullet captain with a void in his chest.


Blood filled his mouth faster than he could articulate, and then he tumbled to the ground. Seto descended to the floor as he could finally catch his breath.

"BIG BROTHER!!" Noriko slid down to the ground floor with the aid of the strings and hugged. "Big brother, how were you aware of that?" Noriko asked in relief.

"Mister Austin, on one of his talk shows, explained how fiber wire is a good conductor of electricity. Seeing how this prowess is founded on the natural formation of fiber wire, I guess I-"

"Thought of all my teaching from the radio to kill a captain."

They stood up and kept their sentry before they were stunned to see who emerged before them.

"M…Mister Austin…"

"I came as fast as possible, hoping to prove your virtue…but it was all true. You are a murderer!"