
The Last Heroes: Warriors against the Sinful

An inevitable war broke out two thousand years ago in the Primal Region. Aliens, humans, and the 'special people' could not make amends. But peace was found at last the day one man stood between the three species. Later, the corrupted aliens and evil-doers devise a plan to out-smart this man. He died in the end, and the humans lost their home: Legon City, for 18 years. The 'special people' still live amongst the humans and have joined forces to retain the city! And these special people are known as...RONINS!

SenseiSai · Kỳ huyễn
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174 Chs

0.10: The power to beat a God!

Tedashii kept on running forward and eliminating every guard that came his way. His spiritas was almost depleted from his battle against Sanji, but he was glad the fight was over.

"Alright, now it's time to give the signal." He said.

However, Konami had already told Lady their plan, and she already had a contingency plan. Suzuki noticed that there were not enough people here to kill. This showed that other people were warned about this and hid away. He then saw Konami was no longer with him, so he ran around the castle to look for her.

Lady then asked Konami to help her find Sanji since she was the only person who knew where they fought. After a moment of searching, they finally found him. He was still unconscious on the ground.

"Wake up," Lady ordered, but no response.

She exhaled, then turned him around. She held the second and third memory shards and quickly stabbed him with his head. The chips shined right until they both went through. Spiritas began to flow back into his body, and he instantly took the form of his Immortal. His hair reached his spine, and his eyes were pitch black with a purple-red iris.


His heartbeat was heard across the entire land. Yuri and the others felt the impact.

"What was that?" She asked.

All the men began to tremble and drop their weapons.

"W-Why are you guys afraid all of a sudden?!"

Haruki walked forward and then pointed to the castle. A massive cloud of thunder cloaked the Rooftops, with thunder raging all over the place. Sanji appeared to need the last quarter of Cheyzar's memory to be complete.

"This…power. I can feel…power, but how?" He asked.

"You have been given the second and third shards, his hand-to-hand combat, and flight guides. You are just one shard away from becoming a true God!" Lady said.

"What do I do to get the last one?!"

She then pointed to the watch tower. There, he saw Tedashii climbing up with a torch in his hand.

"Tedashii will warn the people of Punk Knock for their raid. Why don't you tell your SON to get down from there?"


Sanji wasted no time and flew towards the tower.

"While they are having fun, I'll be taking you to a special place of mine…Konami!"

Lady then knocked her out and left the scene.


Tedashii finally reached the last bar of the ladder but then felt gravity working against him. Sanji was pulling him from his shirt until he let go.

"What the-"


Tedashii was back onto ground level.

"Ouch! Huh?"

He then saw Sanji standing right across from him, making a beckoning gesture at him.

"Alright, ROUND TWO!"

Tedashii got up fast and rushed towards him. He ran for a punch, but Sanji grabbed his arm and snapped his shoulder.



Tedashii lay down in silence until the pain kicked in.


He could not bear the pain. Then Sanji began to walk around him.

"Tedashii, do you remember four years ago? Our final semester of middle school. We had just turned 11; our families reunited for the first time. Your dad and mine were bragging over how you, me, and Sasha were the only three students who passed Melee's class. But then something came to their mind."

Tedashii got up and went for a kick, but Sanji easily dislocated his knee with his index finger.



Tedashii fell to the ground once more.

"They made this bet that I was the best fighter out of us three, so we were told to spar. Ultimately, you beat Sasha, but then you both…beat me. Your dad could not stop laughing at me. He even went to the point where he let Yuri fight me. Do you remember what happened?"

He picked Tedashii up with his foot then kicked him in the face.


Then, he grabbed his shirt and punched him in the gut.


Tedashii was sent through the windows of the kitchen. He crawled away to take cover away from Sanji. He pulled one of the clothes out of the shelves and gripped his teeth on it.

"(Grieving)Come on….You can do this.."


He twisted his knee back in place.

"(AAAHHHH!!!) Dammit…alright…next…one."


He did the same to his shoulder and tried his best to endure the pain. He kept breathing heavily while tears and sweat ran down his face. He slowly looked behind the counter, but there was no sign of Sanji yet.

"Still hiding?" Sanji was right behind him.


Tedashii was kicked right back outside. He began to cough out blood due to the critical blows he endured from Sanji.

"Do you remember now?! I LOST TO YURI AS WELL!! A TEN-YEAR-OLD BEAT ME!! I LOST TO ALL OF YOU, AND I STILL CONSIDER YOU MY FRIEND!! My dad left my family after that day. He said he didn't want to waste his time and raise a weakling…AND THAT'S WHAT EVERYONE THINKS OF ME!! A JOKE!!!"

Sanji ran to Tedashii and kicked him up in the air.


He jumped and laid a ferocious onslaught of punches to Tedashii's chest. Sanji was being bathed in blood with every fist he threw.



Sanji grabbed Tedashii on his waist and flew up with superb speed. In a split second, he turned back to the ground, causing the main point of damage to Tedashii's neck.


Sanji got right back up, then picked up a knocked-out Tedashii from his shirt.

"But in this world, things are different. I am not being belittled; I'm a king; I've defeated Yuri, and I am DESTROYING YOU! Why would I leave this place? I am loved…and I think that you should let me be. I know Yuri is waiting for the signal…so tell her I'm waiting for her to admit that I am BETTER THAN YOU!!" A tear was shed from his eye. "If you ever respected me in your life… don't return. But if you do, I'll fight for blood! Goodbye…Fugin.."


Sanji used all of the spiritas in his body to send Tedashii away with one of his most potent punches. Tedashii went right through the steel walls and began descending to Punk Knock. This marked today's victory for Sanji.


Yuri and the others were still patiently waiting for his signal.

"It has been far too long. What is he doing?" She asked.

"He's probably handing a beating to Sanji, hahaha!" Sasha said.

But Brianna sat the whole time, waiting for the signal. Out of everyone, she was worried the most. Haruki came and sat next to her.

"Young Lady. You will catch a cold if you keep sitting here without shelter." He said while handing her an umbrella.

"Oh…thank you, Mister Haruki. I hope everything is alright with him."

Haruki looked up at the tower and smiled.

"Well, why don't you take a look for yourself."

Brianna turned around and rejoiced when she saw the torch being lit on the tower.

"HE DID IT! YURI, SASHA! THE SIGNAL!!" She yelled while running towards them.

"Great!!!" They both said

All the men regained their confidence and picked up their weapons.



They all ran for the castle with full-fledged adrenaline. Yuri and Sasha led the army, and Haruki and Brianna followed them from behind.

"Don't worry, Tedashii. I'm coming to help you!" Brianna said.


They all stopped running. Silence traveled through everyone while the rain settled down. Yuri and Sasha both froze in place, and all the men turned back and ran to their houses. Brianna was traumatized by their reaction.

"W-What is…going on?" She asked.

But Yuri stayed on the ground and began to cry. Haruki ran to see what was up and could not believe it.


He turned back to Brianna, who also made her way forward before then she collapsed.


As they all cried, she saw Tedashii's broken body in Yuri's arms. Haruki just looked at the map, and only then did he see a red mark at the tower.

"He fully resurrected Cheymo? This… can't be."

But then his attention diverted to the fact that there were still five blue dots at their location.

"GIRLS MOVE!" He yelled.

He took Tedashii and ran to the doctor. "He is still visible on the map! Meaning he is still alive!"

They all had hope once more and ran with him. Suzuki came as well from above to run with.

"Su and Konami?" Sasha asked.

But he just shook his head when they reached the hospital.

"DAMMIT!! HOW DID THINGS GET THIS BAD??!!" Yuri shouted as she slammed her fist onto the wall.

"Sanji… did all this damage to us…?" Sasha asked.

Suzuki went to hug them both to console them while Haruki and Brianna were waiting in front of the door.


A while later, the doctor finally walked out of the emergency room. They all got up and came closer.

"DOCTOR, HOW IS HE?!" Yuri asked.

The doctor took off his coat and his glasses.

"Well, I have to give it to him. He is unnatural. He had multiple fractures on his head, some internal bleeding in his salivary glands, and a couple of broken bones. His shoulder and knee were dislocated, but I was shocked he popped them back into place. I have given him some sedatives at the moment, so he is still sleeping at the moment."

Everyone was relieved to hear the good news, except for Brianna, who was sobbing over this situation.

"Brianna, what seems to be the problem? You heard the doctor. Tedashii is fine." Yuri said.

"This was not supposed to happen…He promised that everything would be fine-"

"ENOUGH WITH ALL YOUR MELLOW DRAMA!!" Sasha exclaimed. "Don't make it look like you're most worried about him! YOU don't even KNOW HIM!! I don't know what is happening in your head, but you are nothing to him!"

She then walked away to her room. Suzuki looked both sides, then followed her.

"(Exhales) Don't listen to her. She is just driven by jealousy at the moment. But she has a point. We should all rest and prepare for the next day." Yuri said and also made her way to the rooms.

Haruki also began to walk away, noticing that Brianna was not moving.

"Aren't you coming to rest? It won't do you any good standing here." He said.

"I… I'm nobody to Tedashii? But…am I not his…"

She stopped and looked down at the ground. Haruki sighed and handed her some keys.

"That is the key to his room. Let's say…I got drunk and dropped them on the floor. They said he is sleeping, but that does not mean you can't visit him." He winked at her.

"B-But Sir! The doctor trusted you to keep these?" She asked.


He began to walk in circles and then ran away. She frowned at him but also laughed at his kind gesture. She then entered his room and saw his unconscious body on the bed. She then placed a chair next to his bed, then used her magic to speed up his recovery and give him spiritas.

"(I'll help you out Tedashii. And I will show to everyone that I am not a nobody to you!)"


Sanji went to the church, where he opened the secret entrance, and the rest of the population came out. Some of the ladies were panicking due to all the dead bodies around the castle. Mikoto quickly came to see if Sanji was alright.

"Cheymo! Is everything alright?!"

He just hugged her and then walked up onto his throne with her.

"Everyone of the rooftops. This was a call for war. Unfortunately, we lost a lot of people, all at the expense of my son…Fugin."

The ladies were shocked.

"But…BUT THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!! YOUNG FUGIN WOULD NEVER DO THAT!!" Doku came and denied what Sanji said.

"How would you know, Doku? You were inside the whole time. All you'd hear was his side of the story, but guess what? Suzuki also left for Punk Knock."

Doku could not believe how the kingdom fell so low after the return of Cheyzar. Sanji called out to Lady as she walked in with Konami tied up in chains. Doku walked towards her and wanted to slap her.


"DOKU!!" Sanji exclaimed.

Doku stopped by her face and slowly turned back.

"Lady helped me during the battle to capture one of the traitors. Why attack your allies?" He asked.

Doku contained his anger and reverted away from her. She unchained her and pushed her closer to the stairs of the throne.

"Konami. Why did you betray us? Aren't you the princess of the Rooftops?" Mikoto asked.

"I only left because I'm on the winning side!!"

All the ladies began to laugh at her. Mikoto just laughed even louder.

"The winning side, you say?! You are terrible at betting because NOBODY can beat Cheymo!" She said, then walked down the stairs. "First my son, and now my supposed daughter, the side of a B*TCH WE DON'T EVEN KNOW!!" Mikoto was now faced to face with Konami.

"I always knew you were no daughter of mine, but that is just more reason to be glad you aren't!"

Konami was running out of options, so she relied on the one way to try to fix everything.

"Then I challenge you, Mikoto!" She said.

Everyone went quiet. The Queen picked her up from her shirt, then threw her down again.

"Are you even hearing yourself?! Do you have a death wish, you brat-"

"Fine with me," Sanji said.

Mikoto turned back at him.


"She's just a little girl, honey. What is there to fear?"

Mikoto scuffed and then grabbed one of the guard's swords. Konami stood up and took her stance.

"I'm going to make you eat your words, you brat!" Mikoto said with a smile on her face.

The ladies settled in their seats and began to cheer their Queen. But Konami was already one step ahead.

"(You can do this)"

She said to herself, then took the same stance as Sanji when he transformed, which caught him and Lady off guard. And then, she followed up with the sync call.