
The Last Gunslinger

ps: the cover is not mine because of the war in devil and agressive monsters, the human begin using swords, years after years of figthing , some of the talented individuals has learned the art of magic, that the only the devil knew of before, the study of the 6 element for magic the fire, earth,water, nature,darkness,and ligth, gave the human the ability to create many type of weapon and artifact because of that, the hopeless battle of the humans to the devil could be reverse, the humanity has seen hope, the human that only thought of survival before have there wants increase, the lust for power and authority, has given birth to clans , that the primary goal was to be the strongest than the other as war continues between human and devil, the human clan also started war to other human clan for power and one of this clans are the gunslingers, killing enemies from far away, shocking stalking ability, and fearsome accuracy, even one of this gunslinger can go against hundred's of enemy alone a gun was made using there secret art of fire forging, but after some time it begin to spread thoughout the moniyan continent but even so, how can other clan be compare to the gun mastery of the gunslingers, 300 years after the rise of the gunslingers they manage to end the longest war between human and the devil kinds,that lasted for 2000 years instead of swallowing the other clan to rule humanity, gunslingers didnt participate to the powerstruggle instead they supported the royal family to unify the whole Monian continent ,giving the royal families tremendous amount of power and authority, instead of being greatful ,the royal family slowly plotted the downfall of the gunslingers in fear that there position will be threatened the gunslingers are slowly declining , until the day the monian empire thought they there no gunslinger left in the monian continent that they stop there act, but they didnt know the last remaining descendant of the strongest clan escape there plan ps: the picture on the cover is not mine

dogoverflowers · Kỳ huyễn
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if you want

"yo-you,wha-this, Aleeex you idiots!!!"

caize face was red as apple, while running away like a frightened rabbit she is , and dissapeared from Alex view

woman are strange creatures,

after Caize "escaped" a man entered the store, he has a small physic and black hair, this is Carlo caize's father ,in his face you can see a small hint of sadness

"if it isn't our kalbanis town, finest hunter alex, any thing i can help with ? , did you see caize anywhere im sure i asked her to guard this store when im gone"

mr carlo is a prideful person at heart even in his hard times he didn't want to show his weakness to others, he even smiled at me regardless the hard things he was going though rigth now

"hmm...yes ,she was here just a moment ago, ow right i found some moongrass for your wife and i already pass in caize hands"

i wish this will help cure mr carlo's wife, after all i don't want caize to loss her mother in such a young age

"di-did you say you found it !!, god this is a very good news alex this sickness has tormented my wife for almost 2 years, if not for you my wife will...how can i even repay you enough"

the old man open his arms and hugged alex in extreme joy

now this should justify the saying like father like daugther.

a moongrass is a very rare type of herb that on high place with a high mana density, and a place with high mana density are often nest for strong monsters, because of that herbalist didn't go to places like that to pick herbs making it impossible for normal people venture an found it, but luckily i manage to get find 3 stalk somewhere in the mountains of in my last mission.

"you don't had say anymore , you and your wife had showed me kindness when i needed it the most ,to me this small matter can't even repay, the things you have done for me"

7 years ago when loss i my foster parent's ,i decided to leave the town that i grew up, with a few coins and belongings, i tried to go gamble my future in kalbanis town where a barakuda guild branch was located,

after i arrived in kalbanis town, i immediately tried to sign up for being a hunter, with the battle skills that was taugth by the man i called father for 13 years of my life, I'm confident enough that i will be succeed. he taught me how to use fire elemental magic , fire magic forging, and most of all handling a gun,

but even after i arrived in bakunawa guild, with my age that is was 13 years old, i cant sign up . I needed to be at least 14 years old until i can join ,

i walk aimlessly on the street hoping to find work to support myself ,but when i tried to ask for a job from some establishment they most turn me down, saying that with my small body i can't do much

i have roamed for 6 days on the street. with 5 copper coins on my purse that could hardly buy a decent meal , i started to think about being a thief, desperate times calls for desperate measures,

my first target is a beastwoman in her 30s, i slowly walk towards her to wait for an opportunity to rob , but before i can even come closer she turned her head towards me and asked, are you alone boy?. her smile cleared my mudded mind,

what am i doing?

the hunger had affected my jugdment, and because of that i was about to do a thing that against my moral, but with just four simple words my evil intention was dispelled

to cut it short that woman is Erine, Carlo's wife they let me work for them for 1 year, my work was to manage there shop and to sometimes accompanying Caize who is 7 years old that year there family is very nice to me

"you don't have to mention that Alex ,ha ha ha it has already been seven years but i can still remember the younger you... i never would have thought you'll reach things kind of high in just a 7 years!"

"all thanks to your family mr carlo ill remember all your family has done for me, even until the day i die"

i bow my head to show my respect

"lets us stop this cheezy talk shall we , even though you don't want any payment, you can just take anythings you need, you can even take my daughter with you..if you want"


"ok then..i shall take 2 week worth of rations, 1 single size tent heavy duty, 10 low health potions,"

that should be enough for me to go back and forth to the silent forest

"alrigth wait for a sec"

a few moments later mr carlo came back with the supplies

"how about my daugther?, you two have known each other for 7 years now, any thoughts" carlo said with a roguish smile hunging in his joyous face

how can you push your 14 years old daughter to me! i dont want to be labeled as a lolicon

"ahem...let her decide on her own... then i shall be going now , take care.."

i leave the old man without waiting for him to say anything further

i got the supplies ,i check my clock and saw that i still got 2 and a half hours to idle , so i decided to rest before i start my mission

i walking around the town for a bit and found myself standing near the river,and saw a suitable tree to rest so i put my things down and lay to a tree trunk while in the shades of the tree, enjoying the relaxing sound of nature, bird singing beautifuly, sound of water flowing freely, and the whistling of the wind, i close eyes slowly