
You are in luck

Chapter 64| You are in luck

Her eyes were almost closed when she heard the Knock on her door. Kimberly sat up, yawning while grabbing the shawl one of the maids have knitted together for her a few days after her arrival, wrapping it all over her body since suddenly she felt cold.

She stood up and stumbled a bit at the forceful way Queen Faye entered her room, peering suspiciously around the corners like she was looking for something or rather someone.

"Tristan isn't here," she wanted to tell the woman in front of her that she was impossible and didn't trust her son enough if she thought this was necessary to keep him away since ordinarily, he won't touch her with a stick if not that he has to put up with her because of his beloved brother.

"What do you want, Human?" Grey eyes that threw accusations at her and held so much hatred for her, gave her a quick glare that made her shiver even more.

Queen Faye was beautiful, her look was more Ethereal than superficial but at that moment there was something more dangerous about the glow in her eyes. There was something icy about her striking alluring grey eyes.

She rubbed her hands together, her teeth chattering. The cold. She stared at Queen Faye without even being told knowing that she was the ice Queen. It only made sense.

She had the looks after all and her white almost glowing hair could be waterfalls for all she knew.

"The name is Kimberly." She didn't care one bit if this particular woman doesn't trust her, because she didn't trust her too but she is forced to stay here with her so how dare she makes this seem like this was her fault somehow?

"I know your type," she snarled, gritting her teeth.

"You should. Saif's mom is human. I'm Human." She narrowed her gaze at Queen Faye, "Except that's not the only type we are talking about?"

She looked intimidating at that moment despite her petite frame but Kimberly leaned against the wall aware that she was upset she wasn't cowering. But you are only scared if you have something to lose. The minute she had entered the jet that brought her here, she lost everything including her identity but the woman in front of her well has something to lose.

Saif was right. She could make things difficult for them. They think she would bear them an heir so she holds all the cards and Queen Faye can't touch a hair on her head else she was screwed too and it was only fair she messed with her seeing that she hated her guts anyway.

"What do you want, human? Again I ask you,"

Kimberly seemed amused as she eyed her which made Queen Faye's nostril flare in annoyance and Kimberly could tell she wasn't used to not being taken seriously. How could she? She was the Queen mother after all.

"What do I want?" She smirked, "I never knew I had an option." Kimberly chirped. "I want so much you can't even begin to imagine."

"Tell me your price, human and I'd give it to you. As long as it gets you to leave my sons alone."

"You are in luck then! Because we both want the same thing." She met Queen Faye's icy gaze, making sure she was well aware she wasn't in the least scared of her, "Get me out of here. Let me wake up the next morning in my bed just like in the movies and believe this to be some kind of prolonged nightmare of sorts and that would be all ma'am."

She scowled, "You wrench, you very well know that I can't give you that else you won't be here at all."

Kimberly cackled bitterly, "Seems like we both are helpless in this situation so you can't actually give me anything I need or am looking for, don't you think?"

"Kimberly!" Her voice was raised.

Kimberly grinned almost tempted to Chuckle and then apologize but she was done playing the victim when she was in fact one yet considered a dangerous ticking bomb by a woman who had powers.

"I was getting worried that you didn't know my name." Kimberly raised her brow at her, "I'm no wrench. I just got the short end of the stick with luck and ended up here. Now, we can do this the hard way. You storming into my room and offering me things you have no capacity of granting, like my freedom or we can just avoid each other till I can leave because trust me, I do like Instagram very much and I have every intention to return to work and normalcy." Kimberly closed her eyes, already aware of the murderous glare that Queen Faye would be directing at her now while contemplating what exactly she would lose if she killed her quickly and hid her body.

Then she waited for a defeated hmmph and the banging of a door announcing that the angry Queen had taken her leave but what she didn't expect was her next words, calm and almost cordial.

"Are gems of importance in your Realm?" Kimberly opened her eyes, surprised to see that she was now seated, her arms folded and her eyes now very calm. She looked like a different person. Almost.

Kimberly could tell this was all an act but Queen Faye was trying too hard and backing up against the wrong tree if she truly believed she wanted anything to do with this land.

"Reginald was storing most of them and had planned to go back to Earth with them so it must have some value there, right?"

Kimberly wanted to tell her that the gold they used as currency in a day to get supplies for the palace could set her up for life and make sure her generation doesn't see poverty but she didn't, knowing that she was in some kind of silent battle with the woman in front of her.

At this moment she wished she had Saif's power, it'd only be fair to try and understand what was going on in her mind at least.

"Why didn't she go back with the gems she gathered?" She asked instead, even though she could tell whatever had happened was the reason why Queen Faye hated humans so much.

Queen Faye rolled her eyes expectantly, "Greed. She wanted more. For someone who was brought in against her will and cried to be sent away to her home every day she got comfortable the next second in this place and soon she was thirsty for more and more and__"

"More?" Kimberly finished cheekily earning her yet another glare and then a snort.