
What are you scared of?

Chapter 46| What are you so scared of?

"What are you doing here?"

Kimberly rolled her eyes at his hush whisper and slightly nudging him made her way inside his room, leaving him behind staring at her back wondering what the hell she wanted with him.

Her eyes took in the velvety decorated windows, the rich drape of his bed, gold-encrusted swords hung in a rack, and an empty pale wine-colored wall.

Instead of the ceiling to floor window in her room, he had a bookshelf instead. With stack of voluminous books that surprisingly doesn't have even a speck of dust on them. It was either he read quite a lot or the maids tend to every single book daily or both.

A Kings size bed, Two couches on top of embroidered intricately patterned rugs, a room so huge, she could seperate with curtains a sitting room, modest dining room, and a kitchenette.

It was nothing like hers, yes it was nicer than hers and intimidatingly big. So squeaky clean, it was mystifying even as she met his gaze wondering if he even stayed in here.

But more than that, she could just see that it was just a big space and nothing more. There was no soul in it, nothing that hinted at his personality, what he liked, memories: Well the pictures would have been enough for that but his walls were empty.

He was hiding something, she could tell already but it was not some big juicy family scandal or secret though she could tell the royal family of Indiosia must have rows of those.

But he was hiding self. He was making sure to stay in plain sight yet avoid being seen. His father might be proud of him and the people worship him, but they don't know him. Nobody knows him.

"What are you so scared of?" She whispered, dropping the brush she was idly inspecting. She turned, almost gasping not expecting him to be so close to her.

Her eyes widen as he leaned and it felt like her heart was going to combust because of the woodsy scent of him that clouded her senses and made her feel things that were both confusing and unutterable. What was this fragrance that left her stunned? Men should keep it in a corked bottle for regular use because it worked wonders leaving a lazy dizzying throb on their beloved.

"Kimberly," his husky voice almost got a moan from her mouth, as her lips slightly parted forming an o.

She took a step back, completely backed against the dresser and he took a step forward making her eyes dart around the room in alarm and her throat suddenly felt so parched.

"What do you want?"

She paused momentarily processing his words and fidgetingly she pushed him inadvertently feeling his rockhard body that didn't budge one bit despite her shove.

"Tris.." his finger was on her lips immediately shutting her up even as she felt a cold wind.

"My mother would be here soon," her eyes widened in pure fear. Not knowing what the Queen who already disliked her will think if he saw her in that position with his son.


"Huh?" Confusion and fear were in her eyes as she gaped at him even as he rolled his eyes, took her hand, and dragged her towards the closet. Opening it he shoves her right inside the dark space.

He closed the closet just in time for his doorknob to turn. Queen Faye stepped in, her eyes arched at Tristan who was staring intently at the floor like there was something on it.

Remembering that his mother didn't know he could tell when she was in her invisible form and invading his privacy, he knew she won't find his position suspicious if anything humorous.

A sneak peek of what her son did when he was alone. Not to look like a total freak because well a man had his pride and staying longer in a slightly bent position while staring at the floor intently could put a smudge in them.

He straightened his form and sat down on the bed, his head on his hand even as he prayed inwardly that his mother doesn't search his closet because although he could tell she was here, he had no idea what she was doing at the moment.

If his mother dares find Kimberly in his closet then she'll be in big trouble, he thought. Personally, he cared less what happened to the nosey human who had seemed so interested in wanting to know what his room look like but he would feel responsible and guilty that he had not sent her out of his room immediately and had thought it a good idea to mess with her head.

His mother wasn't so fond of the human he could tell and finding her with him would only mean one thing. Trouble for the human. She was going to be on her annoying defensive alert and go to any extent to make Kimberly's life hell.

He didn't care about the human, not at all but he did care about Saif, he'll not like it one bit if the human comes to harm even though she was trying hard to get just that.

Then the anticipated knock on the door made him roll his eyes even as he sighed in relief a minute later. He already knew who was on the other side. Of course, she'll still make herself visible and try peering into his room again.

He opened the door, glaring down at his petite-sized mother.

"You do know it isn't healthy coming to my room like this?"

She stood on her tiptoe trying to take a sneak peek into his room because of his looming figure which blocked his entrance which he considered quite funny because he knew she had just entered his room some seconds ago.

"I just want to see you,"

"Oh please Mom, don't insult my intelligence and give me an answer already for your creepy clingy attitude," she narrowed her eyes at him, his choice of words upsetting.

"You do know this is supposed to be my space, my privacy right?" The frown in his face which was becoming a permanent look hardened, even though his voice remained a monotone.

"I know son but__"

"I could have a woman in here you know that right? For crying out loud I ain't 10, I'm a full-grown man with needs and you waltzing in and out of my room is not acceptable."

"I knocked," she whispered.

He rolled his eyes even as he resisted the urge to tell her he knew she had entered the room. He had always had the habit of never disclosing advantages like this. They were all stashed in his secret chest and mystery always plays a great role one way or the other.

Someday his mother's obliviousness to his knowledge just might pay off like today so he was determined to keep it that way. Make her believe that he was ignorant to her intrusion into his room.

"I don't care if you knock mom, I just hate how extremely creepy you are being for the past few weeks, it is overbearing and suffocating."

Queen Faye's grey orbs sparked with hot anger, "Tristan,"

"Mother." His gaze remained on hers, unflinchingly and unmoved by her outburst.

"I hope we have come to an agreement that your snooping is totally unacceptable and if you continue, I just might act out of line."