
Roses are blue, violets are red

Chapter 13| Roses are blue, Violets are red.

The white petal on top of the first human cubicle was already transformed into a bouquet of fresh hibiscus flowers, the human stepped out of her glass cubicle still a bit out of it, her body still weary and tired not comprehending what was going on.

Saif studied the petite human and snickered, nudging Tristan, "The fairy Queen is going to have a field day with this one. Eating her whole will be so easy."

"Hibiscus was the symbol that the fairies have picked her and hence she'll have to accept her eventually. Besides this should be like a pre-study on how she should get used to accepting another woman in her son's life since he'll be getting married to his betrothed five full moons from now."

"For someone who has a similar mother, you sound totally unfazed by the trouble that'll also bring for the human you are obsessed with."

"I'm not obsessed with the human."

"Hard to believe that when you have gone against Abba twice because of her."

As if on cue, his father's watchful wise grey eyes with striking golden flecks, that could only be noticed by an inmortal, eyes he had gazed at in awe when he was younger stupefied, at how enthralling they were met his and it took him remembering that the hall had Cobalt brown magic stones that made sure no one could listen on anyone's conversation so as to protect their guest privacy for him not to gulp.

He nodded at his father and he smiled at him.

"Have you done what I asked of you?"

"Yes. Her cubicle has roses on top."

There was silence for some time before Tristan turns to look at him, "Just to satisfy my curiosity," he enunciated, "What was on top of her cubicle before the swap had happened?"

Prince Saif's cheeky smile instantly was transformed to a frown, "I forgot to mention how confusing her petals were, there were roses on top of her cubicle but they were blue__" Tristan gave him a glare thinking it was one of his jokes with awful timings. "I'm serious." He maintained.

"And on another's human cubicle was a violet flower__"

"So she was the devil's grandson so?"

"It was Red."

"And even more ridiculously strange things keep happening." Prince Tristan muttered underneath his breath.

Saif looked a bit miffed, "Shouldn't we report this to Abba just yet, lots of inconsistencies are happening that can't just be mere coincidence that it always has something to do with the human."

Tristan shook his head, "I'll handle it, trust me."

Saif nodded and minutes later he was cracking a joke at the unfortunate human who was to be the clone's future King's chosen, saying something in-between having to go through the trouble of finding him when she was in heat especially when everyone was him but Tristan was lost in thought even as he smiled, letting out a little smirk for his brother's benefit.

As he wondered how he'll get answers far from home and if the human was worth all the trouble he was going through to keep her.


Devil's grandson chosen was called, signifying that his was next. Prince Lucan, Son of Luian, has been Prince Tristan's stiff competition and consequently arch enemy.

It didn't help that his kingdom ranked second best to Indiosia, The land of demons, and according to the genealogy and memoirs of their history, have battled a great deal to topple the reign of Indiosia as the rulers of all rulers hence, Abba had made sure Tristan had it imprinted in his heart and soul that though the kingdom tolerated each other in the recent days, so much so they could be in one room without an outbreak of war or a demon sinking its fang, breaking the skin of an Indiosian they weren't allies.

And Tristan suspected that the distrust he felt for Prince Lucan was mutual. They have never spoken to each other or crossed the path of the other which was an intentional decision and not borne out of lack of chances because they have both attended the same high school and the royal family etiquettes they have been taught in the same year but yet Tristan could feel the hatred in his cold demeanor when his blazing red eyes meet his for the briefest of second and he sees the familiar evil sneer of his grandfather on his countenance.

Unlike the others, the human who stayed at the side of the demons didn't look a bit weary, her eyes were wide open, as she gawked but much to everyone's surprise and Tristan's confusion she didn't scream even though the demons were in their true form.

Good for her, he mused, noting that the ancestry has really chosen a fit choice for a man as sinful, so dark his heart he was borne from sin, so much so he shared a drink with Hades, Satan.

He noticed the Human's gaze on him and he met her own eyes noting the awe in them. It wasn't the first time he have made women gasp or spun totally disrupted from their senses but there was something about how she had buckled on her knees and quickly averted her gaze, there was a brief familiarity in her eyes. She knew something he could tell, the human was not completely clueless like the others and although he knew better than getting involved in whoever Satan has got his claws on, he needed to get to her to figure out what was wrong with his own chosen, more like the woman he had specifically chosen.

Her name was called and he felt the panic before the hush fell on the crowd. She didn't open her eyes even as the wife chanted the incantation again and again.

Panic seized his heart, was she dead? He had out of fear asked a maidservant to make her sniff the sedatives of the spirit once more before she was placed into the cubicle regardless of how strong and potent he knew they were, so strong that even him could sleep for four fortnight straight if he inhaled them but in his defense, he'd been scared she'll wake up before the due time which would have been more fatal