
Prince Tristan

Chapter 8| Prince Tristan

Kimberly's legs felt like they were sunk into fine sand next to the beach even though she could see herself amid a body of water, the water forming a cloak around her as she walked further not knowing what she was searching for.

Her hair was gold and her orbs had gold flecks that didn't add up to her, but her reflection on the ocean blue water was the last of her problems as she wondered where she was and what the crown on her hair meant.

She saw broad shoulders facing her and was grateful, at least she wasn't the only one crazy enough to be walking on water on a chilly night. Almost like he felt her presence, he turned and her knees almost buckled, as she gaped at the most attractive man she has ever seen all her life, his ethereal features making her suck her breath, almost making her forget how to breath.

His arched brow, dark blue eyes, the darkness he came with, the hard plane of his chest, and drool-worthy abs hinted so much at his masculinity, it was absurd to call him beautiful but yet it was an understatement when you choose another array of adjectives to describe him.

He had on his face a snarl as he gazed at her, "Skylar, you are late. How dare you be late to your own death."

She was confused as his choice of words was strange yet his voice allured her like a siren's. The mythical voice that lures a man to his death.

She wanted to ask him who Skylar was, wanted to bare her teeth viciously at the tone he had used on her, and yet wanted to surrender herself to the eruptive shuddering desire and grip he had on her.

She wanted to kiss him yet kill him.

But she didn't have the luxury of time to contemplate these conflicting feelings as she saw him send shooting arrows towards her with his hands, his lips curved into a smirk confidently.

Her first instinct was to run noting that she was dealing with no ordinary man as his dreamy blue eyes were now completely black, emitting an air that sent chills down her spine as he glared at her.

But soon she find herself growling and with a strange instinctive urge she couldn't understand, she raised her both hands up to the sky, gasping at the energy she felt from a blue ball that formed in between her hands and then she was running towards him and flinging the strange ball in-between her hands at him.

He clutched his chest groaning in pain, making her blink in surprise. His smug grin he still wore, he was a proud man Even in his tranvils and in the face of death, he still smirked.

Then his body transformed into nothingness and evaporated to the sky with a white film making her choke on her own spit, her eyes widened as she looked at her hands with dread.


"One of the humans is shaking, I think she is about to wake up." Prince Tristan glared at the guard who'd dared uttered such outrageous words, still vexed that his Abba (father) had insisted he had to come to pick these frail weak creatures and teleport them to their planet.

But more than anything he dreaded what he knew that meant to him, Abba's retirement from running the kingdom and him stepping in as the king of all kings, ruler of Indiosia immediately one of the girls who had been knocked unconscious in the plane not knowing they were sniffing in the air, herbaves leaves bares him a son.

Foolish creatures, he thought to himself as he wondered how they'd believed the cliche lie that they will be going to an island.

For millenniums, mating had always happened without a fuss except with this particular generation. His father had told him how cultured the women of reasonable age had been. Quiet and demure but now as he watched the women lying on the floor, wrapped in scandalous outfits, he knew that this particular generation was going to be a crack case and with his luck, it just had to be the time Abba decided he needed an heir he thought, a sour taste in his mouth.

His eyes caught the movement of a human stirring, the bodyguard had been right after all he thought alarmed.

How could this be possible? He asked as his eyes fell on the petite body amid the others. Her long blonde hair was splayed on the ground and her soft red lips quivered, her features way too prominent, spectacular to be that of a mere mortal.

His eyes fell on her face, and he couldn't believe he was intrigued and charmed by how beautiful she was. Eyes that were shut, hinting at a peace he could only dream of but was directly an irony to how she writhed disturbed. Long lashes that framed closed eyes, a long nose that reminded him of the Asheerat goddess worshiped by the fairies, Those cunny creatures he thought to himself, and curves....

"I think she is going to wake up," His younger brother, Prince Saif muttered amusedly making Prince Tristan glare at him, "And for once in my fucking existence, Abba is wrong."

"This cannot be happening," Tristan gawked in disbelief as the human's eyes fluttered open and he sucked his breath sharply at the disarming pair of ocean blue eyes he saw.

He stood there gobsmacked and utterly in disbelief.

"Where am I?" A soft sigh escaped from Kim's mouth, her eyesight blurry.

Sobering, Prince Tristan crouched down on his knees and muttering a string of incantations, her eyes flickered, and then she was closing them, and with a sigh falling into a slumber.

"What just happened?" Another of the bodyguard asked, lips parted in disbelief. No human ever withstood the spell of the leaf, they all were supposed to sleep till the witch of the land dispels their frozen mind.

"I don't think this human is normal," Annabelle, Prince Tristan betrothed whispered, "I don't like the air I feel around her."

Her eyes were narrowed at the fragile petite human who she had noticed had gotten Tristan enthralled and in a daze. Something she has not been able to do all her life and was the point of her stubbornly deciding to join him through the universe portal just to impress him. What a rough ride that has been, she thought with a sigh and yet, he hadn't even seemed to be enamored by her charms or notice her.

"Well, we just have to tell The King, the Witch will know how to deal with her."

"Nobody tells Abba anything." Tristan finds himself snapping not knowing why he felt the sudden urge to protect the stranger that lied on the floor completely oblivious to what was going on around her.

"But__" Annabelle began about to go berserk.

"It is an order and the responsibilities for my actions I shall bear if it comes to that,"

Prince Saif had a knowing annoying smirk on his face, "Of course, Crown Prince." His eyes shone with humor as he mockingly bowed, his hand on the side of the chest, an allegiance only sworn to the King.

Annabelle grumbled underneath her breath while the servants wondered why their cold prince who had ignored the company of his beautiful betrothed even cared enough about a human to accept full responsibility for his actions and use his staff of authority which he abhorred for once on them.

They bowed acquiescing to his demands. They all know that the Prince's words had not been a request, it was an order. No one disobeyed the Crown Prince, it was like disobeying the King and that was treason.