
Perks and a self-absorbed Prince

Chapter 39| Perks and a self-absorbed Prince

"I thought your word was good enough." She muttered eying the brown thick manila envelope.

"It is not myself I don't trust, but you human with different values besides I love keeping all of my negotiations in paper format for references," he mumbled, Even my sexual life, he added in his head as he gave her a polite smile.

She shrugged, "Nice to know this isn't just about me being human. Though a bit of your doubt creeps from my type, a large part is based on your trust issues," she rubbed her hands together, a mocking smile, teasing her lips, "Let's get this over with shall we?"

He brought out a pen. She eyed him she didn't take it. Like the hell, she'll sign whatever he had drafted without mulling over it and reading, rereading the damn thing so she didn't miss a damn misleading Clause.

Besides, now he had mentioned it, she also didn't trust his kind. Not like they have given her a stellar performance or a kind of relationship that stemmed such feelings, now have they?

"Just so you know, at a stage in our life, as humans just touching our pinkies together was good enough as any contract."

He smirked, "Funny. You can say that because you are a lawyer and you must have drafted a lot of this lengthy document even between couples. Human couples. The prenuptial almost like they can envisage the end of the glorious beginning they just embarked on, the divorce that is sure to follow after then child custody case, asset share, and other boring stuff humans spend their miserable time dangling on."

She glared at him, knowing that he had made quite a good enough point. "You do know that even while I work in a law firm there are still promises, I've kept without penning my signature. One of which I'm striving to keep to the man waiting for me on Earth and hey," she gasped, placing her hand on her chest for dramatics, "I had just promised him all that without a long lengthy paperwork."

He rolled his eyes, "I'll say he is stupid to take your words at face value if I cared, but I don't."

"You can go, god. I need to go through your contract." She mumbled, so eager to get rid of him already and his suffocating presence that made her want to hit him and then nibble at his full lips, confirming if they were as soft as they looked.

Her eyes widen at her crazy thoughts and she looked away, thankful this hadn't happened with Saif in the room. She couldn't even begin to imagine how horrified he'll look if he had heard her absurd thought.

"I don't even know why you'll sleep over this."

"The same reason why you think our agreement should be on paper."

"At least we can agree on something."

She gave him a sugary smile, "The mutual distrust. Yes, that is more than visible."

He shook his head, "I think we are making a headway in being courteous towards each other."

She batted her eyelashes, "I think you are delusional but what do I know?"

He shrugged, "I shouldn't have used the words I used back on you when you were in the infirmary. It was disrespectful and I'm not usually disrespectful towards a lady__"

"Who isn't human?" She had a bitter smile on her face when though her voice was a bit muffled yet audible, low yet held some kind of strength in it.

"All kinds of ladies. I'll never disrespect a woman and I knew that I'd acted out of line today and I sure deserved all Saif had said to me."

She gave him a puzzled look, Saif? "Saif didn't do anything. I was the one who had said the foolish things I said, that I don't even know where it has come from or how I had blurted it out." She paused, trying to bring the words out without feeling like she was being choked, "I'm sorry."

He scoffed staring down at her like she was completely clueless and narrow-minded, "You don't have any idea, now do you little one?" And with a smirk and his annoying I know something you don't facial expression, he left the room, slamming the door behind him.

Showing just how eager he had been to end the conversation already and the feeling again was frickin mutual.

The plan was to cry herself to sleep not to talk to a sculpture with selected filtered words.

He wasn't even King yet and hearing him talk should be a chore. Almost like he was another man's interpreter. She had heard the unedited manuscript of his words, unfiltered thought, and the voice of the boy behind the boy with the crown and could tell, his voice right now was just things he had been told.

Things his Abba had told him, lessons his great scholars have put him through.

He was like a pawn, and his father, Abba held the strings yet he walked like the earth was beneath his pair of extremely expensive Italian shoes. She didn't know if his interaction with Earth, consistently was one of the reasons why his fashion sense was relatable to and on par with civilization.

Regardless, she preferred Saif though with his funny-looking shoe and fabrics that are allegedly supposed to cost a lot yet look like some get up.

Though all that had mattered less to her earlier that day. She, herself was not only in a funny costume but that of a poor servant too but she had not really given a fuck, because she had been happy.

As she prepared her bath herself, she couldn't help her mind riveting to the Prince's parting words. What had he meant when he had asked her if she had no idea?

Shaking her head, slightly reprimanding herself for wasting her time and energy to think over words that had spilled from the Prince's lips.

She had a long soothing bath after, that made her smell like sweet dreams and had helped with making her feel less like shit after.

As she lied to sleep, she couldn't help the satisfied sigh that left her lips, she couldn't even lie she thought as she gazed at the walls of her room, Indiosia sure had its perk, but dealing with an annoying self-absorbed Prince wasn't one she thought as her gaze fell on the brown envelope, the who-shall-not-be-mentioned had brought to her.

Later that night, she had a long peaceful night's sleep, and immediately it was midnight, her night terrors struck again.

It was more intense, more real than any of the others she have had when she was younger and what was even more shocking was that she recognized the river, there the strange hand had been trying to strangle her in.

It was the river where she had gone with Saif and had picked the mysterious beautiful shell.