
Once a fairytale now a nightmare

Chapter 5| Once a Fairytale now a nightmare

The month that followed after her little argument with Scarlet had been the craziest for the world. The underworld topic Making a place for itself as the most talked-about world topic.

Even Kimberly had realized how serious the topic and how possibly a reality, a bedtime fable could be taking place when every organization has been made to shut down, Bryan's hospital and the law firm she worked in inclusive.

She brought down the phone from her ear, grinning at how enthusiastic Scarlet sounded. The release of the names was going to be dropped once it was midnight.

"Your friend is crazy, imagining wanting to be in the arms of what she has no idea of," Bryan muttered as she leaned even more into his arm, her eyes on his rippling muscles which she began to stroke idly.

"No matter how crazy she is acting and hyped, I can sense the tense way she sounded. Of course, she is scared too. Getting pregnant for an alien Is not on any girl's Todo list," she smiled at him, "At least none I know of."

She had forgiven Bryan after a week of Pleas from Nana and a good ole fashioned groveling by Bryan.

He smirked, "you sure you don't have any other crazies because if your best friend could be this__" he trailed off not having a good enough adjective to describe the complex personality of a friend which made Kimberly grin. "Are you sure you don't have any other crazy friends lurking in the corner?"

"No promises," she jokingly mumbled and then laughed at his horrified comic look.

"But seriously, how can this be real and there is no documentation?" They both were watching the news which was not left out on Infos about the latest most trending topic.

"Because babe, a millennium ago," he stroked her hair, "There was no press or electronic device. I doubt the first thing on the mind of those underdeveloped folks was to put such an incident into writing. Let's not forget that they were illiterates too."

She turned to look at him, not believing how convinced he sounded, how easily he had accepted the Barbaric reality of such an act which was unbelievable since he was a firm believer that supernatural creatures don't exist.

"Do you believe that the Government will hand their citizens to unknown creatures, the world? No consideration of Rights?"

He gave her a tight smile, "This agreement was penned down by our ancestors, we can't do otherwise. Besides the last thing, the world needs is a war between immortals. So they'll sacrifice a few to save the lots they can."

"That is cruel," she whispered, already pitying the 1,000 girls whose names will be popping up soon, as they were soon going to be Earth sacrificial Lambs.

She woke up to the sound of a beep from her phone, realizing she had fallen asleep. She was still in Bryan's arms but his damp hair and matching pajamas showed that he had showered while she was out.

He was watching a replay of a football match making her shake her head in disbelief, the world was in some global mess and her boyfriend just wanted to see Messi. Boys and football, she thought wryly.

The message on her phone was from Scarlet.

Scarlet: The list is attached to this message. Check if my name is on it, please. It is arranged in alphabetical order so it'll be easier.

She clicked on the link, surprised to see that Bryan had paused the football peering into her phone. Guess his curiosity was more than his great love for football.

She typed in the Word S and chuckled as she realized not even a person with a name that starts with S had made the list.

"She'll be shattered," Bryan stated amused as she idly scrolled up the list.

"She'll survive."

He stiffened behind her, she turned to look at him shocked at how pale he looked, his eyes wide as he gazed at her screen with utter mortification.

She glanced at the screen, stopping at a girl with the same name as hers, she also looked oddly familiar to her too and their security number was the Same. "How is this even possible?" She casually asked Bryan.

Then it hit her, the girl was her, she was the girl. Bryan was shaking her frantically, as she stopped breathing, staring back at him coldly then her limp body fell on his body as she welcomed the blanket of darkness that followed. She fainted.


She opened her eyes shocked to see three worried pairs of eyes on her. Bryan's, Nana's, and Scarlet's.

She wondered why they were in Bryan's house looking at her like she had woken up from a coma, though the disturbing nightmare she had hovered in her mind as she stood up from the bed.

"Nana I had such a disturbing nightmare, in my dream I was selected to go to the underworld," she released a peal of nervous laughter at their horrified looks. "It is fine, it is just a dream."

"Where are you going?" Scarlet asked her, her voice barely a whisper.

"To the firm. I need to submit some files to an intern working under me__"

"The firm is under lock and key," Scarlet replied.

"So?" She released a throaty chuckle that was so unconvincing it was almost impossible, "I can make my own space and dive right into work." She found the right leg of her flip-flops.

Bryan moved closer to her, grabbing her by her shoulder, his eyes on her, "It wasn't a dream Kim, you were selected." Her legs buckled at his words as she sat down on the bed with a thud.

Melancholy hung in the air as Nana gazed at Kimberly not believing she couldn't do anything to save her, Scarlet couldn't stand the thought of her best friend being impregnated by force and Bryan touched the Tiffany box that was in his pajamas Pocket. He had wanted to propose to her that night.

But more than that the reminder that they just might never see her again was even more heartbreaking.

"I'll run, change my name and my hair color," she said after a few minutes not able to accept that, that was just it, "I'll erase my identity and get a new one."

"Can you run away from the earth baby? Where will you go?" Nana asked. She seemed to have aged even more in just a day as tears welled in her eyes.

"I've to try, I just can't leave my life here, my career," she turned to look at Bryan who had a cold look on his face, "Him." She mumbled tears pooling in her eyes.

Nana sobbed.