
Go screw yourself Mr. Scum

Chapter 51| Go screw yourself Mr.Scum

She gasped, a smile on her face not knowing when she closed the distance between them and engulfed him in a hug.

Tristan's eyes widened as he stiffened not liking that he enjoyed the contrast of her soft pliable body against his hard one.

He shoved her gently from his body, even as she hugged herself, feeling the awkwardness in the air while she looked away regretting that moment of weakness. Knowing how much he hated her and didn't trust her, he might think this was some elaborate scheme of hers to seduce him.

She knew just how much distrust there was in Prince Tristan's heart for her and very well knew her place in his palace too which had made her shocked when he had disclosed his secret to her. She was the last person, she had thought he would share something so personal to her, and the question to why he had given such a gift to her which she could use as an advantage if she was evil as he would love to envisage had a mysterious question mark at the end which wasn't lost to her.

Prince Tristan was dark, unsettling, and thinking of why he did what he did or what he does and when was a problem she had no business involving herself in especially as she had no desire whatsoever to find the answers to the arrogant Prince's behavior.

She didn't know if it was fear or just her being careful but she preferred knowing him just like he'd want her to see him. She knew he didn't behave the way he does to her with everyone else. He even accorded the helps more respect and managed a fake smile that lacks in mirth for everyone but with her he never bothers. Ever.

He was putting in the effort to make sure she saw him as a royal asshole so why would she go about poking her head into matters to prove otherwise. She knew if she looked, she might find something but she didn't want to. She didn't want to find a story that might justify why Tristan had been nothing but a rude arrogant egotistical person to her. Hating him now, was easier.

She didn't want to involve herself even more with the people here and let them take a toll on her just like she had let Saif.

She already had one Prince she cared about, she didn't want to feel any emotion for the other than hate and at best indifference.

"How is my Nonna," she croaked out, remembering what he had said before she had foolishly closed the distance between them, hugging him tightly like he was her lost forgotten lover or something.

His gaze darted to hers and she saw a flicker of pity which made her eyes blazed with anger.

How dare him act like he cared? how dare he stop being an asshole a second later and most importantly how dare he pity her, fitting her into the stereotyped pitiful human he saw her as once upon a time when she had first woken up before he had thought she was a viper and needed to be treated poorly?

"Just tell me already, is not like you care?" She snapped.

"She cries herself to bed every night and stares at your picture every morning and night," he muttered passively, his face cold even as he tucked his hand into his pocket, "Scarlet had finally convinced her to bury you so it can help her get over the loss than holding on to some sort of hope that only makes her heart ache,"

Her legs wobbled and she held onto the railings fighting the urge to shatter on the floor and cry her lungs out just like he had expected.

"When is my burial going to be held?" Her voice was a whisper she didn't recognize and she had wanted to repeat her question, believing he didn't hear her before he replied.

"Next week Saturday,"

She nodded, smirking. "Get me a picture, I want to see how they all look in black,"

"Not possible. I'm not actually real there and for me to physically manifest I have to use the portals and trust me, I only go through that trouble when it is worth it," she could hear the underlying insult of her not being worth it, she didn't know why she still felt a light stabbing pain at his insensitive comments. She had expected to be immune by now, just come to a conclusion he was a jackass and anticipate his sneer, his hate, his glares but she couldn't.

She did care. A lot and that frightened her, even as she gave him a little eye roll like his snide comment didn't get to her.

Fake it until you make it, she thought.

"You know you could just tell me that you can't take the picture without sounding like a jerk."

"And what is the fun in that?"

"Only you'll think being a jerk is funny, Tristan and somehow we are supposed to trust you to make a good King."

"Who is we? Remember you don't belong here. Your place is with the humans who conveniently forgot you and had moved on with their life, trying to clean up every evidence that you once existed in it."

Tears gathered around her eyes, which she tried to hold back by clenching her hand and biting the insides of her mouth, "You know even for you, Tristan that was a low."

He snarled, "A low? You had just insulted my capability as future King,"

"Because I see no King but just a scared boy hiding behind the bully and douchebag mask!" A tear glided down her cheeks then another. He looked away.

She grinned, "You know one day you'll get to a point when you don't have to look away when someone shed tears because you'll meet their gaze and feel absolutely nothing!" She gritted her teeth.

"You ask for hard truths one minute and the next just like I expect act as a whiny human girl when you get them," his hands were folded behind him, as he relaxed on a pillar, the wind blowing his long hair which grazed his shoulder since he had not packed it.

"You ain't capable of giving any truth to anyone, because if we are being Frank you know that you'll have to start by telling yourself the Truth," she sneered at him, "And that's one thing you can't do because Prince Tristan as a person is all a lie. A fake, an allusion,"

"Now you ain't whining, you are just hysterical. I understand you are trying to come to terms with the news I just gave to you which was one of the reasons I was a bit hesitant to tell you my findings lest I unknowingly trigger violence tendencies__"

She chuckled, shaking her head at him, "Lest? Findings?," Her gaze held his even as she took a step close to him, "I see you, Tristan. I see the inadequate boy hiding inside of the man you have become. A shadow you don't recognize yourself."

"Are you sure you won't book a session with the royal therapist? He is good"

"Apart from the fact that I don't want anyone wasting money on nuisances and you are already doing enough therapy for the both of us since you know how good he is and he comes highly recommended," she paused and then turning away from him, as she walks for a while standing briefly at the Grand steps she needed to take before leaving the terrace completely, she smirked and without looking at him added, "I think it is important you go screw yourself Mr scum."