
Get in and out

Chapter 110|Get in and out

"Now, explain to me what is going on here and why that Demon is in my palace?" Tristan snapped at Kimberly the minute she closed the door behind her.

"That Demon saved my life."

His eyes flitted towards hers. "You have my attention, continue."

"He tried to save my life, literally, and then Lucifer made his servants seize him and when he tried torturing me, Lucan gets affected and falls to the ground."

If Tristan had thought that he had reached the most level of what could bewilder him, he was rethinking that thought at the strange sets of words that just escaped Kimberly's mouth.

"So you're trying to tell me that not only do you hear his thoughts, you also have a life link with him?"

She sat down on his bed and dropped her head on her palms and when she looked up to meet his gaze, he could tell how exhausted she was both mentally and physically. She must have been travelling all night.