
Another kind of monsters

Chapter 94|Another kind of monsters

Tristan resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he begrudgingly dropped the first aid kit on the bed ignoring her outstretched arm disregarding how childish it made him feel as he walked towards the door.

Of course, she could also use a damn spirit too. They should just get married already and banish him to a life of solitude. They were so obvious, it was sickening he thought as he made his way to the cave since it seems that's the only thing they deem him fit for.



"Your brother hates me a lot," Kimberly mumbled as she took the first Aid kit from where Tristan had kept it before storming off.

Saif stared at the door curiously wondering if he was seeing things and Tristan didn't just throw a big ole fucking tantrum. Like his unmoving cold Prince also his brother had shown something that not only counted as feelings but even better was childish.

He wasn't even that as a child!