
Almost royalty

Chapter 53| Almost royalty

Prince Tristan sighed, not believing he was floating in his realm just so he could catch a glimpse of Kimberly as she handled the piano.

Regardless of how angry he was at the moment as his eyes couldn't leave her face, her beautiful perfect oval-shaped mirror of all the emotions she felt, he couldn't help but admit he had been enthralled the minute she had walked into the court wearing a black form-fitting strapless gown, with a high slit that showed off long almost endless legs that should be illegal as the thought of her legs around his waist just won't leave him.

But what caught his attention was not her beauty, a physical advantage she had effortlessly proven again and again, whenever he gazed at her but her poise. Something had changed, the air and how she carried herself.

She had always walked around the palace despite the new clothes and pieces of jewelry on her body like she was a pastel-colored patch, on a white spotless couch, like she was walking on eggshells and was too scared of her every step not wanting to rub off on anybody in a bad way but now?

With her red lipstick and a blazing Daredevil attitude to match, he couldn't stop looking. It was almost like she was borne into royalty, like the clothes she wore were made for her which literally were but figuratively until today she had acted like they were hand-me-downs. Her strides were graceful, her face in the air, her smile regal and formal, almost like she was royalty.

Judging by how wide, Trevor's eyes had grown, he too had noticed the big difference between the shy human unsure girl he had subtly hitted on yesterday to the woman right in front of him, who raised a perfectly carved brow at his speechlessness, which made her insanely attractive.

And when she had taken his arm allowing him to guide her to the piano and had taken a seat, her blonde hair glistening even in the almost dim room, her head craned to the side showing off a graceful neck that begged to be bit on, he saw a princess.

Her fingers elegantly produced a sound that made Tristan blink knowing that he had heard her fumbling notes with irritation just yesterday. How did she go from absolute 0 yesterday to an amazingly good pianist, like she had gone through every proper training and preparation as a child to fit into the image she was supposed to be projecting on her unveiling.

As her lips curved into a cocky smile, Prince Tristan could tell she knew she was beautiful and knew the effect she had on the golden boy, Trevor the pianist who he wouldn't be surprised seeing him spotting a hard-on because of his darkened lustful eyes and the unsubtle awe as he gaped at her, gave him off already.

He had never had problems knowing that the blonde airhead flaunted his talent as a pianist using it to make young maidens act in folly but the thought of him using such a scheme on Kimberly rubbed him off so badly that it scared him especially as he walked towards Kimberly, with an excuse to show her how to finish her note beautifully well even though Tristan was sure they both knew that Kimberly's note from start to finish was elegant and perfect.

Tristan rolled his eyes as Kimberly gave him a little smile, as he moved closer to her, bending down to place her hand on the piano while taking a peek at her cleavages Tristan had caught himself from balling his fist and leaving the infirmary where he was to give Trevor a piece of his mind which involved jabs and a sound warning to leave his cock at home when teaching his chosen who by the way didn't need a tutor anymore obviously.

His chosen ~ his eyes widened as his thought dawned on him even as he transported his shadow back to his office.

Why did he care what the stupid pianist wanted to do with the human who clearly was encouraging his advances?

Maybe he was disappointed he mused, she had told him that she had left a man behind who was waiting for her and she wanted to return to, though what she didn't know was that, he was getting married on Saturday too, her friend Scarlet was married with a child and it has been five years since she left Earth.

She wouldn't want to help him if she knew that she would have lost out on her previous life since by the time they would be done everyone who cared about her or knew her would be old or dead. He couldn't tell her how huge the time difference between his realm and her Earth was, else she wouldn't have anything to make her want to go back which was one of the reasons he had insisted on her signing the document so she wouldn't go back on her word if she somehow found out, even though the possibility of her finding out was so thin since they were only a handful in the realm who had visited Earth.

If it makes up for anything he could tell her just how much the man Bryan had really loved her and how long he had waited for her when he pays her a visit on Earth soil, that is if he ever mustered the courage to seek her out knowing how selfishly he had been with his decision, knowing how less it would benefit her from the onset.

She was just a pawn in his elaborate game, his pawn.

But even after elaborating the whole point while he should be disappointed in her for flirting with some scumbag even while claiming to be in love with someone else, in his head, he could tell how ridiculous he sounded and knew, wasn't it. He cared less about the dorky doctor she thought she was in love with.

He didn't want her smudging his image, because regardless of what their deal was until she was back to Earth, she was a reflection of his image and it won't look good if it got out that his "supposed" future King's mother was flirting with a pianist.

He nodded his head satisfied with the notion in his head. That must be it he thought swiveling in his seat.

One of the nurses barges into his office. He didn't yell at her for the invasion of his privacy because of how hysterical she looked even though they both knew it was an act.

Her gown was drawn down so her perky breasts bounced up she down and she was as discreet in her flirtatious act as a volcano erupting and a paper producing machine being turned on as she gave him a fake worried look almost stumbling over so she touched his shoulder.

He glared at her abruptly standing up and she sobered realizing that he didn't buy her little cheap tricks.

"What is the problem, Rosalie?" His voice was stern and he grinned inwardly in pleasure as she stood up straighter.

"It is Rosalind," she corrected between gritted teeth, he bet furious that they have worked together since the conception of the infirmary yet he couldn't get her name right.

He shrugged, a polite way of saying he didn't give a fuck.

She was just another faceless dot in his life he didn't give a damn about but Kimberly, he shook his head now that was his recent problem. She wasn't a dot, she was a huge splatter in his life and she could cause great ruins if she happened to make even one little scrawny mistake.