
The Mall

**Nick was a school topper, he used to always comes first in school but as he reached university into one of top prestigious university in delhi, he realise that he was nobody in front true topper student. He understand he was the best student among the student from his village school but he can't be compare to student of this prestigious university, who only took the top student from all over the india. And while trying to catch up to them his marks degraded even more. Then he try hard again, and again..

But in the end he failed in 4 semester, he just don't get it what is wrong with him.

It was happening to him because he was trying catch up to student he don't even know, he don't known were he used to study and where did other take tuition. And when he took tuition he don't understand anything what was teaching there because his english was poor. He should try to attain knowledge by his own means, he thought if do the same as other students are doing he will become like them when he doesn't even understand english properly, he should slowing but try to understand his text by himself as he did in his school time. He shouldn't have compare himself with other but he should compare to himself.

But in the end, he took a wrong step, he thought it was never his fault to begin with, this was the student and above all the top student Meghana, who came first in all exam in all semester and the one Nick hate the most. Thinking his life ruined not because of him but because of her, he tried to rape meghana and after that he was expelled from the university.

And after some time he took on the job of the mall employee what he used to look down so much. He used to work there for very long time that he became the manager there and he was able to take control over the other mall employees under him.

After the last dream descend he actually thought that this was for the better for him but things didn't turn that way, he was not strong enough to even take down the monster on the ground floor, because the only skill he got was back stab. Which helps him get behind his target in a instance but it's useless to fight against group of monster at once. And when was about to die Yahsu and rishabh save him and others on the ground floor.

After he became the manager he enjoys to mistreat the employees works under him and look down on them and he is now again, he feel like he is look down by a small girl, shakti.

**few minutes ago, Shakti was trying to calm everyone and give courage to everyone. Because of her good looks and charming way of talking she seen as an angel by others and .

And shakti started to look similar like meghana in front of nicks eyes.

Nick thinks,* she is bloody nobody and now she is acting all high and mighty because of her brother, this bitch make me sick!! *

A very old women came near Nick and offers a biscuit. Nick was very angry with everything that was going on and he thought at that moment, *Even this old women started to look down on me? ! * then nick didn't hesitate and started to attack the old lady.

Everyone in the mall rush to help the grandma, and they stoped Nick from beating the old lady.

Shakti yelled at him, What were you doing? Are are Mad or what?

Nick became more angry and shouts, Who the hell are you to call me MAD?!!!

Someone who old people is consider mad person! Shakti replied.

Nick felt like everyone was looking down on him like he used to feel in university time then look around and he show the employees who used to work with him he order them to come toward him. Five employees came near nick. Nick then whisper some things in their hears.

Then Nick stand tall with five person standing next to him, he said,

You were acting like incharge of this place few minutes ago, just because of your brother but he wouldn't be coming back! HE WILL DIE DOWN THERE! Hahaha

Hey! Stop it! She is trying to help us. A man with board chest stands in front shakti said.

Shakti finally understand that Nick is person who was actually always waiting for the end of the world and as this game descend this type of people will cawl out of society from there disguise they had put on for all this years are now coming off, as there is no law to stop them .

This thought put her in shock and fear, and a simple thought came in her mind,

A world without law, without police, and without democracy?!!

Nick in a instance get behind that man, stab and kill him.

Aaaahhh! Aagh?!

People in the mall started to scream in fear. Then Nick pulling out his knife and said,

If we're going to die anyway then, he give the signal by moving his head to people who were on his side,

Why don't we enjoy ourself first, right?

**In Present, Yahsu space out for sometime, and at that moment Nick get behind Yahsu, but then rishabh kick Nick and which threw Nick several meter.

Aagh?! Nick vomit out some blood and thinks,

*WHAT?! Shit! I forgot about the other guy! Well doesn't matter!*

Nick shout's, Attack NOW!! They would be tried of fighting the monster down in the basement!

The man five man trys to attack Yahsu but before they reach Yahsu, rishabh threw a table at them, then he kick at the table, which breaks the table into half because the table was fake, then he punch one man in the face,"right hook", then a "body shoot" the other at the stomach of the other man. Then rishabh shouts looking towards Yahsu,

Snap out of YAHSU!!

Yahsu finally came out of his thought, then he rush quickly and give a "upper side kick" at one of the people who were with Nick.

In few more seconds and all of them where defeated. Because they can't defeat Yahsu and rishabh who are not only strong because of the system but even before the last dream descended one was pro athlete and other one was trainee in special force.

6 minutes after, yahsu and rishabh were again standing in front of the cave. Then Yahsu push Nick and his man into the cave, Aaahh! No no no.. Pllease! Don't do this!

As they were throw in the cave the light on suddenly, there were light on the ceiling of the cave.


A rate type monster howls as the light were turn on.

Aahh!! Hey! Iam-i am sorry ple-!

There were chased by the rat type monster, then rishabh asked Yahsu,

What do you think?

That monster is weaker than the zombie on the 1st floor so its fast but not strong!

Hmm, this will be actually easy I think?

Don't let your guard down kid!

Penalty mission are tougher than normal mission. So, it's better to complete the normal mission given to you then penalty mission