
The heavenly demon

As yahsu leaves the 2nd floor and reach 1st floor,


Yahsu show a guy in highschool dress fighting against a 7 foot tall monster.

    10:35 am, inside the DPS school, Two student, a boy and girl sitting on the bench in front of each other. The boy said,

    Oi , this is boring, I want to drop out of the school..... Hmm, Oi! Are you listening to me nidhi?


Yeah, yeah, How about a zombie attack on the school? Nidhi said in sarcasm.


  Yeah, fighting zombies and saving beautiful girls. Yeah! That would be fun but it's been long time since I show beautiful girl all I see is your ugly face, Hahaha , that boy said and started laughing.

   Rishabh, then why don't you go to those so called beautiful girls and stop bothering me. Nidhi said.


  Hmm... I think I will take half day leave, rishabh said while thinking something in mind.


    Fine leave in alone now, I have study for board.


    But board are in next year in april why are studying now?

    I have prepare from now, well why don't you just focus in sport, You are a district level Taek won do champion, right?

      Well, yes but i need to pass 12 class, aahh! whyyy? If just something happens in the school and school gets closed...., rishabh said in frustration.


   Ringing* the bell rang

   Then I will leave , rishabh said with a smile.


   Yeah, yeah bye bye, nidhi said while ignoring rishabh and looked at the copy.

*11:35 pm, Rishabh and a beautiful girl enters the mall together. He ditch the school with fake medical problem then he leave for the mall.

That girl was rishabh's girlfriend kaira, Kaira is a beautiful girl in her 20s but despite the age gap rishabh convice her to become his girlfriend, they are in the relationship for 3 months.

"12:00 noon",

"The last dream begin"


           The lights on of the whole mall started to become dim.


  Both rishabh and kaira were coming from 2nd floor by stairs then the earthquake begin and they both went inside the 1st floor. When the earth quake stop, rishabh and kaira try to go to ground floor but a transperent wall was blocked them to go to next floor.


  then a blue screen pops up in the thin air ,

Mission : Find the virus carrier

Difficulty: D rank

Condition: Find the virus

                    carrier, if you kill the   

                    virus carrier all

                    player, expect the

                    virus carrier.

Time limit : 15min

Failure : The virus carrier

                 would mutat.

   Rishabh was stun to see a blue screen floating and everyone in the floor was shocked too.   


Rishabh in fear looked at kaira then he trys to reach out for kaira but he meets an unexpected misfortune something fell on him.



The cloth stand falls and hits rishabh's head to make him unconscious and then he faint.

  Rishabh open his eyes with little headache but then only to find his girlfriend in blood ,


  he said, aagh-? kaira ? Are you okay?

As kaira sees rishabh she started to cry and said,


  No!! Why?

An another message pops up but this time was red colour,


  Mission failed

    The virus carrier is stilll alive


      Rishabh looked at the screen blankly and thought,


   What? What that suppose to mean?

Rishabh tries to get up then kaira shouts, Rishabh!! Please! help me!! I don't want to-agh?! Her half skull gets big and explode


  and another message came,


Panelty mission :

Difficulty : D->C rank

Condition : Defeat the Mutat virus carrier.

Failure : Death


Rishabh vomits after seeing keara dead. Because of that he was unable to look at screen.

    The dead body of kiara lift itself in creepy manner and her injuries were getting healed but the stain of blood was still remaining on her face and dress, then she said in a cute voice,

Rishabh.. (She said in very seductive manner)



Why did you not, save me?


  I-I I don't known.. what to do that time....

Ooohh it's simple do you like me?


Yes!! I-


THEN DIE FOR ME, she said in whole different voice like a demon is speaking.


    Keara starts to increase her hight and size until she starts to turn brownish black and with the increase in length of size her body, her body started to become skinner and she become as tall as 7 foot tall, she become something completely different, then she scream,


   Ugh! Agh! aaahh!!

She stretches her hand to attack rishabh.

   Rishabh dodges the attack easily, rishabh is a sportsman he had learn many martial art and he have been in many unexpected and sudden situation, so he was able to calm  himself easily and quickly dodges the attack and he quickly maintain some distance from him and that.

    ("That, or it" would be now refer to the virus carrier)

Then "it" extends its arms and attacks rishabh, rishabh grabs a glass and throws it towards it.


A blue screen came in front of rishabh,

Name - Rishabh

Age - 18 years

Class - Heavenly Demon slayer

            (Epic Warrior grade)

Skill - Heavenly demon, Heavy

           spin kick, stomp kick

Unique skill - Heavenly Demon

                         slayer (Epic class)

STR - 17            DTX - 15

ERU - 14            ITR - 15


As a light flash in front of rishabh, rishabh got every information of how to use his skill.


He look at the monster what kaira has become, rishabh bites his lips and raised his hand said,


  "Heavenly Demon"

A double egde sword came out of thin air, dark reddish border with a complete black body stuck in the ground where he pointed his hand.

Heavenly Demon

(legendary grade) : Increase all stats by 10%. Against humanoid

Species stats increase by 20%.

Time limit - 35:00 min

  Wow, cool ... Now I think I have a chance now,  Rishabh said with hope.


   Thud! Agh!

  One person who was coming down from upper floor falls on the ground and other people who were hiding while rishabh was fighting are now caught the eyes of "it"



"It" charge towards the people who came down from the first floor.


Aaahh!! Help, Help please!

People scream as they show "it" charging towards them.

   As it's hand were about to reach them one person pick up one chair and it smashed on the hand of "that".


Then that person kicks "it" in his jaw that make it thrown back to many meters. Rishabh shows a very handsome man in black t-shirt which was Yahsu.

**No one can see others stats window or any message them recieved. Only if someone have skill otherwise they can't peek other stats window.