
The Last Dodo Rider

Onnyx_Chapwanya · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

The Hatchlings

Chapter 2: The Hatchlings

Tau had waited for two weeks for the eggs to hatch. He had kept them warm and safe in his room, under a cloth and a fire. He had checked on them every day, and talked to them softly. He had prayed to the ancestors, and asked them to bless the eggs and the hatchlings.

One night, he heard a cracking sound from the basket. He got up from his bed, and ran to the basket. He lifted the cloth, and saw a small hole in one of the eggs. He saw a beak poking out of the hole. He saw an eye looking at him. He felt a surge of joy and wonder.

He watched as the hole grew bigger, and the hatchling emerged from the egg. It was a dodo chick, with a fluffy brown and white plumage, and a red ring around its neck. It was the size of a chicken, and it looked very cute and innocent. It made a soft peeping sound, and looked around curiously.

Tau smiled, and reached out his hand to touch the chick. The chick tilted its head, and nipped his finger gently. Tau felt a warmth in his heart. He felt a bond with the chick, as if they were already friends.

He looked at the other egg, and saw that it was also cracking. He saw another beak poking out of the hole. He saw another eye looking at him. He felt another surge of joy and wonder.

He watched as the other hatchling emerged from the egg. It was another dodo chick, with a fluffy brown and white plumage, and a red ring around its neck. It was slightly smaller than the first one, and it looked very shy and timid. It made a soft peeping sound, and hid behind its sibling.

Tau smiled, and reached out his other hand to touch the chick. The chick peeked out from behind its sibling, and nipped his finger gently. Tau felt another warmth in his heart. He felt another bond with the chick, as if they were already friends.

He lifted both chicks in his arms, and hugged them gently. He felt their hearts beating, and their breaths on his skin. He felt their lives in his hands. He felt their trust in his eyes.

He whispered to them.

"Hello, my little ones. I am Tau. I am your brother. I am your rider. I am your friend. You are Riri and Fifi. You are my dodos. You are my family. We will be together always. We will be the last dodo riders. We will make our father proud. We will make our mother proud. We will make our ancestors proud. We will make our dodos proud. We will survive. We will rise. We will fly."

He kissed them on their heads, and put them back in the basket. He covered them with the cloth, and added some more firewood to the fire. He lay down on his bed, and watched them sleep. He felt a peace and a happiness that he had never felt before. He felt a hope and a purpose that he had never felt before. He felt a love and a loyalty that he had never felt before.

He closed his eyes, and fell asleep. He dreamed of flying with his dodos, over the lands of Mhondoro, free and happy.

The next morning, he woke up to the sound of peeping. He got up from his bed, and looked at the basket. He saw Riri and Fifi awake and hungry. They looked at him with their big eyes, and begged for food.

Tau smiled, and got some fruits from a bowl. He fed them some bananas, some mangoes, and some papayas. They ate eagerly, and made happy noises. They nuzzled his hand, and thanked him.

Tau stroked their feathers, and praised them.

"You are very good eaters, my little ones. You are very strong and healthy. You are very beautiful and smart. You are very brave and loyal. You are very special and precious. You are my dodos. You are my family."

He looked around the room, and realized that it was too small for them. They needed more space, more air, more light. They needed to see the world, to explore the nature, to learn the skills. They needed to grow, to thrive, to fly.

He decided to take them outside, to the stable where Rudo was kept. He hoped that Rudo would accept them, and teach them. He hoped that they would get along, and bond. He hoped that they would become a team, and a force.

He put them in a basket, and covered them with a cloth. He took the basket, and left the room. He looked around, and saw that the village was still in ruins. He saw the ashes and the bones. He saw the blood and the tears. He saw the pain and the fear.

He felt a surge of anger and sadness. He remembered the night of the attack. He remembered his mother's words. He remembered his promise. He wondered if his mother was still alive. He wondered if she would come back. He wondered if he would ever see her again.

He prayed to the ancestors, and asked them to protect his mother. He prayed to the ancestors, and asked them to guide him. He prayed to the ancestors, and asked them to bless his dodos.

He walked to the stable, and opened the door. He saw Rudo lying on a pile of hay. He saw his wound on his side, where a bullet had grazed him. He saw his bandage, which Tau had changed every day. He saw his eyes, which were dull and sad.

Tau felt a surge of love and pity. He walked to Rudo, and greeted him.

"Hello, Rudo. I am Tau. I am your rider. I am your friend. How are you feeling today? Are you in pain? Do you need anything?"

Rudo looked at Tau, and made a low cooing sound. He lifted his head, and nuzzled his chest. He licked his face, and thanked him.

Tau smiled, and hugged him. He felt his strength and his warmth. He felt his spirit and his will. He felt his trust and his loyalty.

He whispered to him.

"Rudo, you are a very good dodo. You are a very brave and loyal dodo. You are a very strong and smart dodo. You are a very special and precious dodo. You are my dodo. You are my family. I have something to show you. I have something to tell you. I have a surprise for you."

He put the basket on the ground, and lifted the cloth. He saw Riri and Fifi looking around curiously. He saw their eyes widen, and their beaks open. He saw their excitement and their wonder.

He introduced them to Rudo.

"Rudo, these are Riri and Fifi. They are your children. They are your legacy. They are the last dodo eggs in the world. They hatched last night. They are very healthy and happy. They are very hungry and curious. They are very cute and innocent. They are your dodos. They are your family."

He looked at Rudo, and waited for his reaction. He hoped that Rudo would be happy, and proud. He hoped that Rudo would be gentle, and kind. He hoped that Rudo would be loving, and caring.

He saw Rudo look at the basket, and sniff the air. He saw Rudo recognize the scent, and remember the past. He saw Rudo realize the truth, and feel the emotion.

He saw Rudo smile, and roar. He saw Rudo get up, and walk to the basket. He saw Rudo nudge the basket, and peek inside. He saw Rudo see the chicks, and touch them gently. He saw Rudo lick the chicks, and welcome them warmly. He saw Rudo coo to the chicks, and talk to them softly.

He saw Riri and Fifi look at Rudo, and sniff the air. He saw Riri and Fifi recognize the scent, and sense the bond. He saw Riri and Fifi realize the truth, and feel the emotion.

He saw Riri and Fifi smile, and peep. He saw Riri and Fifi get out of the basket, and walk to Rudo. He saw Riri and Fifi see Rudo, and touch him gently. He saw Riri and Fifi nuzzle Rudo, and thank him warmly. He saw Riri and Fifi coo to Rudo, and talk to him softly.

He saw Rudo, Riri, and Fifi hug each other, and form a circle. He saw them look at him, and invite him to join them. He saw them smile at him, and love him.

He joined them, and hugged them. He felt their hearts beating, and their breaths on his skin. He felt their lives in his hands. He felt their trust in his eyes. He felt their love in his soul.

He whispered to them.

"Hello, my dodos. I am Tau. I am your brother. I am your rider. I am your friend. We are a family. We are the last dodo riders. We will make our father proud. We will make our mother proud. We will make our ancestors proud. We will make our dodos proud. We will survive. We will rise. We will fly."