

"we'll join forces and together we'll create a future for Catyra" Kelsier informed the others and they nodded . It was time ! To end the reign of the tryant. It was time to regain control over the dark and it's lurking. * Vin stared incredulously at the thin and scrawny girl in front of him. She is the chosen one?? He almost want to laugh at the absurdity of the thought . This tiny girl whose black hair was all tangled up and her olive skin was full of scars ,is the chosen one? How will this girl fight a whole Lord ruler? She wouldn't even be able to get past the guards . A bile rose in his throat and ugly feeling of failure clawed at him . He had failed , the whole of Catyra fate depended on him ! " You think I'm not the chosen one , ? " . She rolled her eyes and begin to walk past him . Well she didn't think so too . Defeat the Lord ruler ? Save the world? Everything sounds like some bed stories and fairytale. She walked away from the dreamchaser . Species that was said to have been extinct thousand of years ago . Everything was just weird !! She needs to get out of here , before all this balderdash gets in her head * But then he saw it ! Tiny intricate black markings on her left shoulder , on her ankle . The sign !! He hurriedly followed her . Perhaps he shouldn't have judge a book by its cover

Winnie17 · Kỳ huyễn
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Chapter sixteen

Song recommendation . Lonely by Justin Bieber and Benny Blanco .

Niverea decided that it was nothing to worry about as Cecil suggested . The thunder rumbled and the wind threatened to blow the roof away . And that sent Niverea into another spiral of mini panic.

"The wind is going to blow the roof away don't you think ?? . " Niverea asked as she stared at the people in the carriage .

They looked as calm as if this was something that occured everyday . Niverea was again not liking this .

Cecilia shook her head and made a gesture for Niverea not to worry .

But how could she not ? The cow, everything ?

Madvil would skin her alive and serve her meat as a barbecue to her husband if anything was to go wrong with their only source of money .

She had no idea what condition the cow was . The remaining few minutes flew into themselves and the silence floated with only some soft groans and sounds .

The weather got so dark that Niverea was having a hard time staring ahead . What more the driver ??

She gulped some reluctant saliva and willed herself to be optimistic . Afterall optimisticism matters a lot , especially in a situation like this .

The wind was cool , and it was also lulling . Niverea felt her head going back from her neck and her eyes snapped open immediately .

"By the name of the great spirit . "

She had been getting more and more paranoid after the weird incident that happened to her . It felt so real , that it was kinda hard for her to digest that as a dream .

But she had been repeatedly telling herself . "It was a dream ! . " "it was just a nightmare ! "

Anything to stop herself from probing too much into her own mind ,else she'll totally lose it .

The light drop of water drew her attention away from the dream or no dream thought and brought her back to the harsh reality .

Then another , then another .

She rubbed her eyes together,to rub the sleep off them . Was this a dream again ? Is this another mind blowing trick ?

How could this happen?

Cecilia seem to be in a momentary shock too as her eyes widened . She probably wasn't expecting the rain this soon .

Rain wasn't even the real problem here, it was the roof ! .

She snatched her head to look up , to her distress she found out that a few of the patches was missing and hereby allowing the rain drop a free entrance .

"What do we do ?? . " She asked no one in particular . But no one seemed to have thought about a situation like this before . Even though they all claimed to be familiar with the weather changes , this one still managed to catch them by suprise .

"Don't worry . The driver would increase their pace . We would get to a safe place soon " Niverea could hear the doubt in those sentence .

They weren't going to any safe place . The rain would make a mess out of them .

The light pitter patter turned into an heavy storm and the rain flow into the carriage .

The carriage stopped and Niverea cursed . Why do they have to stop in this situation?? The rain poured in torrent and they all got soaked within some minutes .

"What happened?? . " Niverea asked Cecilia .

"Looks like the carriage lost a wheel . " Cecilia wasn't comfortable too as she was soaked .

Niverea fought the urge to shudder in cold and swallowed a bit of sarcastic comment that was on the tip of her mouth.

So this is how it was going to be ,? They were going to drown in the carriage , so that some flesh eating monsters could make some minced meat out of them?

How delightful .

The Coachman looked inside the car from the window , he was a short man with protruding belly .

"Everyone will have to get out . Find a safe place to stay tonight and come back here tommorow . The carriage would hopefully be done by then . That is if the storm has ended . Ladies and gentlemen , Leave ! "

He retracted his head and no one knew where he went again .

The people in the carriage seems to have no qualms with the decree as they move out , one after the other .

Niverea was new to this kind of situation had no idea of what to do . She looked up at the only at the only person that she was on talking term with , Cecilia .

"Cecilia, what should we do ? We can't possibly die here . " She waited and threw her hands up in frustration .

They were the only ones left

"Wait , let me think . " She placed her two fingers on either side of her head as water poured ceaselessly down on them .

"What have you been doing since morning?? Aren't you supposed to be thinking? . " Niverea was more than uncomfortable now .

Her hair was wet and water dripped down her nose . Her eyes was filled with water and not tears.

Cecilia stood up abruptly and Niverea followed suit . First they went to the storage unit of the carriage and loosen the cow .

And now they were met with another unexpected problem . How will they carry the cow ?

Niverea simply wished the cow would follow them . But of course not every wish could come to pass .

Niverea grabbed the cows butt and pushed , while Cecilia took hold of it's horn and pulled .

The cow wasn't helping the situation in any bits as it mooed and refused to leave .

"Since you're not in the rain, you're all warm and cozy in the storage room and you think you'll stay there forever? Not a chance ! . " Niverea spoke loudly to the cow . The sound of her voice was barely audible in the rain .

The storm had gotten bigger and the raindrop was painful to her skin .

They dragged and pulled and pulled and dragged but the cow seem to have no interest in moving.

Cecilia's eyes turned red , and she pulled with force . The cow was dragged forward and it mooed in reluctance . It doesn't want to go ..

The rain had washed away the top layer of the soil and the erosion was now getting bigger . It dug hole into the road and made it almost impossible to pass .

At least for Niverea and the cow . Not Cecilia as it seems .

The water was now waist deep and Niverea was finding it very hard to walk . The water keeps getting more and more .

Cecilia took no note of the environment , she continues dragging and dragging the poor cow . The cow had let go of it's initial stubborn behavior as it also wanted to live .

Niverea tried to shout , to call out to Cecilia whose only mission now was to get the cow out of the water . She was very much oblivious to whatever else was going on around her .

As Niverea was trying to call , she gulped in the dirty water and her eyes grew large . The water was getting more and more as the storm was still raging on .

Was she going to die like this ?? .

Maybe not . She caught a glimpse of whatever was left of the carriage as it was floating away in the water . Not knowing how to swim or what to do, she flail her arms with the hope of getting a hand of the leftover plank .

She could see the roof and wheel of the carriage floating about , everything had turned to pieces .

She tried again . The water was now gushing into her eyes and nose and she was almost drowning.

No ! She couldn't die ! Madvil would find her corpse , asked for the money or whereabouts of the cow and killed her again .

She had to do something !

But what ??

As she was struggling to keep herself up , fate for once was finally on her side . The ripples made by her effort managed to draw the plank to her direction.

She quickly grabbed it like her life depended on it , well her life was depending on it . She held on it and let herself be dragged away from there .

The rain keeps falling in aggressive manner , as if preparing to tear the sky and earth away . It doesn't look like it'll stop soon .

She eventually got to a place , where the water wasn't as deep and she could actually touch the wet ground with her feet .

The water was only waist deep . She saw a shed ahead and a faint light stream from it .

Her clothes clung to her body and her hair was wet and scattered . She had lost a slipper and was walking barefoot .

She was almost breaking into a run if not for the fact that her leg had suffered a cut and was bleeding.

Great ! Just great ! Within three days she had faced death twice ,!

Or was it once ? No , it was twice . The nightmare or that particular dream was too real to be called one .

That made her wonder , was she having memory problem? Maybe not .

All that did not matter as she hurried her way out of the place without waiting for another second .

The rain was still pouring but it seems to less powerful in this space . She saw the shed ahead and it gave her hope .

Yes ! She could do it ! She could almost hear the lovely cackle of the warm fire as she gazed at it .

Her stomach grumbled and as absurd as it may sound ,she realized that she was actually hungry .

Where did the mashed and fried potatoes went ?

That reminded her of her acquaintance as they couldn't be addressed as friends yet . And her cow

Or to be more precise , madvil's and Build's cow . She was already a dead meat

The cow was nowhere to be found and Cecilia too .

Perhaps she should have allowed herself to drown in the murky water . No use trying to save herself .

Despite the thoughts in her head , she still hurried towards the light .

Maybe she could postpone her death till tomorrow and find something to eat first .

She finally gotten to the shed that looked nothing like the one she saw from afar .

It was just a plain hut that may not withheld the raging storm .

But first , she'll enter. A delightful smell reached her nostrils and made her stomach growled more .

She pushed the door and it gave way to the inside . She was shocked at what she saw .

Cecilia was there , in a corner warming herself up and she had some thick clothes wrapped around herself.

Her cow was also tied to a pole and was munching some Hays .

How did situation turn out for the better ?? .

Cecilia glanced up at Niverea and smiled . She looked weak in her state .

Her face was apologetic , making Niverea scowled .

She sure had a lot of explaining to do . But first , Niverea moved to the sizzling pot on the fire to check what was there .

At least , she wasn't going to die today .