
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Kỳ huyễn
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89 Chs

You Hurt Me


I opened my eyes and her face came into view. I closed and opened my eyes again just to be sure that I was not dreaming or hallucinating, but...she was still there. Sleeping peacefully beside me, memories of last night are still in a blur. I am trying so hard to remember how I ended up in her bed after going outside for a drink.

Well, am I complaining? No.

I think that I am more comfortable and safe with her.


I still can't believe that she is my mate. What does it mean to be mated to someone? I think it has to do with the soulmate...thing. No wonder I had this strange and forbidden urge to bite her neck. I can never get used to the fact that I sank my fangs into her neck about two years ago.

Does she even know that we are mates? Is she not curious to find out who bit her neck the night she fell off the balcony? I am sure she remembered that I was the monster that saved her life. Does she have any...other memories apart from that?

I watched her closely and tried my best to figure her out. I can't deny the fact that she surprises me every day.

But...why me?

Why does she let her weak heart fall for a monster like me? Is she not terrified by that? I can never make her happy when I am never happy. I am a lost demon trapped in a human body trying to get a hold of whatever life throws at me.

She is different, and...weird.

My heart just seems to beat faster whenever she calls me Gorgeous. Her Gorgeous. I smiled.

My eyes trailed off to her dark brown hair. My hand tangled itself in it and I strangely felt at peace. It was softer than mine and beautiful in my eyes.

She is very beautiful. Very, very, very beautiful.

Calling her unattractive was just my way of being a bad demon to her. I am trying to make her hate me. But it is not working. She is not making it easier for me to make her hate me.

Well, it worked pretty well with the council members and that pesty white wizard. One day, I will make you realize how pointless it is to love a worthless creature like me. A big mistake and an impossible reality. And it will be for your good.

I sighed as I let go of her hair and got off her bed.

Michael! You can't do this to me!

And why is that?

Because...I like you.

To this day, her tears and confession have never once let me be. The night of our wedding was the worst. I stood by the bedside and started at the first human who had genuinely shown love to me regardless of what abomination I represented.

I at first thought it was her nature. To be kind and sweet, caring and protective even to strangers. However, my curiosity increased the time she saw my true form and recognized who I was. The gentle call of my name from her bruised lips terrified my demon.

I wanted to blame her strange acts of kindness towards me on the bond between us, the mate bond. But this woman has no idea that I am her soulmate. I remembered the expression on her face when we first met. It was void of the disgust, judging, and condemning looks I am used to.

It was acceptance.

Even without having the tiniest idea of the abomination I was. Her adorable and reckless efforts to save me from trouble and the frown on her pretty face when I intentionally complicate things for her.

If you want us to be the best team here, you have to cooperate with us. And stop frowning like you are the major cause of all the problems in this world.

My lips curved to form a smile on my face. But soon dropped into one full of regrets and self-pity. I don't deserve you, princess. I don't.

I opened the door of her room to leave but bumped into someone.

''Oh my, forgive me, Your Majesty. I was not looking straight.''

''It's alright.'' I straightened up, ''How have you been?''

''I am good and I have recovered a lot. All thanks belong to His Majesty.'' She smiled.

I wanted to roll my eyes, but, I decided to be on my best behavior. I have to make an impression of being a nice person. I don't want her to know my dark, cold side yet.

''Your Majesty, do you like music?''

That was unexpected. Do I like music?

''Uh...am not sure. I think Nowel does. But she is still sleeping right now. Maybe when she wakes up, you could both listen to music. I'll be on my way now.''

The next thing she did shocked the hell out of me. She placed her left hand on my chest and I felt a small jolt of electricity in me. It happened again.

I fell into her trance and hypnotic eyes as she stared at me innocently and differently.

''Let's try that again shall we, Your Majesty?''

I nodded, obediently.

''I know a great place where we can listen to good music and have some fun. Shall we go there, Your Majesty?''

''Yes, Yes of course. Let's go. I love music.''

She smiled, ''Wonderful. We are going to have so much fun.''

Yeah. So...much...fun.





I wonder where he is and if he is alright after last night's episode. I searched everywhere for Michael, but I could not find him.

Oh goodness, My eye God! He is so good at disappearing and being strange. The sun is about to set and I have not seen him since last night. I hope he is nowhere near any trouble. It would not be funny if he was in trouble and I am nowhere to help him.

''Your Highness,''

I froze at the sound of that voice. The death chills that the voice gives me are enough to paralyze my spine.

''I know where he is.'' He added. What?

I turned around to face the abominable white wizard leaning casually against the wall with his signature serpent-like staff in his left hand.

I wondered how I passed by him without me noticing him. Was I too engrossed in my search for Gorgeous that I didn't notice him or he is just one big loser trying to be creepy?

''What? What do you mean by that?''

He flashed me a smile. The one that promises mischief and evil.

''The beautiful demon that you seek.''

''Oh, for the last time Elys. He is not a demon.''

''Whatever you say or see him as is never my business anymore. One thing I know is that he can't hide the truth forever. That's why I am here to make sure that happens.''

Is this white wizard sick or has something got stuck in his head? ''Where is Michael?'' I can't believe that I am saying this, but I am desperate to find him.

His lips curved into a dirty smile as he lifted his monstrous staff and tapped it on the ground twice. The world around me blurred as I felt a rush of wind around me. We dematerialized from the castle grounds into a garden. Not familiar, but cold. The sun is about to set casting a very faint orange glow on the surrounding.

I looked around and wondered, ''Where have you...brought me to?''

''The Amorite garden. It is not far from the castle.''

I shook my head at the white wizard in disappointment. ''It is like you do not understand that I am looking for my husband and not to be in a creepy cold garden that belongs to the Amorites.''

''What you seek is close by.'' He chuckled, ''Follow me.''

He turned around and he was going. Follow me? To where? Can I trust him?

I sighed. What could happen to me if I did? Besides, he seems so sure about the whereabouts of Gorgeous.

I wrapped my arms around my small body to shield myself from the cold and followed him silently.

This better be good.




Oh. It was very good.

'' All of you I desired. A speck of you is required. Beauty is your fame, and Majesty is your name. Consecrate me now in the fullness of your love and let your heartbeat to the rhythm of my song.''

I watched in horror as innocent, angel Hazel of Morbid sang for my Gorgeous in his arms and in the vilest and most seductive way ever.

My blood boiled with anger and my skin itched with fury.

The way he shamelessly stared at her with lust and leaned forward to place a kiss on her neck made me want to throw up.

''Engulf me with your love, demon.''


She...My jaw dropped as Michael immediately shifted into his demonic form and pulled her towards himself tightly.

He laid her down on the soil delicately and the whore giggled at his action.

He climbed on top of her as his large wings trapped her beneath him.

What the fireball crackers and an abomination is going on here?

I don't want to watch this and I don't have the guts to stop this from happening. I ran away as fast as I could with the sound of Hazel's laughter in my head.

It was...evil. Dirty and sinful. She has just corrupted my demon, and how did I let that happen?

When I thought I had escaped far away from that environment, I fell to my knees and wept.

I bent my head low and sobbed silently. It was...painful.

She has...she has...defiled my demon.

That angel defiled my demon under my watch!!!! I screamed.

I did...everything I could. Was my heart never enough for him? My protection over him has failed! It is all your fault. It is all my fault.

I was so dumb to think that I could always protect him from any man who raised a hand against him. But...I forgot about sneaky angels.

I clench my fist hard. She will pay for what she has done. Her sin with my demon would never be ignored.

And for my demon...he has betrayed me. He has broken my heart. He has mocked the love I showed him. He has fallen.

Suddenly, I felt like I was being watched. A cold chill ran down my spine as our eyes met. He had these cat-shaped silver eyeballs and was covered in long red robes.

A child. A weird-looking one.

The mystery child gave me a fanged smile before he vanished. I was shaken.

''Now you understand what I meant by demons can never be trusted.''

I looked up to meet the piercing eyes of the white wizard. He stretched forth his hands and helped me to my feet.

I looked back to see if the mystery child was still there...but he was nowhere. Like It was never there in the first place.

Maybe the trauma of seeing Michael and that witch together was so strong that I was hallucinating and seeing weird things.

I look back to see the white wizard. ''Beauty and intimidating looks are all part of their schemes to lure their prey to their traps. At the end of the day, they will be nothing but demons that are meant to be condemned for eternity. They have no heart to feel, no brains to think, no life to call theirs, and minds full of iniquity. They can never be redeemed."

Those words pierce straight into the cracked walls of my heart. I palmed my chest at the impact. The pain.

''They are heartless, vile, unworthy, nature's disasters and bringers of trouble.''

''Stop...'' I whispered as my heart did a painful twist. Tears flooded my eyes.

''You have made an unrighteous decision by trying to give a demon a chance. By falling for him and seeing him for what he is not.''

''Stop.'' My heart was beating fast. I don't want him to justify himself and rub it in my face that, he told me so in the very beginning.

" I already told you this in the very beginning. "

Oh my God.

''You refused to listen and followed your heart instead of your logic.''

There was a sharp sting in my head. I am about to break down again.

''He is no good. He must be destroyed and I want you out of the way so that you won't have to suffer like this again.''

A tear fell from my eyes. A sob escaped from my lips at his final judgment. For a moment, I felt like a sinner being judged by a wrathful god.

''You have to listen to what I am telling you Nowel. You can never, ever, ever, ever...change a demon.''

That was it. My breaking point. I let it all out and cried.

How could you do this to me, Michael? You made me look like a fool in front of them by loving you.


Maybe, I was a fool for loving you.

''All I need is your permission and I would be quick to send that thing back to Hell. Where he truly belongs.''

I stilled.

Destroy...hell...Gorgeous? I blinked, and my watery eyes met with the judge full wizard. There was no mercy, emotion, or...love in those cold eyes of his.

He only has one thing written on his face...Destruction.

He is not even willing to try and see if a demon can change. Michael is not even a demon in the first place. He is half demon half human.

He has both love and darkness in him. He is still human as much as he might seem demonic.

This man in front of me also wants to hurt a human.

A. Human.

''Do I have your word to get rid of him?''

You wouldn't dare.