
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Kỳ huyễn
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89 Chs

Trust Me


A demonic spirit. Michael is a demonic spirit!

I put my hands together in front of me as I sat alone in the garden under the night sky and thought deeply about it.

Was that a dream or...a trick of my mind? I stared at the moon and sighed deeply as dark clouds covered it and shielded its light.

What it means to be a demonic spirit.

I have looked everywhere for my demon...or demonic spirit as the case may be, but he is nowhere to be seen. I wondered where he was so late at night.

I need to talk to him about this. The dream I had last night is not a joke. It's a revelation. A revelation concerning Gorgeous. It calls for all seriousness.

The night wind blew around me and I suddenly felt very chilly. I am not with a blanket or anything to keep me warm. If I stay here any longer, I could fall sick or worse, freeze to death.

I stood up and was about to leave when I felt a presence behind me. I turned around slowly and my heart was racing. I met with a pair of slit-shaped siver-like eyeballs. I swallowed slowly as the strange child in front of me gave me a fanged smile.


Where else have I seen this creature before? I thought I imagined this creature to life that night.

The young mystery lowered its head before me in a small bow and my spine tingled at the haunting smirk that formed on its lips.

I took a small step back when it raised its head and his eyes thinned more into slits.

I swallowed nervously, what is this?




We stood there in silence. Only the sound of my heart throbbing restlessly in my chest could be heard. My heart was darkened with fear at the sight of it. The reality of it.

I smelled malice like I could read the jealousy in its forbidden eyes. And it creeped the living hell out of me.

''It is a small world after all...I once dwelled in a big realm where you'll have no clue of the set of people you will meet tomorrow. I craved independence and that led me to live among the likes of you, Your Majesty.''

I gasped. It can speak!

It moved closer, not too fast nor slow but calculated. As if he was rested assured that I won't run away. And I never disappointed it.

''It's nice...to finally get to...see you, Your Highness.'' It drawled out again.

Its voice was not dark or loaded with horror. But calm, cool, and relaxed. It spoke so fluently and easily. No pressure, but slightly intimidating.

''I prayed one day to have this moment with you.'' he smiled. ''I guess, my prayers were not neglected after all.''

I swallowed, ''Who...who...what are you?''

The cool and calm expression of this creature vanished the moment I asked him that. He frowned as the wind around us grew stronger. I should have just kept my mouth shut and run away.

''Some call me Satan,'' He began in a serious tone, ''Others prefer the Fallen Star. I am popularly known as the devil amongst your kind. But please, I am humble enough to go with Lucifer. It's not frightening and sophisticated like the others, am I right?''

I was...I don't know. Struck by lightning the moment the child in front of me said this?

I looked at the...devil. Its size, stature, and everything don't tally with what I once read in books about some rebellious fallen angel a long time ago. I know it is not right to judge by looks...but...what I am seeing here looks too good to be true.

It is just a child. A child with weird anatomy and trying to spook people with it. He is trying so hard to be a freak.

''How can you be the...you know what, and look like this?''

The child stared at me for a moment before deciding on something and then he shook his head as if changing his mind. ''Would you believe if I come as you expect of me to be?''

I blinked.

I have never believed the devil to look or not look like anything before in my life! I don't even believe it exists to start with.

''Never mind,'' he sighed, ''I'll just come as I am. I am tired of this form anyway.''

Black smoke erupted from the ground and it engulfed the young enigma claiming to be the devil. That was when I became scared.

Six large dark wings spread far and wide and a long red hair harassed the soil. Two large horns laid horizontally and in between that gorgeous hair.

His body was surprisingly pale and fair with dark inscriptions all around his body. His eyes were still the same shape and color. His face was perfect. Beautiful and perfect. I have never seen such beauty in my life. Even Michael is way out of his league in terms of beauty. He has large long predatory fangs. There was a chain enclosed around his neck. Like a necklace, and there was something written on it. I couldn't read it.

Lucifer was tall. He was so close to seven feet. His wings were so large and beautiful. I was captivated by them.

Now, he tells me he is the devil I will believe.

My heart was beating in my chest at the beautiful enigma before me. I couldn't breathe properly.

He reached to touch his horns and he frowned, ''I thought they were bigger the last time I touched them. It's been three hundred years since I have humbled myself to take the form of a child and leave this glorious form. Not everyone would like to make deals with me if I should appear in my true form. It will be heart-gripping to see me like this, yes?''

I don't...know. I took another step back. He noticed my movement and smiled again. ''I guess I am right. It is such a shame. You know, My horns are my babies...I tend to pamper and take good care of them. But since the day I settled for a human figure for three hundred years, they must have shrunk an inch in size.''

I looked at those horns in horror and I wondered how big they must have been.

''But not to worry. I will be in my original form for just tonight since Her Highness has requested it.''

I did not...

''I feel like myself once again you know. Being a cute and harmless child was fun...but not as fun as this.''

Being that heinous creature before was you being cute?

''Why are you here?'' I squeaked out. The air around us stilled and my heart was pounding in anticipation.

''To have your soul and drag you to Hell.''

My eyes widen at the dark tone in which he said it. The devil smirked at my reaction before laughing out loud. The sound of his laughter echoed in my ears. I don't feel comfortable staying here and having the devil himself in front of me now.

''Relax, Your Highness I was just joking with you. I wanted to see your reaction that's why. I thought I saw your soul leave your body for a second.'' He laughed again. And I...relaxed.

''Well, jokes aside, I want to talk to you.''

''About what?'' I managed to say.

''Your loving Mate.''

What? My What?

''What are you...I don't know what you are talking about.''

''I am here to talk to you about your mate. What's so complicated about that?''

A lot, because I am lost.

''Er...what do you mean by 'your mate?' ''

Lucifer chuckled. ''Everybody has a mate. A soul mate. It can be man, demon, or surprisingly demonic spirits. Don't you know?''

I shook my head slowly and wondered out loud, ''I have a mate?''

''Precisely,'' Lucifer said. ''How come he didn't tell you the moment he found out?''

My mate found out that I was his soulmate and he didn't even bother telling me.

''I am sure he has lots of reasons for rejecting you.''

The sky rumbled as lightning flashed. I looked up to Lucifer...


The devil.

Demonic spirits...

Then it clicked. I swallowed painfully at the hard truth.

''Are you talking about Michael?'' I asked weekly.

''Who else could be mated to you? If not Michael?''

My eyes stung with tears. I felt it again. That familiar feeling of being betrayed by someone. But this time, it was not choking, strangling, or making breathing difficult...It made forgiving him or overlooking his sins to be difficult.

I swear to God that I wanted to forgive him, love him more, and possibly change him. Even as a demonic spirit.

I couldn't feel my heart because it had refused to beat when what it beat for had failed it again. This time, it didn't show its anger or agitation by pounding furiously in my chest.

It stayed silent.

I wanted to cry and I don't want to cry.

I looked back at the devil straight in the eyes and asked him, ''Was it...because of Hazel? And the night they spent together? You were also there...right?''

''Yes. I was there. I think he fancies her.''

I sniffed and wiped my tears quickly away from my eyes.

''Alright,'' I croaked out, ''At least I know who he likes. But denying me the right to know something I assume will be important to me to know...is why I am so angry at him now.'' I sobbed.

It's a lie.

I am angry at how he chose Hazel over me. It's so clear right now that I can never be loved by him.

Hazel. How were you able to win him over in less than days? How were you able to have him in your arms while his mate struggled to have him look at her with gratitude for once?

How did you become so lucky? I bit down on my lower lips as I tried to hold back every negative emotion I was feeling.

"The most painful thing about all of this is that he knew that I was his Mate and tried to manipulate me into thinking that the wedding we had was not real. And then he would push me away every single time I tried to get close to him, to understand him and help him become the very best of himself," I shake my head and fold my lips as more tears roll down my cheeks.

"What proof do you even have to claim that I am his so-called Mate?!" I don't know why, but it felt good to scream at the top of my voice as I asked the devil that question. "Tell me something to make me believe that Michael indeed has hurt me. I want proof."

The sky opened as the rain poured on us. I shivered at the tiny droplets of water on my pale skin. The devil fell silent, staring at me with his reptilian eyes as the rain continued to beat at his midnight wings.

"You don't have proof of your accusations?" I challenged as I fisted both my palms in anger. But he didn't say a word but continued to stare at me.

"You think using Michael against me is funny?!"

"Can you explain the bite marks on your neck, and do you remember how you got them?"

My mind went to a standstill as he brought up the bite marks on my neck.


"Your bite marks. Can you explain why you have them?"

Suddenly, I don't like where this is heading too. Or why he suddenly brought up the marks on my neck. I recalled Royal Consort Devi's words about what the royal court thought happened to me the night I fell and was rescued by Michael.

"A snake. I was bitten by a snake." I answered. But my answer didn't feel right to me as my mind tried to get a hold of what might have happened. Was I bitten by a snake?

"And you believed them?" The devil asked.

Why won't I? When it took me some days to even remember how I was saved and not the bullshit Michael told the royal court. "Yes." That was my firm reply.

"So, you have no idea what happened to you or why?"


"Then allow the devil to reveal the truth to you and refresh your memories a little."

And he did.

He revealed how I was hallucinating about how my mom died which led to my fall. How Michael flew to the scene and saved my life. How he sank his fangs into my neck. The sound I made as he tore into my flesh and I blacked out. The devil did that by letting me grasp that memory in the darkest abyss of my mind that it was forced into due to the trauma.

"Oh god..." I whimpered when I remembered every single thing. "Why?"

"Michael is part demon and part human. Demons have Mates so I guess he was not exempted from this burden of being tied to one person for the rest of eternity. He had to do that to you not because he wants to, but because he has to. It's the curse of the mate bond and you can call it a claim."

"He did that to me without even having the conscience to tell me about it!" Being furious would be an understatement. I was boiling mad.

''Nowel,'' The devil called out to me. I turned to look at him with watery eyes. ''When they find something better, we don't matter anymore. Even if it means sitting you down to let you know that you are his mate...sighs...You have done enough. And I am here to help you win this.''

Win this?

Am I with war? With whom? Hazel?

''Do you trust me?''

It felt like the rain paused at that odd question from the devil himself.


''Can you trust me?'' He rephrased the sentence. But it felt like the same thing.

''How can I...how can I trust the devil?''

''Then don't see me as the devil. Consider me as a friend. Your friend.''


The devil nodded. "Yes, a friend. A friend who will be willing to help Michael see you as you desire him to see you. To make you see that you are worthy of his love and he can trust you to let you in his life and get rid of all his pain."

My eardrums suddenly felt alive to his words as he stepped closer.

"I can make that happen if you trust me enough to let me into your life and be that friend."

The sky rumbled in agreement with the gut feeling I had about trusting the devil and having him as a companion amid these tribulations. But my emotions clouded my logic and ruined all doubts as I became deaf to the warnings and embraced the devil to draw Michael closer to myself.