
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Kỳ huyễn
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89 Chs



I and Levi were taking a stroll in the forest. And I'll admit that no one can understand you better than your kind--half your kind. I am not one hundred percent sure that I am a full demon. And it is not that bad to spend some quality time with one.

''What other powers do you have apart from mind controlling, being invisible, teleportation, detaching a soul out from its body, and reading people's thoughts?''

''I can impersonate the dead to perfection.''

I stopped walking and turned my head to him in disbelief. ''What?'' I breathed out, and he smiled at me. How is that even possible? And is it a real thing?

We kept on walking deeper and deeper into the forest and my little mind couldn't fathom the possibility of that happening.

He can...impersonate a dead person? Unbelievable. But the look he had on his face was very serious.

''Humans...'' He began, and I moved closer to him to listen. Is that an advantage of being a full demon or a Prince of Hell? Can I also do that? ''...can't seem to accept the fact that once a person dies...he dies and returns to the soil from which he was made.

So, in their craftiness, they started conjuring spirits, demons, etc and we happily played as their loved ones. We use that opportunity to deceive them that a dead person can still live on...which is crazy, by communicating with them in the fashion and physical structure of the dead.

Ghosts, seeing a dead person in dreams, etc are all dirty works of us. It is the Lord of Hell's greatest deception to mankind that the dead can still live on. After-life, the land of the dead, ghosts, spirits of the dead is Hell's biggest scam to humanity.'' He laughed.

''The only time the dead would live is when we are about to be judged.'' He concluded.

''I...I...don't understand what you are saying.''

He smiled as he patted my shoulders. I felt a little bit awkward at that friendly gesture.

''First, understand what you are.'' He advised.

We continued to explore the forest, but we were alarmed by the sound of a scream. We stopped to listen to where it was coming from...but it stopped.

We shrugged it over and continued our stroll when we heard it again. Louder this time.

''Did you hear that?''

Levi nodded as he looked around to figure out where that sound was coming from.

''What is that?''

''I don't know either,'' He answered. ''Why don't we check it out?''

He vanished from my side, and I ran forward to see what was causing the sound.





I drew out my sword as I stalked closer to where the cry was coming from.

''Ah! Help me!''

''Would you stop making that sound before I slit your throat into halves?''

The young woman was terrified. I watched closely from the place I hid as three goons pinned a woman to a tree and a blade was dangerously close to her throat.

''Give us more money and we would spare your worthless life...bitch.'' One of the bandits threatened, and I tightened the grip I had on my sword. Ready to pounce.

''I have...I have given you all I had.'' She cried out, ''What else do you want from me?''

The bandits exchanged glances at each other.

''It looks like we are giving you a comfortable time here, My lady. Give us more money or we will send you to hell before you blink an eye.''

The woman stared at them in pure horror. They applied more pressure on the dagger, and a startled gasp escaped her lips.

''Please...let me go. I promise to give you more money once I reach the castle, please.'' Tears were already streaming down her cheeks and they burst into laughter.

''Please let me go. I promise to give you more money once I reach the castle, please...'' The one with the dagger mimicked and they all laughed again.

''Last chance Princess, give us more money or pay with your life.'' The one with the dagger gritted and the woman screamed.

Michael. Do something. Anything.

''Then I guess you would die as a greedy bitch.'' The one with the dagger spat as he drove the sharp blade into her throat.

A harsh scream cut through the air as blood oozed out from the woman's mouth.

In urgency, I transformed into my demon figure and came out from hiding, growling at the bandits. Their heads swayed to the sound of my furry.

''What in the...world is that...'' One of the bandits shivered, eyes bulging out as he took a step back. I sped towards them, ripped out their hearts, and tore out their guts with my claws. It was a gruesome sight, and I gave them each a painful and memorable death that they would carry on to their graves.

My demon seemed pleased by what he accomplished. And the sight of their lifeless and torn-out body was pleasing in his sight.

I ran over to the lady drowning in her blood. I was a little bit relieved that she was still alive and breathing. Only the massive amount of blood oozing out of her injured neck was my concern.

Her eyes would open and fall close, fighting desperately to stay alive and conscious.

I knelt as my human form resurfaced and I raised her gently and placed her head on my lap.

What to do next? hit me hard in the head. I have never... come across anything like this.

Confusion and panic set in as I tried using my magic several times on her wound but failed.

What surprised me the most was the necklace the dying lady brought out from her pockets and with great effort, she wrapped it around my neck.

I shivered as the cold pentagon-like necklace had contact with the skin around my neck. I felt strange energy entering me as it did. The energy felt dark, seeping deep into my core and eating up a part of my being slowly.


I turned around as Levi called out to me. It didn't take him minutes before he rushed to my side.

''What happened here?!''

''There is no time for explanations! Can you save her?'' I pleaded.

''Michael, you know that I am a demon and not a healer-''

''I know, please,'' I begged.

Levi heaved out a sigh as he collected her from my hands. I watched as Levi removed the dagger from her windpipe and threw it away, leaving behind a big, bloody hole. I swallowed as Levi performed his wonders on her.

After some time, he gave up. "My powers won't be enough to do anything."

Fear gripped my heart as I watched the woman slowly die in our arms. And it was all my fault. I should have done something before it got to this.

''What...are we going to do now?'' I asked.

''I don't know. But something can still be done if we get her to a physician in time." Was his reply.

A-a physician? Now, the only physician I know and could think of is the one in the Palace.

"Can you teleport her with you to the castle? I'll run and meet you there."

Levi nodded and we split up.