
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Kỳ huyễn
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89 Chs

I Will Return


I jumped up from my seat in excitement as Gorgeous knocked down two more of his mates at once without a single sweat on his forehead.

"That's very impressive Michael, keep it up. We are done for today!"

The trainees dispersed, and I came out from hiding when the coast was clear. He slouched on the floor with a sigh and I moved over to him with a cup of water. Being arrogant and stubborn, he refused to take the cup from my hands. I bent over to sit beside him with the cup on my lap.

Seconds turned to minutes as we sat by each other without uttering a word. I would make small movements with my fingers or make funny noises at the back of my throat to get him to talk or react but he sat still, holding to his peace.

I peeked through the corner of my eyeball to look at him. A big frown was proudly displayed on his beautiful face. What's wrong with him? And why is it so difficult for him to be happy? He just knocked down two of his mates!

I decided to be the first to start a conversation with him. We can't ignore each other forever, can we? "So...how did you survive jumping off my balcony?"

He groaned as I kept asking him that question over and over again.

"Is it...maybe because you might be...a demon?" Elys won't let me be with his theories about Michael. And leaping off my balcony, which is so high from the ground without a scratch is giving me second thoughts about him being normal.

He turned to look at me and gave me a hard look.

He got up and was leaving angrily. I rose to my feet immediately. "Well, can you explain why you are not dead or injured after your suicidal free fall?"

He paused and gave me a side glance. He was about to say something but he hesitated.

"It is okay to tell me who you are." Or what you are.

Both of his hands clenched into fists as the wind played with his long hair. For a moment there I thought he would open up to me or say something that would prove that the White Wizard was insane! Or explain how he can survive that fall, but he just walked away.


He was already gone.




I stood on the Stoney fence of the balcony with tears streaming down my face. The air around me increased as I plummeted downwards to my death. I closed my eyes as I braced myself for the worst. Broken bones, paralyzed spine, torn-out flesh, dismembered limbs, crushed skull . . . The flapping sound of something forced my eyes open to the sight of velvet hair. The wings and the arms around my body. The pair of fangs...and...my vision blurred as I was about to meet his eyes and I woke up with a gasp.

The sound of my heavy breaths could be heard as I tried to calm down. What was that dream about? I glanced at my balcony and shivered. The dream was so real and it felt like a memory.

I was startled when Royal Consort Devi barged into my room like a mad woman.

"My princess," She rushed over to me, "We have to go, now."

My eyes widen, "Where? What happened?"

My hair swayed from left to right mimicking my movements as I ran across the Celeste bridge. Through the thickness of the forest and straight to the safe house with Royal Consort Devi. The bad news was that the castle was under attack by the Ravens; an anti-social and political occult group that is secretly run by the ancient worshippers of the Slates.

But the good gist about the Ravens is that they indulge in dark magic and the forbidden arts like the bounding of souls and dancing with the sins. It is strictly forbidden in Andromeda because it corrupts the soul and they usually end up in a terrible state of madness.

This occult group goes as far as acting on the will and doctrines of the Slates, also known as the corrupted gods of the mountains. We also have chilling rumors of each member selling their souls to the devil to attain power and fulfill their dark agendas with ease and with no opposition involved.

No one knows why they chose to be the world's greatest terrorists and go as far as messing with the devil. One thing is for sure and it's that they are living representations of evil. An army of corrupted souls and a dear friend to sin.

You just don't want to encounter a member of the Rayven at night. You won't survive the nightmare. Now, they are attacking the castle.

All the females in the castle are to run to the safe house for protection. While the males deal with the intruders.

I have never run like this before in my entire life. When it comes to devils in human form...I run for my dear life. I just can't handle that.

We were lucky to have reached the safe house which is built in an underground canal right under the Celeste bridge without meeting with trouble. I leaned against a wall as I caught my heavy breath.

The safe house is full of women and children. Mostly women and children from noble families. I look away as I try to ignore the feelings of forgetting something. Like a part of me is missing or I forgot to carry along something that is most valuable to me.

What could be more valuable to me right now than my sword?

I stilled as it dawned on me.

Iris. My little sister Iris! I forgot to bring my sister along with me to the safe house!

Oh, no!




"I have to go save my sister," I whined, as I tried pulling out from Royal Consort Devi's hold on me.

"Don't be ridiculous to want to go back there!" Royal Consort Avana began, "You would both die if you do!"

"And she is right! It is far too dangerous. Leave it to the knights and let's hope that Princess Iris would be safe in their hands." Clara, The executive head of all women's affairs in the state added. It was irritating hearing what these women were saying to me.

"Oh, God. How can I save the big one and forget the little one? This is all my fault." Devi cried.

I pulled her closer and forced her to look at me and hear whatever I had to say.

"Listen, everyone present at the castle grounds right now is either fighting for his life or in a situation whereby his life is being drawn out from him by the Ravens. And...my little sister is still somewhere in the castle. Probably, scared or confused by whatever is going on. Nobody can protect what is yours better than the person who owns it and shares the most bond with. In other people's eyes, her life is secondary. She comes first to me. I have already lost two important people in my life. I would be damn to hell if I let it happen again."

A tear dropped from her watery blue eyes, causing my heart to ache as I squeezed her hands to beg her to let me go and save my little sister.

"I promise to come back safe and sound." Another one fell from her eyes and I was quick to wipe it off. "Please,"

She squeezed her eyes tight shut as she let go of my arms and whispered a silent go to me. I picked up my sword and quickly tied my hair to a short ponytail. I reached for the door, but I couldn't just leave like that.

I turned around to give her a tight hug.

I will return. I whispered in her left ear with a painful yet reassuring smile that I would return dead or alive. I hope to return alive because I am aware of the monsters I would have to slay to get to my sister.

I've heard heartbreaking testimonies of their atrocities, and how dangerous they could be at all times.

I ran over the Celeste bridge for the second time tonight. I almost collapsed as I stood at the grand entrance of the Palace, but this was not the right time to show my weakness to the demons I was going to be facing tonight. I have to be strong.

My stomach turned at the sight of dead bodies and blood everywhere. They were all murdered by the enemy with cruelty.

All confidence was lost as I walked over many top generals in the army. Headless dead bodies of those once brave knights of my kingdom. It took all of me not to collapse or faint at the gruesome sight.

There was a low rumble of thunder as I saw a very big Raven bird. It flew past the mighty towers of the castle. I was weak in the knees.

What kind of hell is this?

I tightened the grip on my sword and took in deep breaths, and I entered. This is all for Iris. I chanted.