
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Kỳ huyễn
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89 Chs



''Your Majesty, Avalore is rich in rock salts, aluminum, and gold. How can we acquire it all?''

''I don't want their mineral resources.''

''Oh. Then why do we want them in our captivity?''

I don't think I have to explain why I want a wayward civilization in my captivity and if I do explain, you will never understand.

''Hmm...how good is their trading system?''

''Uh...above average.''

''Do they trade with us?''

''No, Your Majesty. They do not trade with other kingdoms. They make deals with the desert dwellers.''

''Desert dwellers?'' That's new. Why would a kingdom that civilized trade with those bandits?

''Yes, Your Majesty. Rumors have it that Avalore mines illegal raw materials with the help of desert dwellers. Due to their involvement in illegal human trafficking, the desert dwellers secretly force them to mine till their hands bleed to increase the wealth of Avalore. The Avalorian's ways are never straight, and they are good at cutting corners to get what they want.''

Hmm...not only do they mingle with bandits, but they also mingle with greedy bandits to increase their wealth. As a child and a foreigner in that corrupt land for some time, I have always wondered how the country kept on flourishing without any external relationships or trading bonds with other kingdoms.

They hardly have allies and go to war all by themselves; you can call them a foolish and independent kingdom. But still, they grow rich with every minute. Illegal mining with those desert bandits is their little dirty secret. I smirked.

I would also need solid proof if I want to use that against them.

But...how am I going to do that?

If only I know someone that has been in this royal shit for quite some time now and has an idea on how to overtake a whole kingdom.

But...the person I thought would be quite useful and needed in this operation accused me of being delusional. I shook my head as I recalled our little friendly conversation last night. I should have known better than to approach her in the first place.

''How about we trap them in their devilish schemes and use that to our advantage and take over their kingdom, would that work?" I suggested.

The young soldier thought about that for a moment. His fingers rested on his chin in deep thought.

''Blackmailing is...not that reliable in politics but can be a deadly weapon to your adversaries. I love the idea of blackmailing and it can render them vulnerable...but to a country that does not even depend on other kingdoms for their daily bread...that might not work. We need to do something that would shake them other than blackmail. Like destroying their only source of revenue--which we would still have to confirm if it is indeed true...and coming in for them as a Messiah. That would work and be better than blackmailing them.''

Oh. That makes sense. What damage would it cause if I should escalate the dirty rumors about them to the world? They don't even associate with the rest of the world and are pretty much...I don't know...uptight and independent when it comes to making money and growing their economy.

But...what would happen to such a country if their little backdoor shady business is destroyed completely and they are rendered to the zero level? Walking in as their Massiah and the only kingdom willing to help them back on track will be an easy piece of cake and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them. And when that happens, I would have a say, and I can easily have my revenge on them which is: enslavement.

I laughed inside.

Very good.

I can now smell the flames of revenge with that brilliant plan.

''Is that a good plan, Your Majesty?''

I gave him a small nod. ''It is a sensible one.''

He smiled.


''Why don't we try something even more sensible?''

I and Casper turned around at the sound of that voice. My throat went dry immediately after my eyes landed on him.

''What are you doing--''

''Who is he?'' Casper faced me and asked. I wondered what to tell him.

A prince of Hell...or...another servant that works in the castle?




When I failed to give him an answer, Casper stepped forward with his sword drawn out and prepared to pounce. ''Who the hell are you?! And where in the hell did you come from?" He yelled, causing Levi to smirk amusingly.

Uh...Casper?...I would be a lot more respectful if I were you.

''Wierd. I just came from hell not too long ago.''

Casper took another step forward but froze when Levi's eyes darkened. His eyes were pitch black, real black, and no more whiteness in them.

Casper gasped and fell onto his knees, his mouth wide open but no sound was heard from them, eyes bulging out and skin began to bring out a darker shade of its original color. His body began to freeze weirdly and the sword in his hands withered away.

I was...horrified.

One look. Just one look and...this happened.

I took a step back as Levi faced me with that same darkness in his eyes. What is happening?

''What...what...what...what did you do to him?''

His eyes returned to their original color the moment I mumbled those words out to him.

''Is- it is...he...Did you kill him?''

I was curious to find out. What sort of black magic power was that?

''Relax, Your Majesty, I did not kill him. I just silenced him so that he would not interrupt us.''

I became tongue-tied.

He said that so casually. Not minding how he terrified the living hell out of me moments ago. I gulped.

''Besides, why would you need someone that has the blood of Avalore running through his corrupted veins?'' He asked while moving towards me.

What? Casper is also an Avolorian?

''He would betray you anyway.'' Levi predicted while placing a hand on my left shoulder, ''A demon should never trust a man with his plans. They can never be trusted.'' He concluded with a serious tone. Even though I am not a full demon, I am still a part of it. And it kind of dominates the larger part of my being.

I looked over at the frozen Avalorian traitor in front of us. How come I did not even notice that he looked more foreign than a person from this place? Avalorians are more dark-skinned individuals with a larger population of brown eyes. Here in Andromeda, they are all white and pale. very pale. They lack color and life in their skin. Their skin makes them stand out and different from the rest of the world. They are extremely pale.

''Why are you here?''

''To help a friend conquer his enemies.'' He answered.


"The ones behind you being motherless and forced to serve man. I want to help you teach them a lesson."


''The easy way.'' He smiled.