
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Kỳ huyễn
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89 Chs

Dice And Fire



The wizard in black and white robes said with disgust as he closed the doors to his chambers. The room was dimly lit with lots of strange, demonic, and scary paintings and figures of the forbidden.

"Who the hell does she think she is? To talk to me in that manner?"

He turned around and stretched forth his hands for a black snake to crawl and tangle itself in his arms and it hissed at the wizard in front of him.

"Oh, Roman! You can't understand what I had to go through today because of that demon! You are just as pissed off as I am today, isn't it my dark friend?"

The snake hissed at him in reply. A reply only the Master could understand.

"How so much have I wished for him to die instantly." He paced back and forth in his gloomy fortress as the lanterns in the room cast a dark glow around him.

"It seems that my spell of defiance ain't enough to get rid of that demonic presence."

The snake waved its forked tongue around rapidly then retracted it and crawled to his neck.

"As long as that darn princess keeps intervening for him at the slightest opportunity to get rid of him...I have to do something about this soon."

The snake brought out his fangs at the mention of the word princess. The snake hates the princess.

"Sometimes, it's not good to be surrounded by idiots ruled by their emotions and pity!... It's frustrating how they frustrate my plans to have that demon executed!"

He walked up to the old, rusty shelf of magical instruments and wizardry spell books and enchantments.

"We need a new plan, don't you think Roman?" The snake hissed in approval.

"Hmm... what shall I do again to get rid of another demonic presence in the Palace and Andromeda for good?" The wizard caressed Roman's spade-shaped head in thought for a long moment, before bringing out a golden book of magic. He then went to the window and stood by it, and he faced the full moon.

"She wants to tame a demon with love, eh?" And he stretched forth his left hand to the full moon to draw some dark energy from it.

"Then let's help her, shall we Roman?"

Roman morphed into a bird immediately with a loud and dark cry and flew downwards. The light coming out from the moon, sourced by the White Wizard opened a small hole into the underworld. And Roman, now a snake slithered inside to bring nothing but havoc at the calling of the White Wizard.




"I still think you should reconsider your decisions about this, Illinois." Royal Consort Avana began.

"What's there to reconsider? Royal Consort Avana." Marcus, the Chief Prince over the royal treasuries countered.

Royal Consort Avana grimaced. "Well, if you buffoons are too big to listen to my opinions...then count me out of this!" She stood up immediately, throwing her napkin on the table before leaving the grand dining halls of the castle.

Marcus drew out his sword and was about to follow her when "Let her go," Illinois pleaded "Alive." And Marcus put down his sword.

The members of the royal court gathered around a large, circular table. A giant decorative lightning fixture, holding several red candles is suspended above them. It revealed their tense looks as they spoke among themselves with all seriousness.

"I still see light to this, my fellow courtiers."

"And what light are we too blind enough not to notice Illinois?" One of them asked about Preeminence.

Illinois leaned forward and, "The eye god appeared in my visions as I lay my head on a pillow earlier today." Said with concern.

Marcus shifted in his seat to listen to what Illinois had to say.

"I choose to go with my interpretation of the dream." Everywhere became silent as Illinois rolled out a dice on the golden round table of the dining hall. "The eye god rolled out a dice to me like this and it burned with sulfur and fire...but it was not consumed."

The other chiefs looked at each other with awe at the possibility of that happening.

"It represents that beast we want to make a slave out of. He is not ordinary and we should tread carefully when dealing with that enigma." Illinois warned and rolled out another dice that was smaller than that fiery dice. And it spun until it had light contact with the first dice. "In my dream, at first contact, the dice stopped burning immediately and the fire was separated from the dice. Like it became a new entity. It was raging, powerful, and burned to everlasting. It was that ferocious."

The chiefs threw each other quick looks of confusion mixed with curiosity.

"This smaller dice here, I assumed to be Nowel. She would tame him based on my understanding. That deal I made with her earlier and at the party, was not a co-incident...it was predestined. Once she can tame the beast in him...we would have our slave. It's a win-win for all of us,"

The chiefs nodded in understanding.

"But what is more confusing about this dream of mine is...what could this be?"

"You mean the third dice that represents the fire that came out from the first dice?"

"Yes, Adrianus, yes."

The room was silent for a brief moment before, "Maybe it represents the rage in him." General Kian guessed.

"Yeah, the stubbornness and hot-headedness in him." They all agreed but Marcus shook his head in disagreement and all eyes were on him.

"If it's so, then why did he come out from him and still burning ferociously? If it's just a common rage or hot-headedness it would die down in him at the slightest touch and not out from him and still burn than ever before."

They all moved their heads thoughtfully.

"Are you now saying that something that burns with fire lives in him?" General Kian said looking puzzled. The remaining chiefs were trying to provide meaning to Illinois weird dream. Also testing how true Marcus' theory can be with the words they spoke among them.

"That's just crazy."

Yeah. They all agreed.

"Demonic possessions are just crazy tales of horror. I don't think he has a demonic entity living in him." They all concluded. Leaving the owner of the dream with one question; If it's not rage, then what else could it be?