
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Kỳ huyễn
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89 Chs



''You think it would work?''

''I believe it should do its work.'' The sound of potions brewing could be heard in the dark chambers of the white wizard.

''Besides, young sorceress, this is not my first time testing magic. I do it all the time, so it should work just fine.''

Hazel rolled her eyes at the frail wizard.

''Young Sorceress--''

''Stop calling me that. Not all jest names are acceptable.''

''Then what should I call you?''

Hazel thought and answered, ''Sophie. My real name is Sophie.''

The white wizard grinned at her confession.

''Just as I suspected. So...young Sophie, do you also like His Majesty?''

Time seemed to stand still as Hazel's widened eyes fixed on the White Wizard in sheer disbelief as the color drained from her face. ''Ew, gross. That is... is a repulsive thing to ask old man! Why would a witch fall for a demon?''

''We can't say. A human princess has broken a record for falling for one. Why should a young witch like yourself be an exception? Perhaps you might also find him exceptionally beautiful and charming. Am I right?''

Hazel scoffed, ''You are wrong.''

''Hmm...then I see no reason why you spelled that demon to have sex with him. Or is it all part of your plans to get rid of him?'' Elys smirked.

''I am a witch and a prostitute. Sometimes I forget who they are before I have sex with them.''

''That is a big lie, young witch,'' Elys stated. ''You are deceiving no one but yourself.''

''Can we just...can we just get back to the plan and stop discussing the fact that I am a prostitute and I can't help myself regardless of whoever they are?''

The white wizard smiled slowly, ''Yes, of course. Why the rush anyway? We still have plenty of time ahead to discuss that.''





My head was spinning as I felt dizzy. I am so tired that I have no energy to be having this discussion about recruiting more people to handle all the social events of the kingdom with Adranus.

''Adranus,'' I breathed out, ''Can we discuss this some other time?''

Or maybe never?

''What's the matter, Your Highness? Are you feeling alright?''

''No, I'm not. I need to...lie down for a while and I'll be fine.'' I gave him a weak smile. I am fed up with all of this. I need a break.

''Alright Your Highness, I'll check on you later. Have a good night.''

I curtsied and sighed in relief as he left me alone.

I left the hallways and marched straight to Gorgeous room.

We need to talk. I had one mind-blowing revelation about him and I feel he should no about it.






My weapon.

They plan to destroy it. How dare they?

I hissed as I watched those conniving sorcerers through the eye conspire against what is mine. They plan to end him. And when they do, they destroy my plans too.

They plan to take him away from me.


I should know better than striking a deal with that Northern witch. She was the only one who was able to haunt me after my little break from Hell.

I should have been suspicious when she sold her soul to me in exchange for protection and the spells of illusion. I never knew she would try to end him. And join hands with that sick old man. She broke our agreement.

Witches can never be trusted. They are deceiving creatures of magic, hell magic! I hate the practice of magic. It is a mockery of the demon supremacy over things.

I hate the smell and loathe those who worship it. It corrupts the soul. And puts them under the maddening influence of wanting to be nature's keeper, and wipe all sorts of 'deformities' from the face of the earth.

Such a shame.

The doors to my throne room burst open and my pathetic so-called brothers stormed in, ruining my mood the more.

I sighed. It is such a shame.

''Where have you been all this while? Don't you know that you have responsibilities?!''

Is that how you welcome your baby brother after twenty long years of seeing him? I shook my head. Why was I expecting more from them?

''Bephelgor! Be quiet.''


Big brother Asmodeus, the more mature one out of the seven of us stepped forward to caution the loose mouth. I looked around and narrowed my eyes when I counted them again. They were all five. Someone is missing.

''Where is Levi?'' Yes, My favorite brother, the one who single-handedly took the pain to always make sure that I am walking on the right path, doing the right thing, trying to redeem myself from my countless sins, and being a good devil. I laughed internally at how ridiculous that sounded. Why would I leave Heaven to be a good angel in hell?

''I am here.''

The double doors of my throne room opened again causing another pretentious smile to form on my face as the angel of light walked in. I readjusted myself on my seat as I noticed a frown on his face. I instantly read his mind and had a clue why he was there.

He reached us and I placed my left arm on the arm of my throne and leaned a little bit to support myself.

''What exactly is your problem Lucifer!?'' He greeted and I frowned at one thing I hate the most, disrespect.

''Can't we just live in Hell peacefully without you brewing trouble?!''

''I knew it. What has he done this time, Levi?'' Bephelgor interrogated.

I watched them from above in silence. Entertaining me with their foolishness.

''He has been stalking that abomination since he disappeared from hell!" Levi revealed, causing the rest to scold me with their glares after recovering from the shocking revelation. My insane reaction was to smile like the psychopath I am. I have missed the look on their faces when they think that I am up to no good again.

''I can't believe it. First of all, he made us rebel against God and condemn all of us to the everlasting punishment of sin. Now, he is up there on earth causing trouble!''

Okay, okay, okay, hold up a second. You all are overreacting now.

First of all, I did not force anybody to rebel against God. You were all stupid to fall into my temptation. How is that my fault?

Secondly, what trouble have I caused this time that they want to persecute me for?

''When in the hell would you grow up and learn from your past mistakes, Lucifer?'' He asked in anger and the ground beneath us quaked.

Oh my, I have never handled this angry version of my brothers before in my life. I am so scared.

''I am warning you Lucifer, I am warning you. Leave. Michael. Alone. If you don't want to get on my bad sad.''

What is all this? Are they threatening me? Could this little show of theirs never end?

''Levi, please calm down for a moment.''

Yes. Tell this a**s hole to stop yelling at me for no reason. Like, come on, What have I done? I haven't started and they are all crying their pants off like this.

It's such a shame.

''Don't tell me to calm down!''

I chuckled. If only I had a goblet of wine, I would have enjoyed this more.

''Okay, fine! Don't calm down and keep yelling at him. Like he would ever listen to us if we keep yelling at him like that!''

Very, smart of you big brother.


What now? I'm bored.

''Why are you after that boy?'' Asmodeus asked.

Well, thank you very much for asking me that big brother. Now we are getting somewhere. All these yellings and biting at each other's throats won't take us anywhere.

''I simply just want to help him and lead him on the path of righteousness,'' I stated innocently.

''Now he is fucking joking with us. Does he think this is funny?'' Mammon dared open his big mouth and my eyes met him in a blur. I was furious and slightly offended by what he said.

I think he is having more guts in my presence. Wait, I think they all are. Where have I gone wrong?

Asmodeus sighed. I like it when I frustrate them. It gives me this thrill and excitement when I do.

''Look, I think we should all calm down and think of the best ways to get him to talk.''

''Asmodeus is right. We need to be clever if we want him to spill his guts out.''


I felt like laughing at how miserable they all sounded. This feels so good to do. I like it.

They glared hard at me as they all left the throne room. I wanted to wave them goodbye but for some reason, I held back.

You scheming bastard.

Levi said in his mind and I was very quick to read it before he blocked me out. They all did.

That's right Levi. I am a scheming bastard. Why do you think I am being called the devil in the first place?

Now, having listened amusingly to their tantrums, it's time I also make a humble visit to someone to take my plan a step further to progress.