
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Kỳ huyễn
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89 Chs



''Thank you so much Mrs. Gwendolyn for buying the milk, please do buy from me again.''

''Of course, my dear. Your milk is always fresh. You are such a wonderful lady! May you have a blissful life ahead of you.''

Veronica gave Mrs. Gwendolyn a lovely smile. ''Thank you so much, Mrs. Gwendolyn.''

''No problem dear. My regards to your husband.''

Yes. The village sweetheart is married to no other person than the village's number one bully, Joan Lockheart. The lazy son of a farmer.

''Why were you late?''

''I...I stopped by to buy the bread you asked me to get for you in the morning,'' She said with trembling lips.

''For god sake woman!'' I flinched back at the tone in which he said it. Even though I know that I have a vision of the past, I still feel it.

''How long did it take you to get the damn bread?!'' He roared with a slap on her face. The sound alone is enough to make a person deaf for years.

She cried. I saw her every night crying her eyes out. He was a big monster to her. An abuser.

She cried at night and smiled at everyone during the day. A deceiving smile.

''Oh, how are you, Veronica?!''

''I am fine, Mr steve.'' She lied. She was never fine. She lived with a monster.

I saw her go to the mountains every day to express her pain and frustration with the inanimate objects around her. Her tears would flow like a river and her body would hurt so much due to her husband's ill-treatment towards her. In the mountains that were supposed to be her safe heaven was hell when she met with another kind of devil.

"Veronica, my sweet angel. Watch the sunset with me and spare me a lovely smile from those beautiful lips of yours and let me feel it on mine."

And she did, thinking he meant to be hers for life like he promised to be. The lover she has always dreamed of having.

He lured her, lied to her about who he truly his, and gave her everything if not the whole world. He was like an angel of comfort amid trials and tribulations.

As time flew, they became best friends in the mountains and Ramses saw that to his advantage.

''Ramses. . .I just told you that I am pregnant and you still want to leave me? How could you. . .I thought I could trust you with my everything!''

''You thought wrong, My sweet,'' Ramses smirked. ''We can never be together because you are not even my type. I am a demon, My darling.''

Confusion sets in at the word demon. ''What?'' Veronica could not believe it as her secret lover in the mountains transformed into a monster with wings.

''A demonic spirit to be precise.'' Ramses smiled.

Veronica gasped, but she could not understand what it meant to be a demonic spirit. She took two steps backward out of fear. The sky rumbles and the cloud darkens.

The pain of betrayal was too much for innocent Veronica to bear.

''You are free to do whatever you wish to do with that thing...in your womb for all I care.'' He started with pure disgust as he pointed to her little bump. ''That would teach you a terrible lesson to never trust anybody regardless. Especially opportunistic demons like myself.'' He smirked as the rain poured down heavily from the sky at his cruel words.

I was angry at Ramses and wished so much that I could be physically seen by them and defend Veronica in front of this monster.

''Believe me when I tell you that I never wanted to do this to you. But you were all so cute and innocent that I couldn't resist.'' He shook his head at her in mock pity.

''It's such a pity. How in the hell are you gonna handle a demon child? What are you now going to say to the world when they ask you about its origin? Because I am one hundred percent sure that it is going to be different.

Oh, the pain, anxiety, the lies you would have to make to cover up for your sinful adventure with me...the torture--Oh this is going to be fun to watch!''

Veronica fell to her knees and broke down into pieces as realization dawned upon her.

''May you have a very pleasurable journey in raising a demonic spirit's child from now on, My sweet.'' And he left.

That bastard! He used and walked out of her life! That's not cool.

Oh, poor Veronica. What now?

My entire environment dematerialized into another one. A baby wrapped in white swaddling clothes smiled at me innocently from its tiny crib.

My heart broke into a million pieces as I recognized who this baby was.

Baby blue with specks of red in them stared at me with such cuteness that was out of this world. I wanted to cry at how adorable he looked when he was just a baby.

So cute, harmless innocent, and unaware of who he truly was. A demonic spirit.

The curse the creator laid on his grandfather rang in my ears once more and I frowned.

Baby Michael sucked on his fingers and tangled himself in his luxurious hair. I smiled. I wished I was real and could touch him.

He removed his thumbs from his mouth and played with his hair.

''They are longer when you grow up,'' I said with a smile. He smiled back as if he understood what I said to him or he could see me.

So adorable, cute, innocent, and beautiful even at birth. The last of your kind. The last demonic spirit.

I can't help but smile. I finally know what you are and found a name to call you.

Elys was right when he said demons don't deserve to be redeemed. But when it comes to demonic spirits like My Gorgeous...He deserves to be loved. Because he wasn't the reason he was born to deal with a generational curse from the Creator to be despised by everyone. His mother went through a lot to have him and his stupid, prideful, legitimate father abandoned him to be entertained by the pending misery he would face by being different.

I saw the love in Veronica's eyes as she watched her baby grow up. She protected him from the snares of the world and accepted him regardless of all she went through. I cried when he would curl up like a ball in a dark room with no food and water and begged to be let out by his tyrant stepfather, Joan.

The times when he almost drowned because of his step-father's hatred towards him. The times when Joan would threaten his wife with all sorts of dangerous weapons about the origin of her bad fruit and demand an answer from her through torture. The small version of Gorgeous would watch with horror as his step-father would drill nails into his mother's hands if she refused to speak on how she got pregnant with a creep like Michael.

He would sit alone under a tree with a sad look and watch the other kids who are not like him flourish under the sun with smiles on their faces. And how he longed to have the kind of parents and privileges they were blessed with.

Now, I think I understand why he frowns a lot. He never had a reason not to frown all through his life.

I saw from a distance the night Veronica decided she had had enough and escaped the house of suffering with her little demon to another kingdom, Avalore.

My eyes were swollen red when I woke up from this vision and my heart yearned to hold Michael in my arms and kiss him on his forehead repeatedly with promises of acceptance, love, and comfort. And the solid assurance that I would always and forever be by his side no matter what.