
The Last Dawn: Humanity's Last Stand

In the year 2070, a world that once radiated with beauty and brilliance had vanished into the clutches of a terrifying incident known as "The Falling Sun." On that fateful day, the sun emitted its last rays, casting an eternal dusk before vanishing without a trace. The world plunged into total darkness for the past twenty years, leaving it trapped in an endless night. In this somber panorama, Earth found itself ensnared in an unimaginable cold. Without the sun that once provided light and warmth, temperatures on this planet plummeted rapidly. Snow fell heavily, blanketing nearly every corner of the world, turning even the once lush regions of South Korea into a landscape shrouded in ice. Nature had transformed into a frigid, merciless world. Amidst these harsh conditions, there was a young man named Kim Tae Kyung and his younger sister, Kim Hye Rin, who had to confront the challenges of survival. They lost both of their parents when "The Falling Sun" incident occurred and were now part of a small group struggling to survive on the desolate Peninsula. With unwavering determination, they ventured into various corners, searching for signs of life that could still be illuminated by the long-lost sunlight. This quest was a desperate journey to resurrect the beauty of a world that had vanished. Yet, their exploration was far from easy. Extreme weather conditions outside continued to hinder them, with temperatures plummeting further as night fell. Deadly snowstorms haunted them, and the danger of hypothermia lurked around every bend in the road. Every step they took was a true struggle, but they never gave up, always nurturing belief in their hearts. However, beneath the endless expanse of snow, they discovered a darker and more terrifying truth. Beneath the thick layers of ice and snow lay grotesque creatures that had mutated due to excessive radiation exposure. These creatures were not just a threat to Kim Tae Kyung and Hye Rin, but also to all of humanity still surviving. They had to learn to adapt to this new danger and devise strategies to confront it. It was a battle for the survival of humanity amidst isolation and destruction that surrounded them.

Siegfrieds · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs


In the year 2035, the world felt a profound tremor of agony. The Third World War, a conflict that had raged for nearly a decade, erupted in violence that shook the Earth to its core. The epic battle between Ukraine and its allies against Russia and their coalition marked the zenith of human brutality. As the ultimate weapon unleashed its fury, nuclear bombs soared, delivering bullets of destruction that altered everything.

Radiation and toxic air surged, enveloping the sky, and transforming the once beautiful blue heavens into a foreboding hue. Slowly, the world we once knew faded, sinking into the turmoil of unforgettable catastrophe. Nearly 70 percent of countries across the globe plunged into despair. Once vibrant cities became ruins, and once bustling streets now teemed with uncertainty and ruin.

However, amidst this chaos, there was a glimmer of hope emerging from the nation long known as the Land of Ginseng, South Korea. Alongside several other countries that had chosen neutrality in this bloody conflict, South Korea devised a drastic plan to halt the never-ending war. They launched nuclear missiles into space, sending a stern message to the warring parties. It was the world's only sign of hope amid the shattered peace.

And then, a miracle happened. When those missiles reached a certain altitude, a massive explosion involving nuclear energy occurred, emitting blinding light that blanketed the sky. It was a clear signal that the war had been halted. The universe seemed to heave a sigh of relief as death and destruction ended, but the price to be paid was exceedingly high.

A year had passed since the war's end. The world attempted to heal its deep wounds. Yet, just as they thought the horrors had ended, destiny guided them toward an even darker path. Another disaster approached, descending from the still-empty blue sky.

For five days, the entire world turned dark, with rain pouring so heavily, as if the heavens themselves wept for the world's suffering. Tears from the sky pounded the earth, flooding the shattered cities and uniting the tears of the wounded populace. Day by day, they felt how those tears moistened the barren earth, inundated memories buried beneath the rubble, and reminded them of the recent devastation.

And then, on the sixth day, as in a dark myth, the rain suddenly ceased. But as the last drops of water fell from the sky, the world witnessed a sight they could never have imagined before. The sun, the eternal beacon that provided life to the earth, was no longer visible. It had replaced the once-blue sky with a melancholic reddish hue. The moon's light, though beautiful, was not as bright as the sun's. The temperature plummeted dramatically, reaching unimaginable lows even during the daytime.

In those dark days, temperatures dropped to minus 10 degrees Celsius. Plants withered, water froze, and the world's populace struggled to endure the darkness and unfathomable cold. In a short span, the warm world had transformed into a cold and dismal one.

Amidst this terrifying desolation, humanity had to face a new challenge, one even more daunting than the war that had passed. They had to learn to live in a new way, and adapt to the darkness and cold that had descended upon them. The Falling Sun had changed everything, and the world they once knew had become a place filled with mystery and uncertainty.


In the year 2070, two decades had passed since the tragic event known as The Falling Sun, when the sun suddenly disappeared from the sky, leaving the world in eternal darkness. Now, the once fertile and warm Earth had transformed into a world blanketed in endless layers of snow. The dim moonlight was the only remaining source of light, and the Earth's temperature continued to plummet to chilling depths.

In Asia, countries like Japan, China, and India underwent drastic transformations. Japan, once renowned for its cherry blossoms in spring, had become a frozen island. Magnificent cities like Tokyo were now submerged under unmatched layers of ice. Its inhabitants had learned to survive by harnessing advanced technology, with buildings enclosed in special domes to maintain the temperature inside. However, life within these domes was far from what they once knew as Japan.

China, the world's most populous nation, faced challenging times. Major cities like Beijing and Shanghai were now buried under thick snow, and people sought refuge underground. They relied on hydroponic farming and advanced technology to meet their food needs. A vast underground city connected by tunnels became their new way of life, as they strived to survive by any means necessary.

India, with its rich cultural diversity, confronted similar challenges. Its vast landmass was now blanketed in snow, and the plummeting temperatures made farming nearly impossible. The society here had to rely on trade and the exchange of limited resources among the remaining regions.

In Europe, the situation was equally grim. Countries like France, Germany, and Italy, once known for their natural beauty and history, were now shrouded in darkness. Cities like Paris and Rome were mere memories. Those who survived gathered in small communities underground or in isolated specialized buildings.

However, South Korea had a different story to tell. While they weren't immune to the effects of "The Falling Sun," they had quickly adapted. Thanks to their robust technological infrastructure and intelligent workforce, South Korea managed to create an effective artificial lighting system. With giant reflectors directing moonlight to the Earth's surface, they attempted to maintain temperatures within human habitable limits.

South Korea had become one of the most resilient nations in these dire circumstances. They had highly efficient vertical farming facilities, allowing them to produce food better than most other countries. Communities here lived in large underground cities connected by tunnels. They had developed self-sustaining lives, generating energy from renewable resources and wisely managing their resources.

But even though South Korea had done its best to maintain a decent life, they still longed for the sun. The younger generation born after "The Falling Sun" event only knew the sun through legendary stories. They grew up with the hope of seeing that light again, even though they were aware it might just be a dream.

The world in 2070 was a world filled with challenges and wonders amidst the darkness. People all over the globe continued to struggle for survival, searching for ways to reclaim what had been lost. In the midst of this harsh reality, the human capacity to adapt and survive continued to shine, even in the darkest of times. Life persisted, even though the sun had abandoned them, and the world had changed forever.