
The last Daimon of Primus Planan

A man gets his soul captured by ancient gods. He is told he only has one objective in this world and that is to conquer or at the very least... to survive. Given a new and extremely powerful body will he be able to acquire the support and faith of his followers to fight the usurper gods, or at least that's what they summoned him for. He might have a different idea on how to survive on this new planet after all he never agreed to be anyone's errand boy. Now he must live in a plant where he isn't particularly needed or even wanted... Follow Obyrith, as he forges his own path seeking survival and comfort while satisfying his twisted sense of curiosity while satisfying his curiosity. But the will of the gods is not so easily dispelled and the powers he is given contain more of the will of his summoners than expects. Image is not mine I asked permission from the artist Chris Cold from Devian art.

rafa101 · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Chapter 6

It's been about two weeks since I evolved all my followers. I made a tunnel next to the horned rabbit and giant rat pits that opened up into a cave residence for me and Kumo. I tried to get her to sleep in my room but she just said she wasn't of sleeping in the same room as her divine one.

Humph. What a prude. I'll get her to be less uptight one of these days, but I've been having too much fun watching the all my creatures strive to level and experimenting with my powers to make Kumo be less formal with me. I also can't act silly around my followers. It would lower my dignity as their god.

I still haven't made the monsters (Anything I evolve that I do not convert into a follower is a monster) fight my followers yet. I sent the wolves and foxes to capture more rabbits and rats so I can have them replenish themselves after having them fight. So far I have about 200 rats and 150 rabbits. There are too few rats and rabbits nearby and I don't want them going too far from me because while they are more intelligent than they were they are still beasts.

I've spent a lot of time observing the evolved sundew and I have to say I'm quite surprised. This plant seems to emit a scent that attracts small critters like squirrels, birds, frogs and lizards to it. Then when they taste it, it extends one of its limbs and sticks to the animal dissolving and absorbing the entire meal. It can only eat one at a time and once it has caught its prey any animal or insect can lick the dew it produces.

It can't be eaten though it releases its digestive acid if an animal bites it. Saw it happen to a curious regular deer. It takes the plant about 2 days to digest a squirrel and after it finishes not even the bones remain.

I think my first monster plant is a resounding success. The animals that feed on the dew seem energetic afterwards so it definitely has some magic power. So far it has been the only thing that raised its level from 0.3 to 0.4 after 6 meals. I think it's mostly because I fed it a big rat that I just evolved, so it had some remnant magic energy.

On the other hand the mewberry tree has been doing really well the rabbits fight over the fruit whenever it falls and I've seen some birds pluck some fruit from it. Insects can no longer eat the fruit from the branches. The skin resists them and I've only seen ants, worms and some types of beetles attempt to eat it. Should I evolve some bugs later? What would happen if I evolved the native ant species? Probably disaster.

I'll try once I find a few suitable natural predators and some other animals to evolve along with it. It will definitely be fun to make ant monsters but I don't think I want them as followers. They are biologically made to follow the queen so I won't get faith from any of them except the queen if I do so. I can instinctively tell things like that. My followers consume divine energy when I evolve them and they supply faith to replenish through worship. Evolving ants would drain me and give me little in return.

I also know that if I only evolve the queen a few times I can make ant monsters that while still hostile will be less so to my followers and will try to hunt other creatures. This could be a deterrent if those other gods try to invade me. It also gives my followers a new monster to fight but as they are right now they would only be overrun. So I'll save this idea for later.

While thinking about it Kumo comes over to me beside the sundew where I was watching the plant eat.

"My lord we have found the first natural magical beasts endemic to this area." Oh how exciting. I can't wait to see the first magical animal in this world that I didn't create.

"What do they look like Kumo? Where are they?" I ask excitedly I can't even contain the excitement in my tone. So much for my regal image I've been building up.

"They are in a cave about 20Km south." She tells me in a self-satisfied tone knowing my mood right now.

I run over to where she pointed at without waiting for her. I focus my senses once I'm about 5Km away to focus on any magical signal that a magic creature would emit and follow that the rest of the way until I arrive at the mouth of a cave.

"Kumo wait for me outside for about an hour. I want to see their behavior alone for a bit." I'm gonna hide before we meet them to understand how they behave.

"I obey." She responds like every time I tell her to do something. I'll get you to open up you little spider just you wait. I think to myself.

I walk in slowly as I try to hide using my magic. I don't know how effective it is. Guess I'll find out. After travelling through the cave tunnels extremely carefully I finally see them. They look like small humanoids; they would reach my belly button if I had one, with a slight hunchback and brown coloration, long arms and legs compared to their small torsos with a potbelly. They were tribal omnivores from what I could tell. I saw them eating roots and insects. While living in a tribal society with a primitive language that consisted of mostly grunts.

It looks like they're fairly aggressive. I saw 5 of them rolling on the floor fighting. One of them was using another's face to smack a third one on the head. On the third hit I heard a wet thud then black blood with chunks of what I can only assume to be brain matter started pouring out of both their heads while the one slamming didn't stop for 3 more hits to make sure they were dead.

The fight stopped there. The 2 remaining ones stepped back and lay on the ground face up with their hands behind their back. This can only be assumed to be a sign of complete submission. The proud creature grabbed what I can only assume to be a female as it started to mate in the middle of the cave.

I used the knowledge the gods gave me to see what these creatures are. From now I shall refer to this ability as the records. Apparently these things are called pygmies. They are a race that while weak enjoys fighting and mating. If they accumulate enough magic they grow into something called a great pyg. They go through a growth spurt when they reach the magic threshold and reach the size of an adult human; from then on any magic they accumulate enhances their musculature until they reach their magical limit.

I start decoding and interpreting their language in order to communicate with them and make them my followers. It takes me 30 minutes before I'm confident in my ability to not only interpret their grunts but reply to them. Just when I want to start speaking to the pygmies I sense Kumo coming towards me. As soon as she is in y visual range I can see the pygmies also saw her.

I remove my concealment to start speaking to them but just before I get the chance the little leader looks at her like a fat kid at a candy shop having a sale. He starts by screaming:

"guh. Guh huh. Guh huh huh." This roughly means. (We fuck. Me fuck now.)

Just as I'm about to bash the little shit in. They all start chanting the same as if it were the greatest poem they had ever thought of. When the chorus echoes through the cave; the pygmy start gyrating his hips trying to do the helicopter with his guitar pick sized prick.

Before Kumo can do anything to these vulgar monstrosities I feel a sense of divine rage overwhelm me. The fact these god forsaken creatures have the audacity to not only insult my divine champion, but to do it right in front of me. I stop her from moving as I start invoking my evolution powers in the form of a powerful curse.


They trembled at my divine presence, and even though I spoke in my own language they understood every word that I just said. Their body morphed and they became even more repulsive than they were. Warts covered their skin and they went from their "healthy" brown tone to a dull gray.

I didn't know it yet but I just unleashed a plague to the world that was going to slowly making its way to both human and elven lands. They ran south and the size of this forest was great so it would take quite some time for them to arrive at other's lands and even more for them to come here to look at what happened.

I told Kumo to let them live out their curse and to come with me to watch the sundew eat some animals until I felt better.

After cooling off I realized that the rage I felt wasn't completely mine. It felt like someone spat on my mother when they were doing their hideous dance, but the rational part of my brain knows this isn't a reason to make a curse that will most likely destroy a race.

We walk back home as I start throwing random animals at the sundews until I get over it. I decide to just forget about it. What's done is done. I'll have to wait 2 years for the divine essence I spent to completely recover from that curse but I still have more than enough for my current projects.

I didn't look because I was too busy cursing but this is their stat sheet for those curious both before and after.

Name: Puh Tuh (Chief Ouh)

Magic: 100%

Race: Pygmy

Stamina: 100%

Existence level: 2

Level Cap: 5


Name: Puh Tuh (Chief Ouh)

Magic: 100%

Race: Wankling

Stamina: 100%

Existence level: 2

Level Cap: 12