
The last chosen descendant

What will you do when you suddenly get teleported to an unknown territory with strangers trying to take your life? Excelon, hiding from his usual bullies at the academy, unknowingly gets zapped into a place he knows nothing about and encounters someone who was destined to be his Guide. And there, he started his long journey full of training and adventures all to protect humanity from inner threats and outer threats with his own team of strong and determined friends he came across on his adventures who believed in him.

DM_Excel · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs


In order to make his body strong enough to be able to stand the core breaking process, Excelon started his tones of training that he needed to do. That's five laps, you still have five more to go kid. At this moment excelon was running around the big training ground. He was already extremely tired that he was slowing down the more he run. I am already exhausted from running five laps and i still have more to go. Hope i am still alive and in one piece after this, excelon thought. After what appeared to excelon as days, he eventually finished all ten laps and was now huffing and panting as he struggled to breath.

Ten laps complete, its now time for push ups. Are you kidding me? I only rested for like five minutes and we are already moving on? despite excelon's complaint, they moved on to the next training.

thirty...thirty-one...thirty-two...thirty-three, his teacher counted as he went through with the push ups. Excelon was tired to the extent that his arms were shaking and about to buckle under him. Oh and less i forget, anytime you stop by any means you will have to start all over again.

when he was told he would be doing regular training for now, excelon never thought this was how it was going to be. How was i expecting it to be anyways excelon asked himself.

After successfully completing a hundred push ups, excelon was extremely exhausted that he could barely move. with this, they decided to take a short brake. You did well considering how weak you are, his teacher complemented. Just a few days of these and you will be ready for actual combat lessons.

Excelon was happy he would be taking combat lessons very soon but that depended on how well he was doing in the normal training. After about thirty minutes of resting, they moved on to the next training of the day (sit ups).

Just like with the other training, excelon was finding it difficult as he was still a little bit tired from the previous trainings. With the push ups also, excelon went a hundred times. So far everything was moving smoothly, just that it almost took the whole day for them to finish just three training sessions.

Training was over for the day and excelon, exhausted, excused himself as he went straight to his room to go and rest. The next day came rather quickly than excelon expected and the trainings continued as the other day with excelon starting with running around the training ground.

Just like the previouse day, he was getting tired after running a few laps around the training ground. He succesafully completed the ten laps around the training field and they immidiately moved on to push ups after, they took a break just as they took the day before and went for sit ups.

The days went by as they continued this training with a few new additions such as excelon pulling a big squared boulder of sort made from metal which was unknown accross the field and pushing it from one place to another. This was due to excelon improving a little in his tasks even though it was just by a small magine.

In addition to most of these training, excelon was supposed to be doing a few chores in the castle such as cleaning and dusting some artifacts which he had no idea what they were or were used for, a big dinning room as well which was later introduced to him as he no longer ate in his room but with his teacher in the dinning room.

With the days going by with excelon taking his training seriously, he was also getting to get used to the big castle and the different rooms it had. Most being bed rooms.

Wow these are some very deliciouse meals you pepared just like always,where did you learn to cook like this? Excelon asked as they were once again in the large dinning room while he was staffing himself with what was served.

I have lived for a few thousand years you know. With the different changes in culture and ways of doing things i decided to pick a thing or two. Come to think of it, about the core breaking process or whatever it is. If all it takes for one is to break some of their core and move it to the other side of their chest then how come no one knows about it or has succeeded?

You see, breaking of the core isn't something that anyone can do. As i explained ealier. The core could end up destroying the body before it even breaks and this is regardless of how strong or weak the body is.

I am sure you haven't noticed but this entire castle is surrounded by a different energy alltogether that is different from that of the cores in the body that helps us use our powers and this energy.....well, is also present in all of you.... chosen deacendants even though its just lingering around your body and you don't seem to know how to use it since its just little to non existing.

In we...chosen descendants? Excelon asked confused. Yeah, and it's what gives the chances of your body destroying to zero. It's this same energy that helped me live all this while. I am able to cultivate this energy a little to help me remain young.

Even though i found a way to cultivate this mysteriouse energy. I know nothing about it or where it comes from and there is just too little i can handle. There are more mysteries out there to uncover kid.

But before that you must get stronger..... stronger to be able to go against anything that comes your way. An energy that is cable of this and no one knows about not even someone who has lived this long? Excelon thought. You said this castle was here before you met your teacher, the first Kreegar right? Doesn't that means he might know about it? Excelon asked.

He might but what's the use? He's dead anyways. Excelon could notice the pain and sadness in his tone as he answered leaving him to wonder how someone as strong died but he decided against asking for now.

They were all done with thier meals and excelon wished his master goodnight. Good night master Ralph. You don't mind me calling you that right? as he went to rest after an exhausting day.

Without realizing it, excelon left a smile on his teacher's face as he exited the room.