
The last Asura Sovereign

Amrit transmigrates to world of Isyethans where he finds himself inhereting legacy of remnant. "Remember, the Heavens are treacherous, so are those hypocrite gods." These words echoed through his soul. What does that mean???

Dot_God · Huyền huyễn
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138 Chs

Chapter 53: Escalating Situations IV

Just like this a week went by. The two clans could only watch the Rijal clan improving daily. The only good thing was that the improvements were limited to the lower stages and their sanction showed the results as it became difficult for the Rijal clan to get resources. Their only way was through the Bareback mountain. But this just resulted in more of the clan members joining the outpost in the Bareback mountains. With more members, the area became smaller so the Rijal clan slowly started moving towards the inner region. Although casualties increased with the increase in distance covered, the result was even greater. The more the Rijal clan members went towards the inner region, the more abundant the resources became.

Watching this the two clans were jealous and wanted to send more members to the outpost but since they couldn't station high battle power there, the number of casualties increased. They understood the Rijal clan could benefit here because of the increase in their lower-level battle prowess. The Rijal clan was prepared fully when they entered the inner region of the Bareback mountains and even then there were casualties. Few of the clan members died in the outer region and other few died when they entered the inner region. This wasn't due to less amount of preparation but due to unexpected situations.

Most of the members from the Battle hall were at the forefront of the inner region exploring and they didn't have any casualties because every team had at least one foundation building cultivator. And it was to be noted that half of the pills Kumari had refined this week went to the Battle hall. They had the priority so every top-quality pill was theirs. So if even one died, the Rijal clan would bear a great loss because going by the trend, it was possible that all 108 members of the Battle hall would reach the foundation building realm. But among the other members of the Rijal clan, there were at least fifteen dead. This shows how much dangerous the Bareback mountains were. And even in the inner region, they weren't able to go far because the deeper they went the stronger the demon beasts became.

It was said that in the center of Bareback mountains, there existed monsters of fourth grade equivalent to Nascent Soul realm cultivator and there may be even stronger beasts people didn't know about. This was why the royal family and other great clans didn't send golden core formation realm cultivators into the depths of the mountains. Although many cities had access to the Bareback mountains, they usually sent foundation building realm cultivators. The two other clans without any preparation, although got a lot of benefits from this process, but the loss of their clan members was equally significant. In the end, the loss couldn't outweigh the gains made. But the greed of humans is boundless so they just increased the number of foundation building cultivators secretly.

The two clans combined had a total of forty foundation building cultivators. The reason they didn't attack the Rijal clan was due to Keshab and two battle cultivators. The two clans sent ten foundation cultivators each secretly and they even started to show signs of support to each other in the Bareback mountains. This was not good news for the Rijal clan. But the Rijal clan had already progressed far enough to not be threatened by the combination of two clans. Although the clan members didn't know, their clan was already strong enough to storm the city. In this week with the help of resources collected by Battle hall cultivators five new members had broken through to the foundation building realm secretly, four by the breakthrough pills and one broke through naturally in battle. This brought the total number of cultivators in the foundation building realm to sixty-one and those in Battle hall to twenty-five excluding Radha.

Still, the clan didn't know they had that many powerful cultivators. And every member of the Battle hall could battle with average cultivators above one minor stage. This was due to Radha's training; she had divided members into two groups where one would train with her and another explore the inner region of the mountains and the next day another half would train with her and the remaining went to the inner region. For the people of Lunaris city, the Bareback mountains were scary but to the Battle hall members, the inner region was their vacation place compared to Radha's training. They couldn't even complain, and who would listen to their complaining, they just had to endure silently. Their only consolation was the visibly improving battle power and cultivation realm. Although they couldn't show off they knew one day everyone in Lunaris city will be astonished.

But this wasn't all the progress within the clan, Amrit had broken through the thirteenth stage of the qi sensing realm this week. His strength had skyrocketed and he felt that he could kill any cultivators in the initial stage of foundation building realm. His soul space was almost filled with violet hue and his body was becoming even stronger. Now he felt that he could step into the foundation building realm in a few months this was because he could feel a bottleneck. This bottleneck wasn't due to the lack of his foundation or comprehension but something he couldn't explain. Even if he used a breakthrough pill, it would be for naught, he wouldn't be able to breakthrough. He didn't know what was causing this but it should be related to his legacy. But he also knew he just had to wait for a few months and he will have a breakthrough automatically.

This was not the only improvement, Amrit had become a first-grade top-tier spirit grade chef. It was a little delayed because the clan had a shortage of different herbs and he didn't push his father to procure more. Even with the shortage he was able to reach the top tier. He was confident he could reach second grade in a month if he got enough resources. Although his parents and grandparents were busy, he would cook and put the food aside for them in case they had time to eat. After his mother went to the outpost in Bareback mountains, he would cook a large amount of food enough for a week and send it to her. Still, he was surprised by how much easier it had been for him to progress on the path of spirit chef. It was like every food cooked gave him inspiration and pushed him further.

But at this moment a piece of news was spread that shocked the Lunaris city.