

Chapter 13

In airport. Arrio car arrive and Mabel and Melissa get down from the car; and Arrio too get down! And help them carry they're bags inside the airport.

Mabel and Melissa confirm they're ticket and return back to Arrio!

Mabel hug Arrio and say; I Know you like Erica; try to express your feelings to her! She may be having the same feelings for you! And Arrio smile and say; we are already dating!

Mabel yelling out; what? And everyone in the airport turn and look at her and she smile and say I'm sorry, don't mind me; and everyone get back to what they were doing.

Arrio hug Melissa and say; I wish you guys safe journey; and Melissa say; I will miss you guys!

Mabel: when you are leaving inform us! And Arrio say ok; bye bye and he walk backwards while waving his hand at Mabel and Melissa!

Azula room. Arch is drying his hair with tower and he notice someone stared at him; and he turn and cast a spell and the creature revel itself; before arch could react and the creature teleport and arch follow it; and they appear in Forrest

The creature try to run and arch teleport in front of it and knock it down and the creature transform into an angel! And turn and face arch while he is injured on he is right arm because of arch knock down!

Arrio office in his father company.

Azula: how did you manage to win all this; deals?

Arrio: that is simple; our company is international company; I don't have to stress myself. Companies always come for partnership. As they are talking And three guys teleport into the office and Azula and Arrio stand up and grab each other hands;

Diyan smile and say; finally, we can have you two without struggle for it! And he walk towards Arrio and Azula and they move backwards while holding hands and diyan cast a spell on Azula and Arrio and they fall unconscious and he teleport them out.

Azula room

Arch place the guy on the chair and use his powers heal the guy wounds and the guy look at arch and say; I'm sorry; diyan has already catch Azula and Arrio!

Arch teleport to Arrio office. minutes later and he teleport back to Azula room again;

Arch get angry and grab the guy neck and put him against the wall and his eyes turn blue: and the guy say! I can take you to where they keep them; and arch let go of him and he fall down!

Minutes later in heavens. arch and the guy teleport inside heavens; while Azula and Arrio tied up with magic ropes and they're unconscious

Arch rush to go to Azula and Arrio and power from no where kick him backwards and blood start dripping from arch mouth!

Angel of dirty arrive in front of arch; and say; so you are the one stand on my away all this time; and arch separate his soul from his body and teleport to Erica house!

Arch call Erica name and Erica respond and arch say; Azula and Arrio is in trouble; they have been trapped in heavens by angel of dirty!

Erica teleport into heavens with arch.

Arch get up from ground and Erica say; I can feel you have got one of Gods to work with you; the energy I feel here is not angels energy; is way bigger than your powers.

Erica walk towards Azula and Arrio and swipe her hand and the invincible powers around Azula and Arrio scattered and she walk to Arrio and Azula! And billions of angels surround her!

Erica: it will be good to let me leave in peace, than doing this!

Angel of death: do you think you can escape this? This will be your end; and your God crown will be mine!

Erica smile and say; don't be over confident because you have two Gods beside you! You know I can use Arrio powers; and that will lead to one thing! You all will turn into ashes;

Erica turn face angel of death and say; let schedule this fight and she turn back; to release Arrio and Azula; but some of the angel has already take them away.