

  Unknown’s pov

  The chilling breezes were flowing inside the corridors. The dried leaves had fallen from the trees as the snow fall started, the leaves were dragged along the freshly cleaned floor under the heavy cloak worn by the gigantic figure.

  Alpha Grolein was tall and well built but he appeared as a fragile, small and inferior to the opposing figure. Although, he stood erect and confident but the figure was towering him easily.

  The air around them was thick with anxiety and tension. Alpha Grolein’s face was clearly turned pale upon hearing his master’s voice.

  “I am hoping that you are here for no reason! Am I right?” the figure asked him in a dominating voice.

  Alpha Grolein smirked and replied, “of course not, Master Tigor! I am here with big and shocking news.”

  Master Tigor frowned and leaned towards Grolein, “what happened in the werewolf realm that hasn’t echoed nearby my ear yet?